Top 10 Canwyr o Gymru

Canwyr o Gymru / Singers from Wales: Top 10

Mae gan Gymru dreftadaeth gerddorol gref. Mae Cymru wedi cynhyrchu nifer o ffigurau cerddorol dros y blynyddoedd ac mae nifer ohonynt wedi cael llwyddiant rhyngwladol. O ganlyniad, mae llawer o bobl yn cyfeirio at Gymru fel 'Gwlad y Gân'.

Wales has a strong musical heritage. Wales has produced a number of musical figures over the years and many have achieved international success. As a result, a lot of people refer to Wales as 'The Land of Song'.

Gan / By Lydia Hobbs

Sir Bryn Terfel CBE

Mae Bryn Terfel Jones yn fariton ac yn ganwr opera byd enwog. Cafodd e ei eni yng Ngwynedd ar 9 Tachwedd 1965. Yn wreiddiol yn ei yrfa, fe’i cysylltwyd gyda gwaith Mozart, yn enwedig Figaro a Don Giovanni, ond aeth e ymlaen i wneud gwaith trymach, yn enwedig gwaith Wagner. Mae Bryn Terfel hefyd wedi canu prif rannau ym mhrif dai opera’r byd gyda chlod uchel iawn. Mae e wedi ennill llawer o wobrau gwahanol yn ystod ei yrfa. Hefyd, mae Bryn Terfel wedi ennill yr anrhydedd o aelodaeth ‘Gorsedd y Beirdd’ gan yr Eisteddfod genedlaethol. Heddiw, mae e’n perfformio mewn amrywiath o gyngherddau.

Bryn Terfel

Bryn Terfel Jones is a bass-baritone opera singer. He was born in Gwynedd on 9th November 1965. Orginally in his career, he was associated with the roles of Mozart, particulary Figaro and Don Giovanni, but he went on to do heavier work, especially the work of Wagner. Bryn Terfel has also played the main parts in the world’s main opera houses with high praise. He has won lots of different awards during his career. Also, Bryn Terfel has been awarded the honour of membership of the ‘Gorsedd of Bards’ by the National Eisteddfod. Today, he performs in a wide variety of concerts.

Cerys Matthews MBE

Cantores Gymreig yw Cerys Elizabeth Matthews. Cafodd hi ei geni yng Nghaerdydd ar 11 Ebrill 1969. Cerys Matthews oedd y prif leisydd yn y band ‘Catatonia’ nes i’r grŵp wahanu ym mis Medi 2001. Ffurfiwyd y band yn ystod haf 1992. Ymddangosodd hi ar y gyfres ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here’ yn 2007. Yn 2010, rhyddhaodd hi albwm o’r enw ‘Tir’ sy’n cynnwys casgliad o ganeuon Gymraeg traddodiadol, gan gynnwys ‘Calon Lân’ a ‘Sosban Fach.’ Derbynnodd hi MBE yn 2014 am wasanaethau i gerddoriaeth. Mae hi nawr yn cyflwyno nifer o sioeau radio ac mae hi’n ymddangos ar y rhaglen deledu ‘The One Show’ yn aml.

Cerys Matthews

Cerys Elizabeth Matthews is a Welsh singer. She was born in Cardiff on 11th April 1969. Cerys Matthews was the main vocalist in the band ‘Catatonia’ until the group separated in September 2001. The band was formed during the summer of 1992. She appeared on the series “I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here’ in 2007. In 2010, she released an album called ‘Tir’ which includes a collection of traditional Welsh language songs, including ‘Calon Lân’ and ‘Sosban Fach.’ She received an MBE in 2014 for services to music. She now presents a number of radio shows and she often appears on the television programme ‘The One Show.’

Charlotte Church

Cantores soprano a phop yw Charlotte Maria Church. Cafodd hi ei geni ar 21 Chwefror 1986 yng Nghaerdydd. Daeth hi yn boblogaidd fel cantores glasurol, cyn symud i gerddoriaeth pop yn 2005. Erbyn 2007, roedd hi wedi gwerthu dros ddeg miliwn o recordiadau, gan gynnwys dros bum miliwn yn Yr Unol Daleithiau. Yn ogystal â chanu, mae hi hefyd wedi cyflwyno ei sioe deledu ei hun o’r enw “The Charlotte Church Show” rhwng 2006 a 2008. Yn 2010, dywedwyd bod Charlotte Church yn werth tua £11 miliwn.

Charlotte Church

Charlotte Maria Church is a soprano and pop singer. She was born on February 21st in Cardiff. She became popular as a classical singer, before moving to pop music in 2005. By 2007, she had sold more than ten million records, including over five million in the United States. In addition to singing, she has also presented her own TV show called “The Charlotte Church Show” between 2006 and 2008. In 2010, it was said that Charlotte Church is worth approximately £11 million.


Cantores o Ogledd Cymru yw Aimee Anne Duffy (Duffy). Cafodd hi ei geni ar 23 Mehefin 1984. Cyrhaeddodd Duffy rif un yn siartiau y Deyrnas Unedig gyda’r sengl ‘Mercy’ ym mis Chwefror 2008. Ym mis Mawrth 2008, rhyddhaodd ei halbwm ‘Rockferry’ yn y Deyrnas Unedig ac wedyn ar draws y byd. Ar ddechrau 2009, cyhoeddwyd y byddai hi’n hysbysebu ‘Diet Coke’ ar ôl iddi arwyddo cytundeb o dros £100,000. Actiodd hi am y tro cyntaf yn y ffilm ‘Patagonia,’ ble oedd hi’n chwarae’r rôl o Sissy.


Aimee Anne Duffy (Duffy) is a singer from North Wales. She was born on 23rd June 1984. Duffy reached number one in the UK charts with the single ‘Mercy’ in February 2008. In March 2008, she released her album ‘Rockferry’ in the UK and then across the world. At the start of 2009, it was announced that she would advertise ‘Diet Coke’ after she signed an agreement for over £100,000. She made her acting debut in the film ‘Patagonia,’ where she played the role of Sissy.

Elin Manahan Thomas

Cantores soprano o Gymru yw Elin Manahan Thomas. Cafodd hi ei geni yn Abertawe ym 1977. Mae hi’n gantores dalentog dros ben sy’n adnabyddus am ei pherfformiad o gerddoriaeth Baróc, ochr yn ochr â gwaith clasurol a chyfoes. Mae Elin yn perfformio mewn cyngherddau ar draws y byd. Perfformiodd hi yn seremoni agoriadol y gemau Paralympaidd yn Llundain yn 2012. Hefyd, canodd hi ym mhriodas Y Tywosog Harry a Meghan Markle yn Windsor ar 19 Mai 2018. Mae ei pherfformiad o ‘Eternal Source of Light Divine’ yn ymddangos ar yr albwm ‘The Royal Wedding – The Official Album.’

Elin Manahan Thomas

Elin Manahan Thomas is a soprano singer from Wales. She was born in Swansea in 1977. She is an extremely talented singer who is known for her performance of Baroque music, alongside classical and contemporary works. Elin performs in concerts across the world. She performed in the opening ceremony for the Paralympic games in London in 2012. She also sang in the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor on 19th May 2018. Her performance of ‘Eternal Source of Light Divine’ appears on the album ‘The Royal Wedding – The Official Album.’

Katherine Jenkins OBE

Katherine Maria Jenkins yw’r gantores opera enwocaf o Gymru. Mezzo-soprano yw hi.  Cafodd hi ei geni ar 29 Mehefin 1980 yng Nghastell-Nedd. Mae ei halbymau hi wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn yn siartiau y Deyrnas Unedig ac yn siartiau gwledydd tramor. Yn 2004, pan oedd hi’n 23 oed, arwyddodd Katherine Jenkins y cytundeb recordiau fwyaf yn hanes cerddoriaeth clasurol. Hefyd, daeth hi yn fascot swyddogol tîm rygbi Cymru. Recordiodd hi fersiwn o ‘Bread of Heaven’, cân swyddogol tîm Cymru, i gyfelliant côr meibion o gant o leisiau. Mae hi wedi hefyd wedi canu’r anthem genedlaethol yn Stadiwm y Mileniwm cyn gêm rygbi rhyngwladol. Cystadlodd hi ar y sioe ‘Dancing With the Stars’ yn America.

Katherine Jenkins

Katherine Maria Jenkins in the most famous opera singer from Wales. She is a mezzo-soprano. She was born on 29th June 1980 in Neath. Her albums have been very successful in the UK charts and in the charts of foreign countries. In 2004, when she was 23, Katherine Jenkins signed the biggest record deal in the history of classical music. Also, she became the official mascot of the Welsh rugby team. She recorded a version of ‘Bread of Heaven’, an official song of the Welsh team, to accompany a male voice choir with a hundred voices. She has also sung the national anthem in the Millenium Stadium before an international rugby match. She competed on the show ‘Dancing With the Stars’ in America.

Manic Street Preachers

Band roc o Gaerffili yn Ne Cymru yw’r Manic Street Preachers. Ffurfiwyd y band ym 1986 gan James Dean Bradfield, Sean Moore a Nicky Wire. Ar ôl iddyn nhw recordio’r sengl ‘Suicide Alley’, ymunodd Richey Edwards â’r band fel gitarydd ac i helpu ysgrifennu’r geiriau gyda Nicky Wire. Diflannodd Richey Edwards ym 1995 ond mae’r band yn parhau i lwyddo hebddo fe. Maen nhw wedi cyrraedd rhif un yn siartiau y DU ac maen nhw wedi ennill sawl gwobrau dros y blynyddoedd. Nawr, maen nhw’n parhau i berfformio mewn digwyddiadau mawr a gwyliau.

Manic Street Preachers

The Manic Street Preachers are a rock bank from Caerphilly in South Wales. The band was formed in 1986 by James Dean Bradfield, Sean Moore and Nicky Wire. After they recorded the single ‘Suicide Alley’, Richey Edwards joined the band as a guitarist and to help write the lyrics with Nicky Wire. Richey Edwards disappeared in 1995 but the band are continuing to succeed without him. They have reached number one in the UK charts and they have won many awards over the years. Now, they are continuing to perform at large events and festivals.

Dame Shirley Bassey DBE

Cantores enwog o Gaerdydd yw Shirley Veronica Bassey. Cafodd hi ei geni ar 8fedIonawr 1937 ac mae hi nawr yn 81 oed. Dechreuodd ei gyrfa yn y 1950au. Mae caneuon enwocaf Shirley Bassey yn cynnwys ‘As I Love you’, ‘As Long as He Needs Me’ a Big Spender.’ Hefyd, recordiodd hi’r caneuon ‘Goldfinger’, ‘a ‘Diamonds are Forever’ ar gyfer ffilmiau James Bond. Ym mis Ionawr 1959, daeth Shirley Bassey y person cyntaf o Gymru i gyrraedd rhif un yn siartiau’r DU, gyda ‘As I Love You’. Aeth hi ymlaen i gyrraedd rhif un sawl gwaith yn y DU ac mewn gwledydd eraill ar draws y byd.

Shirley Bassey

Shirley Veronica Bassey is a famous singer from Cardiff. She was born on January 8th 1937 and she is now 81 years old. Her career started in the 1950s. Shirley Bassey’s most famous songs include ‘As I Love You’, ‘As Long as He Needs Me’ and ‘Big Spender.’ She also recorded the songs ‘Goldfinger’ and ‘Diamonds are Forever’ for the James Bond films. In January 1959, Shirley Bassey became the first Welsh person to reach number one in the UK charts, with ‘As I Love You’. She went on to reach number one many times in the UK and in other countries across the world.


Banc roc Cymreig yw’r Stereopohics. Ffurfiwyd y band ym 1992 yng Nghwmaman, Cymru. Ar hyn o bryd, mae aelodau’r band yn cynnwys Kelly Jones fel y prif leisydd a’r gitarydd, chwaraewr y gitâr bas a’r lleisydd cefndirol Richard Jones, gitarydd a lleisydd cefndirol Adam Zindini,y drymiwr Jamie Morrison a’r aelod teithiol Tony Kirkham. Mae llawer o’u halbymau wedi cyrraed rhif un yn siartiau’r DU. Mae eu caneuon enwocaf nhw yn cynnwys ‘Dokata’, ‘Handbags and Gladrags’ a ‘Maybe Tomorrow.’


The Stereophonics are a Welsh rock band. The band was formed in 1992 in Cwmaman, Wales. At the moment, the members of the band include Kelly Jones as the lead vocalist and guitarist, the bass guitar player and background vocalist Richard Jones, guitarist and background vocalist Adam Zinini, the drummer Jamie Morrison and the touring member Tony Kirkham. Many of their albums have reached number one in the UK charts. Their most famous songs include ‘Dakota’, ‘Handbags and Gladrags’ and ‘Maybe Tomorrow.’

Sir Tom Jones OBE

Canwr Cymreig yw Thomas Jones Woodward. Cafodd e ei eni ar Fehefin 7, 1940 yn Nhreforest, Pontypridd. Mae e nawr yn 78 oed. Mae ei ganeuon enwocaf yn cynnwys ‘The Green Green Grass of Home’, ‘Sex Bomb’ a ‘Delilah’. Mae ei lais yn ymestyn dros sawl wythfed. Ym 1966, enillodd e Wobr Grammy am y canwr newydd gorau. Cafodd ei wneud yn ‘Syr’ gan y Frenhines yn 2006 o ganlyniad i’w wasanaethau i’r diwydiant cerddoriaeth. Yn ddiweddar, mae Tom Jones wedi ymddangos fel beirniad ar gyfres boblogaidd y BBC, ‘The Voice.’

Sir Tom Jones

Thomas Jones Woodward is a Welsh singer. He was born on June 7th, 1940 in Treforest, Pontypridd. He is now 78 years old. His most famous songs include ‘The Green Green Grass of Home’, ‘Sex Bomb’ and ‘Delilah’. His voice stretches across many octaves. In 1966, he was awarded a Grammy Award for the best new artist. He was knighted by the Queen in 2006 as a result of his services to the music industry. Recently, he has appeared as a judge on the popular BBC series ‘The Voice.’

Huw Stephens- Hyrwyddo cerddoriaeth Gymreig ar draws y DU


Y diweddaraf oddi wrth Fun

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