Welsh Around The World

NINNAU: The North American Welsh Newspaper

Ninnau main item

NINNAU is the North American Welsh newspaper, published bi-monthly, with 28 comprehensive pages of news, articles, reviews and what's on calendars. Its contributors include many Welsh-heritage North Americans, Welsh ex-pats and some notable names still living in Wales. Print and digital subscription rates are very reasonable, and this article gives you a small taste of

Darllenwch fwy...

Elizabeth Jane Corbett: 15 ohonom ni yn Melbourne yn helpu cyrraedd at filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg / 15 of us in Melbourne are helping to reach a million Welsh speakers

Elizabeth Jane Corbett- 15 o Melbourne

Miloedd o bobl dros y byd sy’n dysgu Cymraeg, ac mae straeon diddorol a phrofiadau unigryw gyda llawer iawn ohonyn nhw. Yma, dyn ni’n cael cipolwg ar beth sy’n digwydd mewn cyrsiau Cymraeg yn Melbourne… There are thousands of people across the world who are learning Welsh, and very many of them have interesting stories

Darllenwch fwy...