Tatjana- Learning Welsh in Slovenia

Tatjana Prelog: Dysgu Cymraeg yn Slofenia / Learning Welsh in Slovenia

Mae Tatjana wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg ers 2012, ond yr holl ffordd o Slofenia! Dyma, mae hi’n siarad am sut ddechreodd hi yn yr iaith a sut mae’n hi’n dysgu.

Tatiana has been learning Welsh since 2012,  but all the way from Slovenia! Here, she talks about how she started in the language and how she learns.

Shw mae Tatiana. Nawr, rwyt ti’n berson diddorol achos ti’n dod o, ac yn byw yn, Slofenia, ond rwyt ti wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg. Y cwestiwn amlwg yw - beth sydd wedi dy ddenu di i ddysgu Cymraeg? Hello Tatiana. Now, you’re an interesting person because you’re from, and live in, Slovenia, but you have been learning Welsh. The obvious question is- what attracted you to learning Welsh?
Shw mae Neil. Diolch am cael fi yma. Wel, fy ateb bir bydd rygbi. Rygbi oedd y lle gyntaf ble nes i cwrdd â Chymraeg yn wir ac sydd wedi codi diddordeb i fi i drio dysgu'r iaith. Roedd popeth arall yn dod tipyn bach yn nes ymlaen.Hello Neil. Thanks for having me here. Well, My short answer would be rugby. Rugby was the first thing where I've met with Welsh in real and which raised an interest in me to try to learn the language. All the rest came a bit later.
Dyna ryfedd! Dw i'n gwybod bod rygbi yn cael ei hybu yng Ngogledd Eidal ond dydw i ddim yn gwybod unrhywbeth amdano fe yn Slofenia- sut gwnest ti ddatblygu diddordeb ynddo fe? That's unusual! I know that rugby is being promoted in Northern Italy but I don't know anything about it in Slovenia- how did you develop an interest in it?
Doedd dim diddordeb gyda fi yn rygbi o gwbl o'r blaen, ond mae digwyddiadau wedi dod â phopeth i fi nes ymlaen. Doedd e’n ddim byd i’w wneud gyda'r poblogrwydd rygbi yn ein rhanbarth- doedd rygbi ddim yn boblogrwydd yn fy ngwlad i o gwbl. Caeth y gêm ei chwarae yn Slofenia tipyn bach, ond heb ddiddordeb mawr gyda phobl. I wasn't interested in rugby at all before, but happenings brought me everything later on. Everything had nothing to do with popularity of rugby in our region at all. In my country rugby was not popular at all. It was played in Slovenia a little bit, but it didn't get any significant interest.
Yn 2007 ces i wahoddiad i gymryd rhan mewn fforwm o brîc yn eu harddegau, ac yn fuan ces i fy newis fel safonwr a thipyn bach ymlaen i fod y gweinyddwr hefyd. Wnaethon nhw yn siarad ar y fforwm am bopeth, yn arbennig am Doctor Who, LEGO, gemau fideo- a rygbi wrth gwrs. Un dydd aeth yr holl staff ar wyliau am wythnos. Gwnes i dderbyn y dasg i ddilyn a sgwennu am daith y Llewod Prydeinig a Gwyddelig i Dde Affrica yn 2009. Wel do’n i ddim yn gwybod dim byd am y peth, felly dechreuais i ddarllen popeth am rygbi- y daith honna a phopeth arall. Dros ddarllen a sgwennu amdano fe ar y fforwm wnes i syrthio mewn cariad â rygbi. O'n i’n gwylio mwy a mwy gemau rygbi, yn enwedig pan roedd Cymru yn chwarae. Do’n i ddim yn gallu gwylio llawer o gemau ond roedd rhai gemau rhywle ar y radio i wrando weithiau, ond yn y Gymraeg. Do’n i ddim yn deall dim byd, ond o’n i’n moyn gwybod beth o’n nhw'n siarad amdani. O'r amser hwnnw wnes i sgwennu llawer am rygbi ar Twitter a Facebook. Gyda hynny dw i wedi helpu gwneud rygbi yn fwy poblogrwydd yn Slofenia hefyd. Felly, o'n i'n ffan, nid chwaraewr. In 2007 I was invited to participate on a forum of British teenagers. Soon after I came there they chose me for the moderator and a bit later also for administrator. On the forum they talked about everything, especially about Doctor Who, LEGO, video games- and rugby of course. One day the whole staff went on holidays for a week and gave me the task of following and writing about the British and Irish Lions tour in South Africa in 2009. Well, I didn't know anything about the thing, so I started to read everything about rugby that tour and everything else. Through reading and writing about it on the forum I fell in love with rugby. I have been watching more and more games, especially when Wales has played. There was not many games I could watch but there was a game on the radio to listen many times, but it was in Welsh. I didn't understand anything but I wanted to understand what they were talking about. From that time on I've written a lot about rugby on Twitter and Facebook and with that I've helped to make rugby more popular in Slovenia too. So, I was fan and not a player.
A beth mae hyn i'w wneud â'r Gymraeg? Dwy beth wnaeth dechrau fi i ddysgu Cymraeg. Yr eiliad cyntaf oedd pan o'n i'n moyn gwrando ar sylwebaeth y gêm ac o'n i'n moyn deall popeth o’n nhw'n dweud felly wnes i ddewis i ddysgu'r iaith. Roedd yr ail eiliad yn 2012 pan enillodd tîm rygbi Cymru Bencampwriaeth Chwe Gwlad a'r Gamp Lawn. Gwnes i eistedd ar fy nghyfrifiadur a gwyliais i'r gêm olaf- roedd e’n gyfle i ennill neu golli'r Gamp Lawn. Dw i'n cofio bod y gêm yn straen ac o'n i’n nerfus iawn. Ar un eiliad, gwnes i wneud addewid- tasen nhw’n ennill y Gamp Lawn baswn i’n dysgu Cymraeg yn wir. Gwnaethon nhw ennill y Gamp Lawn, felly oedd rhaid i fi gyflawni'r addewid. Felly dyma fi, yn dysgu Cymraeg ers 2012/2013!And what this all have to do with Welsh? There were two moments which got me to learning Welsh. The first moment was when I wanted to listen to rugby game commentaries and I wanted to understand everything what they are saying, so I've chosen to learn the language. The second moment was in 2012 when the Welsh rugby team won the 6 Nations Grand Slam. I sat behind my computer and watched the final game- it was a chance to win or lose the Grand Slam. I remember the game was stressful and I was very nervous. At one moment I promissed if they win the Grand Slam then I'd really learn Welsh. They won the Grand Slam so I had to fulfill my promise. So, here I am, learning Welsh from 2012/2013.
Chwarae teg- llwybr diddorol i mewn i'r iaith! Dylai fe fod yn anodd i ddysgu Cymraeg pan wyt ti’n byw yn bell o Gymru. Sut wyt ti wedi bod yn dysgu? Fair play- an interesting route to into the language! It must be difficult to learn Welsh when you are far from Wales. How have you been studying?
Yn gyntaf gwnes i drio ffyrdd traddodiadol, gyda llyfrau ac CDau. O'n i wedi gwneud cardiau fflach a recordio geiriau a brawddegau gyda meddalwedd IVONA- ond heb lwyddiant wrth gwrs. Felly o'n i'n chwilio arlein ac ffeindiais i gwrs sain Say Something in Welsh ac ers hynny dw i wedi bod yn dysgu gyda nhw.First I tried through more traditional ways, with books and CDs. I have been doing flash cards and I've recorded words and sentences with IVONA software- without success of course. So I was searching online and found Say Something in Welsh's audio course and since then I've been learning with them.
Wyt ti wedi cael cyfleoedd i ymweld â Chymru ac ymarfer yr iaith?Have you had opportunities to visit Wales and practice the language?
Do, dw i wedi cael y cyfle i ymweld â Chymru unwaith- roedd e’n flwyddyn diwetha. Es i i'r bwtcamp SSIW ac wedyn gwnes i ymweld ag yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Roedd llawer o gyfleoedd i siarad Cymraeg- o'n i’n hapus iawn!
Yes, I've had the chance to visit Wales once- it was last year. I went to the SSIW bootcamp and after that I visited the National Eisteddfod. There were many opportunities to speak Welsh- I was very happy.
Oes unrhyw straeon doniol gyda ti am ddefnyddio’r iaith?Do you have any funny stories of when you have been using the language?
Pan wnes i adael y bwtcamp do'n i ddim yn gallu stopio siarad Cymraeg o gwbl! Ar ôl yr bwtcamp es i i Gaerdydd a gwnes i feddwl bod pawb yn siarad Cymraeg yno. Dw i'n hoffi coffi llawer hefyd felly es i ar y peth cyntaf yn y bore i ffeindio rhywle i yfed coffi. Wrth gyrraedd yno wnes i bron weiddi o'r fynedfa: "Bore da! Coffi Americanaidd mawr plîs!".
"Ummm ... Beth?"
Roedd e’n fwy cwestiwn nag ateb yn Saesneg oddi wrth un o’r ddau ddyn a oedd yn gweithio yno.
"Ydych chi ddim yn siarad Cymraeg?" wnes i ofyn yn Gymraeg o hyd.
O'n i dal yn siarad Cymraeg a dangos pa faint o goffi o’n i’n moyn.
"Oh, iawn- dw i ddim yn gallu siarad Saesneg yn dda iawn weithiau, beth am y Gymraeg" oedd ei ateb yn Saesneg.
Roedd e’n llawer o hwyl ac roedd pawb yn chwerthin. Doedd y dynion yno ddim yn ddig a ches i coffi mawr, iawn, iawn.
When I came from the bootcamp I just couldn't stop speaking Welsh at all. After the bootcamp I went to Cardiff and I thought that all people there spoke Welsh. I like coffee very much, so the first thing in the morning I went somewhere where I could get one. Coming there I almost shouted already from the entrance in Welsh: "Good morning, big american coffee please."
"Ummm ... what?" was more question than answer in English from one of two men who worked there.
"Are you not speaking Welsh?" I asked, still in Welsh.
I was still talking in Welsh and showing to them both how big a coffee I wanted.
"Ah, OK ... Sometimes I can't speak even English well, let alone Welsh." was his reply in English.
It was all lots of fun and we all laughed. The men working there weren't angry and I've got a really big coffee indeed.
Beth yw dy argraff di o ddysgu a defnyddio’r iaith o gymharu â ieithoedd eraill? What has been your impression of learning and using the language compared to other languages?
Hmmm...Mae’n rhywbeth gwahanol i ddysgu Cymraeg gan gymharu i ieithoedd eraill- llawer o synau a strwythurau gwahanol, ond dim ond ar yr olwg gyntaf. Dw i wedi bod yn dysgu sawl iaith gwahanol o'r blaen a dyw’r gramadeg ddim yn llawer gwahanol. Beth oedd yn syndod i fi oedd y ffordd o ddysgu gyda Say Something in Welsh. Mae hon yn wahanol iawn ac yn effeithlon iawn hefyd. Wel, pan ti'n dechrau siarad yr iaith yn wir ac dwyt ti ddim yn ofnus i siarad, mae’r teimlad yn wych- nid jyst gyda'r Gymraeg ond gyda phob iaith ti'n dysgu.Hmmm...it is something different to learn Welsh in comparison to other languages- many different sounds and structures, but only at the first glance. I've learnt some diferent languages before and grammar is not much different. What was a surprise to me was the way of learning with Say Something in Welsh. This is very different but also very efficient. Well, but when you really start to speak the language and you are not afraid to speak, it is great feeling- not just with Welsh but with every language you learn.
Mae wedi bod yn ysbrydoledig iawn i siarad â ti. I gloi, pa gyngor fyddet ti’n ei roi i bobl sydd yn dysgu Cymraeg, yn enwedig i bobl sydd yn gwneud hyn y tu hwnt i’r ffin?It has been very inspiring to talk with you. To close, what advice would you give to people who are learning Welsh, especially those who are doing it from beyond the border?
Wel, yn gyntaf, peidiwch â chymharu eich hun â'r eraill. Dysgwch faint ych chi'n gallu, defnyddiwch bob cyfle i ymarfer ac yn bwysicaf- peidiwch â bod yn ofnus i siarad. Siarad yr iaith yw'r peth bwysicaf. Mae rhaid i chi siarad, siarad, siarad. Os does neb sy'n siarad Cymraeg gyda chi, mae'n dda i ffeindio rhywun arlein dros Skype neu dros wasanaethau eraill. A- peidiwch â phoeni- dych chi'n gallu siarad yn well nag ydych chi'n feddwl. Defnyddiwch yr iaith achos gyda hon ych chi'n helpu'r iaith i fyw.
Well, first of all, don't compare yourself to others. Learn as much as you can, take every chance to practice and the most important thing- don't be scared to speak. Speaking the language is the most important thing. You have to speak, speak, speak. If you don't have anyone who's speaking Welsh, it's good if you find someone online through Skype or some other services. And- don't worry. You can speak more than you think. Use the language because with this you help the language to live.

Dysgwch faint ych chi’n gallu, defnyddiwch bob cyfle i ymarfer a pheidiwch â bod yn ofnus i siarad

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Ysgrifennwyd rhai o’r erthyglau ‘Dysgwyr’ gan bobl sydd eisoes wrthi’n dysgu Cymraeg. Efallai y dewch ar draws rhai camgymeriadau ieithyddol yn y Gymraeg o bryd i’w gilydd. Yn yr erthygl hon, mae Tatiana wedi sgwennu fel mae hi’n siarad.
Some of the ‘Learner’ articles have been written by those who are still learning Welsh. You may therefore come across some linguistic errors in the Welsh from time to time. In this article, Tatiana has written how she speaks.

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