Zoe Pettinger Croesi'r Bon

Croesi’r Bont gyda Zoë Pettinger / Crossing the Bridge with Zoë Pettinger: Cyfres Amdani

Mae Zoë Pettinger yn deall anghenion dysgwyr Cymraeg yn dda, achos ei bod hi wedi mynd trwy'r proses ei hunan ar ôl symud i Aberystwyth o arfordir de Lloegr. Mae hi'n un o'r nofelwyr newydd yn y gyfres o lyfrau o'r enw Cyfres Amdani, wedi'i graddio ar gyfer dysgwyr, ac yma mae hi'n siarad am ei chasgliad o straeon byrion (Croesi'r Bont; ar gyfer safon Canolradd) a'i siwrnai fel dysgwr a thiwtor.

Zoë Pettinger understands the needs of Welsh for Adults learners well, as she has been through that process herself after moving to Aberyswyth from the south coast of England. She is one of the new novelists in the Cyfres Amdani series of graded books for learners, and her she talks about her collection of short stories (Croesi'r Bont; for the Intermediate level) and her journey as a learner and as a tutor.

Price: £6.99
Language: Welsh, with vocabulary at the bottom of each page.
Prynwch: gwales.com/bibliographic/?isbn=9781845216863

Amdani Canolradd Level: Canolradd / Intermediate

Publisher: CAA Cymru

Ro’n i wrth fy modd yn darllen nofelau i ddysgwyr, pan o’n i’n dysgu Cymraeg fel myfyrwraig- ro’n nhw’n help enfawr. Dw i’n cofio dysgu patrymau iaith yn y dosbarth, ac wedyn, baswn i’n eu gweld nhw mewn stori. Oherwydd hynny, ro’n i’n gallu eu cofio, a ro’n nhw’n gwneud mwy o synnwyr. Hefyd, mae’n ffordd wych o ddysgu geirfa newydd! Mae rhestr o eirfa ar bob tudalen, felly does dim angen defnyddio geiriadur. Dych chi’n gallu mwynhau stori gyffrous a datblygu eich sgiliau ieithyddol ar yr un pryd!I loved reading novels for learners when I was learning Welsh as a student- it was an enormous help. I remember learning language patterns in the classroom and then I would see them in a story. As a result, and I was able to remember them, and they made more sense. Also, it is a great way of learning new vocabulary! There is a list of words on every page, so there is no need to use a dictionary. You can enjoy an exciting story and develop your language skills at the same time!
Doedd dim llawer o gyfrolau o straeon byrion ar gael ar gyfer dysgwyr ar lefel Canolradd, a maen nhw mor boblogaidd ym myd y dysgwyr. Mae oedolion yn brysur iawn yn y gweithle a gyda’u teuluoedd, felly mae’n haws i ymrwymo at ddarllen stori fer. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, dw i wedi mwynhau ysgrifennu sawl stori fer gyffrous er mwyn bywiogi’r broses ddysgu yn fy nosbarthiadau, a dw i wedi cael fy ysbrydoli gan hoffterau fy myfyrwyr i greu casgliad newydd o straeon byrion cyffrous yn y gyfrol Croesi'r Bont.There were not many volumes of short stories available to learners at the Intermediate level, and they are very popular in the world of learners. Adults are very busy at work and with their families, so it is easier to engage with reading a short story. In recent years I have enjoyed writing a number of exciting short stories with the aim of enlivening the learning process in our classes, and I have been inspired by the enjoyment of my students to create a new collection of exciting short stories in the volume Croesi'r Bont.
Idiomau a diarhebion ydy teitlau’r straeon i gyd. Maen nhw mor bwysig a maen nhw’n cyfoethogi’r iaith. Mae pum stori yn y gyfrol ac mae pob un yn ‘genre’ gwahanol.All the short stories have titles which are idioms or proverbs. They are so important and they enrich the language. There are five stories in the volume and each one is in a different genre.
Ro’n i eisiau apelio at bawb a ro’n i eisiau cynnwys straeon am ddysgwyr eu hunain. Dyn ni i gyd yn rhannu hiwmor am y treigladau a gramadeg, a dyn ni i gyd yn deall yr anawsterau o fod yn ddysgwr Cymraeg! ‘Dyfal Donc a Dyr y Garreg’ yw enw’r stori am ddysgwr Cymraeg Tom. Mae’n llawn hiwmor! Mae Tom yn gwneud camgymeriadau lletchwith bob amser, ac mae e mor nerfus yn siarad Cymraeg y tu allan i’r dosbarth, ond mae ei ddyfalbarhad yn arwain at rywbeth cyffrous...I wanted to appeal to everyone and I wanted to include stories about learners themselves. We all take part in the humour about mutations and grammar, and we all understand the difficulties of being Welsh learners! 'Steady tapping wears away the stone' (a famous Welsh proverb) is the name of the story about a Welsh learner called Tom. It is full of humour! Tom makes unfortunate mistakes every time, and he is very nervous about speaking Welsh outside the class, but his perseverance leads to something exciting…
Mae stori ysbryd am ddysgwyr Cymraeg yn y gyfrol, hefyd! Mae’r myfyrwyr yn mynd i’r dafarn ar Nos Galan Gaeaf i wrando ar hen chwedl gan eu tiwtor. Maen nhw’n cael sioc ofnadwy wrth gerdded yn ôl trwy’r goedwig ddu ar y ffordd adref...There is a ghost story about Welsh learners in the volume, too! Students go to the pub on Halloween to listen to an old story by their tutor. They get a terrible shock walking back through a dark wood on the way home...
I’r rhai sy’n hoffi geiriau hardd a storiau gweledol, mae stori gariad/ddirgelwch yn y gyfrol. Mae’r stori’n cymryd lle ymysg mynyddoedd, llynnoedd a thirlun hardd Ceredigion. Mae tynged yn dod â’r cariadon at ei gilydd ac mae popeth yn berffaith….. am sbel. Ond ni all Owain redeg i ffwrdd o’i orffennol llygredig am byth. Fydd ei gyfrinach dywyll yn chwalu ei ddyfodol gyda GwenllÏan? For those who like beautiful words and visually stimulating stories, there is a love story/mystery in the volume. The story takes place in the mountains, lakes and beautiful countryside of Cardiganshire. Fate brings the lovers together and everything is perfect… for a while. But Owain cannot run away from his damaged past forever. Will his dark secret destroy his future with Gwenllian?
I’r rhai sy’n hoffi Sci-Fi a StarWars, ‘Cenedl heb iaith, Cenedl heb galon’ ydy’r stori i chi! Mae galaeth ym mhell pell i ffwrdd yn adlewyrchu’r frwydr dros yr iaith Gymraeg yng Nghymru...For those who like Sci-Fi and Star Wars, 'Nation without a language, nation without a heart' (a Welsh proverb) is the story for you! A galaxy far far away reflects the battle for the Welsh language in Wales...
Mae ‘sequel’ doniol i opera sebon boblogaidd, Rhydybont yn y gyfrol hefyd! Mae Llywelyn a Dwynwen yn cwrdd eto deng mlynedd nes ymlaen. Mae tipyn o sgandal a sbeis, a digon o hiwmor, fel arfer!The volume also contains a comic 'sequel' to the popular soap opera Rhydybont. Llywelyn and Dwynwen meet again ten years on. There is a bit of scandal and spice, and plenty of humour, as usual!
Dewisais i’r teitl ‘Croesi’r bont’ oherwydd bod pob dysgwr reit ar y ffordd i groesi’r bont i ruglder ar ôl cyrraedd lefel canolradd! Gobeithio bydd y straeon yn ysbrydoli dysgwyr eraill i ddyfalbarhau â dysgu, a gobeithio byddan nhw’n cael digon o fwynhad wrth ddarllen! I chose the title 'Crossing The Bridge' because every learner is well on the road to crossing the bridge to fluency once they have reached Intermediate level. I hope that the stories will inspire other learners to persevere with their learning, and hope they will get a lot of enjoyment from reading them!

Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, dw i wedi mwynhau ysgrifennu sawl stori fer gyffrous er mwyn bywiogi’r broses ddysgu yn fy nosbarthiadau, a dw i wedi cael fy ysbrydoli gan hoffterau fy myfyrwyr i greu casgliad newydd o straeon byrion cyffrous yn y gyfrol Croesi'r Bont.

Ble dych chi’n ‘Croesi’r bont'?

Cysylltwch â Zoë ar facebook.com/croesirbont a halwch lluniau iddi hi!
Contact Zoë on facebook.com/croesirbont and send photos to her!

Zoe Pettinger Croesi'r Bont Darllenwyr

Zoe Pettinger Croesi'r Bont Darllenwyr

Zoe Pettinger- Ble Dych Chi'n Croesi'r Bont lluniau

Zoe Pettinger- Ble Dych Chi'n Croesi'r Bont 2

Siwrnai Zoë fel dysgwr a thiwtor / Zoë's journey as a learner and tutor

Zoe Pettinger mewn dosbarth

Cafodd Zoë ei geni a’i magu yn Portsmouth yn Ne Lloegr. Yn y nawdegau, gwnaeth hi radd mewn Drama a Saesneg ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Er nad oedd gan Zoe air o Gymraeg yn ystod yr adeg hwnnw, gwnaeth y diwylliant a’r iaith Gymraeg, cefnogaeth gan y Cymry, a harddwch y tirlun, argraff barhaol arni hi. Ar ôl gorffen ei gradd, aeth hi yn ôl i dde Lloegr a i wledydd tramor am ddeng mlynedd i ddilyn gyrfa amrywiol mewn drama a dawns. Wrth weithio fel dawnswraig ar long fordaith ym Môr y Canoldir, tarodd trychineb; aeth y llong ar dân, ac roedd Zoe, y criw a’r teithwyr eraill mor lwcus i gael eu hachub rhag y llong losg. Yn dilyn y trychineb, dechreuodd Zoe freuddwydio am ddod yn ôl i Gymru hardd.Zoë was born and brought up in Portsmouth in the south of England. In the nineties, she took a degree in Drama and English at the University of Aberystwyth. Although Zoe did not have a word of Welsh during that time, Welsh language and culture, the encouragement of the Welsh and the beauty of the landscape made a lasting impression on her. After finishing her degree she went back to the south of England and overseas for ten years pursuing a varied career in drama and dance. While she was working as a dance instructor on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, disaster struck: the ship caught fire and Zoe, the crew and other voyagers were very lucky to be rescued from the burning ship. Following the disaster, Zoe began to dream of coming back to beautiful Wales.
A dyna beth ddigwyddodd ym mis Hydref 2005, pan symudodd hi yn ôl i Aberystwyth gyda’i phartner, Keith. Dechreuodd hi ddysgu Cymraeg yn syth, er mwyn bod yn rhan o’r diwylliant a’r gymuned oedd wedi’i hysbrydoli hi flynyddoedd yn ôl. Ond, ar ôl pum mis o ddysgu ar y cyrsiau Cymraeg i Oedolion, cafodd hi newyddion ofnadwy. Cafodd ei mam ddiagnosis o ganser terfynol. Dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf, roedd Zoë’n byw bob yn ail fis yn ne Lloegr i ofalu am ei mam. Penderfynodd hi barhau â dysgu Cymraeg er mwyn canolbwyntio ar rywbeth positif. Cafodd hi gymaint o ysbrydoliaeth wrth ddysgu’r iaith a chymaint o gefnogaeth oddi wrth ei thiwtoriaid hi, roedd hi eisiau anelu at ddod yn diwtor ei hunan. And that's what did happen, in October 2005, when she moved back to Aberystwyth with her partner Keith. She began straight away to learn Welsh, so as to be part of the culture and community that had inspired her years before. But, after five months of learning on the Welsh for Adults courses, she received awful news. Her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. For the next two years, Zoë spent every second month living in the south of England to look after her mother. She made up her mind to carry on learning Welsh for the sake of something positive to concentrate on. She gained so much inspiration from learning the language and from all the support she received from her tutors that she set her sights on becoming a tutor herself.
Ym mis Ionawr 2009, cafodd Zoë ei swydd gyntaf fel Tiwtor Cymraeg i’r Drindod Dewi Sant a’r Ganolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion, Aberystwyth. Ar yr un pryd, roedd hi’n creu nifer o weithdai drama/dawns ac yn ysgrifennu dramâu bach yn Gymraeg ar gyfer plant yn yr ysgolion. Ym mis Awst 2009, cyrhaeddodd hi’r rownd derfynol yn y gystadleuaeth ‘Dysgwr y Flwyddyn’ yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Parheuodd Zoë ddysgu nifer o gyrsiau gwahanol, sef, Y Cynllun Sabothol i Athrawon a Chynorthwywyr, Cymraeg i Oedolion, Cymraeg yn y Gweithle, Geiriau Bach i ymarferwyr addysg, Cymraeg i’r Teulu a Chymraeg o’r Crud. Yn 2012, dechreuodd hi ysgrifennu opera sebon Rhydybont ar gyfer cwrslyfrau CBAC Mynediad a Sylfaen. In January 2009, Zoë got her first job as Welsh Tutor in Trinity Saint David and the Welsh for Adults Centre, Aberystwyth. At the same time, she set up a number of drama/dance workshops and wrote little plays in Welsh for the use of children in the schools. In August 2009 she reached the final round of the 'Learner of the Year' competition at the National Eisteddfod. Zoë continued to teach a number of different courses, that is, the Sabbatical Plan for Teachers and Support Workers, Welsh for Adults, Welsh in the Workplace, Little Words for teaching practitioners, Welsh in the Family and Welsh from Birth. In 2012, she began to write a soap opera Rhydybont for use in CBAC Entry level and Foundation level course books.
Hefyd, mwynheuodd hi ysgrifennu deialogau, unedau iaith, canllawiau i’r tiwtoriaid a gemau iaith ar-lein ar gyfer y cwrs ‘1, 2, 3 Hwyl a Sbri’, a nifer o erthyglau ar gyfer gwefannau i ddysgwyr Cymraeg. Yn 2015, enillodd hi ‘Tiwtor y Flwyddyn’, Ceredigion a derbyniodd hi wobr ‘Gymeradwyaeth Uchel’ yn genedlaethol gan NIACE.Also, she enjoyed writing dialogues, language units, guidelines for tutors and online language games for use in the '1, 2, 3 Hwyl a Sbri' course, and a number of articles for websites for Welsh learners. In 2015, she won Cardiganshire 'Tutor of the Year', and received a national 'Highly Commended' award from NIACE.

Y Cyhoeddwr, CAA Cymru

CAA Cymru yw un o gyhoeddwyr addysgol mwyaf blaenllaw a phrofiadol Cymru. Mae’r cwmni yn rhan o Brifysgol Aberystwyth ac wedi bod yn cynhyrchu adnoddau addysgol Cymraeg a Saesneg i blant, pobl ifanc ac athrawon er 1982, gan gyhoeddi dros 2,500 o gyhoeddiadau dros y blynyddoedd.
Mae gennym ni nifer o gyhoeddiadau defnyddiol i unigolion sy’n awyddus i wella eu Cymraeg – yn eu plith, dwy gyfrol gan Non ap Emlyn, sef:Y Chwiliadur Iaith, llyfr A4 sy'n egluro pwyntiau gramadegol ac yn dangos enghreifftiau o batrymau yn gryno ac yn eglur; a Golwg ar Iaith – llyfr A5 gwerthfawr sy'n canolbwyntio ar wella gramadeg Cymraeg ac sy’n cynnwys ymarferion ac atebion, help ymarferol a syniadau am ble i gael mwy o wybodaeth.
Mae mwy o wybodaeth am CAA Cymru ar y dudalen Cyfres Amdani- Llyfrau i Ddysgwyr: Tu ôl y Llen.

CAA Logo

CAA Cymru is one of Wales's most prominent and experienced educational publishers. The company is part of Aberystwyth University and has been producing educational material in both English and Welsh, for children, young people and teachers, since 1982. Over the years it has produced more than 2500 publications.
We have a number of useful publications for individuals keen to improve their Welsh – among them, two volumes by Non ap Emlyn, i.e. Chwiliadur Iaith (Language Enquirer), an A4 book that explains grammatical points giving compact and clear examples of patterns; and Golwg ar Iaith (Language Overview) – an A5 book with an emphasis on improving Welsh grammar, containing exercises and answers, practical help and ideas on where to get more information.
There is more information about CAA Cymru on the page Cyfres Amdani: Behind the Scenes.

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Cyfres Amdani Croesi'r Bont Zoe Pettinger

Y diweddaraf oddi wrth Cyfres Amdani