Top 10 Pethau i'w gwneud yng Ngogledd Cymru

Pethau i’w gwneud yng Ngogledd Cymru / Things to do in North Wales: Top 10

Mae llawer o bethau y gallwch chi eu gwneud yng Ngogledd Cymru. Mae'n llawn hanes, hwyl a golygfeydd ysblennydd. Mae amrywiaeth enfawr o bethau i'w gwneud  yno, felly mae rhywbeth i bawb.

There are lots of things to do in North Wales. It is full of history, fun and stunning views. There is a huge variety of things to do there, so there is something for everyone.

Gan / By Lydia Hobbs

Sw Môr Môn / Anglesey Sea Zoo

Acwariwm ar Ynys Môn yng Ngogledd Cymru yw Sw Môr Môn. Sw Môr Môn yw’r acwariwm mwyaf yng Nghymru, ac mae dros 150 o rywogaethau yno. Agorwyd am y tro cyntaf yn 1983. Mae ymchwil hefyd yn digwydd yno. Yn ddi-os, mae llawer o bethau gwych i’w weld. Gallwch hefyd ddysgu am gynefinoedd morol Prydain a'r ymchwil a gwaith cadwraeth sy'n helpu i'w achub. Mae caffi sy’n gwerthu cynhyrchion lleol a siop anrhegion hefyd yn Sw Môr Môn. Mae’n ddiwrnod o hwyl i’r teulu cyfan.

Sea Zoo

Anglesey Sea Zoo is an aquarium on Anglesey in North Wales. Anglesey Sea Zoo is the largest aquarium in Wales, and there are over 150 species there. It was opened for the first time in 1983. Research is also carried out there. Without a doubt, there are lots of great things to see. You will also be able to learn about British marine habitats and the research and conservation work which is helping to save them. There is also a café which sells local produce and a gift shop at Anglesey Sea Zoo. It is a day of fun for the whole family.


Pentref a chymuned yng nghanol Eryri yng Ngwynedd, Gogledd Cymru yw Beddgelert. Lle o chwedl, diwylliant a hanes yw Beddgelert. Cysylltir Beddgelert â Chwedl Gelert. Yn ôl y stori boblogaidd, cafodd y pentref ei enwi ar ôl ci Llywelyn Fawr, Gelert, a gladdwyd yno. Gellir ymweld â’i fedd ym Meddgelert ac mae cerflun ohono fe yno hefyd. Mae Beddgelert hefyd yn atyniad twristiaid am fod pont hardd sy'n croesi Afon Colwyn. Mae nifer o westai ym Meddgelert, felly mae’n lle gwych am wyliau hefyd. Mae pobl wedi bod yn ymweld â Beddgelert ers cannoedd o flynyddoedd, ac mae pobl yn dychwelyd i’r ardal dro ar ôl tro.


Beddgelert is a village and community in Snowdonia, North Wales. Beddgelert is a place of legend, culture and history. Beddgelert is linked with The Story of Gelert. According to the popular story, the village was named after Llywelyn Fawr’s dog, Gelert, who was buried there. One can visit his grave in Beddgelert, and there is a statue of him there too. Beddgelert is also a tourist attraction because there is a picturesque bridge which crosses the River Colwyn. There are a number of hotels in Beddgelert, so it is a great place for a holiday too. People have been visiting Beddgelert for hundreds of years, and people return to the area time after time.

Bounce Below

Parc trampolîn enfawr yw Bonce Below. Lleolir yn Ogofâu Llechwedd ger Blaenau Ffestiniog yng Ngogledd Cymru. Bounce Below yw trampolîn mwyaf y byd- gall 100 o bobl ei ddefnyddio ar yr un pryd.  Antur net anferth o dan y ddaear yw e ac rydych chi’n gallu neidio a llithro eich ffordd drwy'r mwynglawdd segur. Fe yw’r maes chwarae gorau erioed ac mae llawer o hwyl i bawb!  Mae Bounce Below ar agor i bobl dros 7 mlwydd oed sy’n pwyso llai na 120kg.

Bounce Below

Bounce Below is a huge trampoline park. It is located in the Llechwedd Caves near Blaenau Ffestiniog in North Wales. Bounce Below is the biggest trampoline in the world- 100 people can use it at the same time. It is an enormous underground net adventure and you can jump and slide your way through the disused mine. It is the best playground ever and it’s lots of fun for everyone. Bounce Below is open to people over 7 years old who weigh less than 120kg.


Pentref ar Ynys Môn yw Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych - wyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. Y cyfieithiad Saesneg yw ‘St Mary's church in the hollow of the white hazel, near to the fierce whirlpool of St Tysilio of the red cave’.Fe'i lleolir ar Afon Menai wrth ymyl Pont Britannia ac ar draws yr afon o Fangor. Does neb ond y Bwrdd Croeso yn defnyddio’r enw hir. Mae pobl yn ei alw yn Llanfairpwll neu Llanfair PG.  Fe yw’r enw lle hiraf yn y Deyrnas Unedig ac un o’r hiraf yn y byd. Mae’r pentref yn boblogaidd iawn i dwristiaid, fel canlyniad i enw’r ardal. Mae gorsaf reilffordd yno gydag arwydd o enw hir y lle, felly mae’n wych i fynd i’w weld am fod yr arwydd mor fawr! Mae'r arwydd yn yr orsaf reilffordd hefyd yn rhoi braslun o'r ynganiad cywir ar gyfer siaradwyr Saesneg.


Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych - wyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is a village on Anglesey. The English translation is ‘St Mary's church in the hollow of the white hazel, near to the fierce whirlpool of St Tysilio of the red cave’. It is located on the Manai Strait next to the Britannia Bridge and across the strait from Bangor. Nobody, apart from the Welcoming Board, uses the long name. People call it Llanfairpwll or Llanfair PG. It is the longest place name in the United Kingdom and one of the longest in the world. The village is very popular for tourists, as a result of the name of the area. There is a railway station there with a sign of the long place name, so it is great to go to see the huge sign. The train station’s sign also gives an approximation of the correct pronounciation for English speakers.


Pentref twristiaeth yng Ngwynedd yng Ngogledd Cymru yw Portmeirion. Lleolir y pentref yng nghymuned Penrhyndeudraeth, ar aber afon Dwyryd. Fe'i ddyluniwyd a'i adeiladu gan Syr Clough Williams-Ellis rhwng 1925 a 1975, ac mae bellach o dan berchnogaeth ymddiriedolaeth elusennol. Mae’r golygfeydd yn ysblennydd drwy’r amser am fod y pentref yn llawn adeiladau lliwgar iawn. Ffilmiwyd nifer o ffilmiau a rhaglenni teledu ym Mhortmeirion, gan gynnwys y rhaglen deledu o’r 1960au o’r enw ‘The Prisoner.’ Cynhelir gŵyl gerddoriaeth, sef Festival no. 6, ym Mhortmeirion bob mis Medi ers 2012 hefyd.


Portmeirion is a tourist village in Gwynedd in North Wales. The village of Portmeirion is located in the community of Penrhyndeudraeth, on the estuary of the River Dwyryd. It was designed and built by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis between 1925 and 1975, and it is now under the ownership of a charitable trust. The views are stunning all the time because the village is full of very colourful buildings. A number of films and television programmes have been filmed in Portmeirion, including the television programme from the 1960s called ‘The Prisioner.’ There is also a music festival, called Festival No. 6, which is held in Portmeirion every September, since 2012.

Rheilffordd yr Wyddfa / Snowdon Mountain Railway

Mae Rheilffordd Yr Wyddfa yn rheilffordd fach sy’n rhedeg o bentref Llanberis I gopa’r Wyddfa yn Eryri, Gwynedd. Mae’n mesur 7.6km (4.7 milltir). Mae’r rheilffordd yn un o’r atyniadau twristaidd mwyaf poblogaidd yng Ngwynedd a Chymru, gyda mwy na 130,000 o deithwyr bob blwyddyn. Disgrifiwyd Rheilffordd yr Wyddfa fel un o’r teithiau rheilffordd mwyaf unigryw a rhyfeddol yn y byd. Mae golygfeydd ysblennydd yn ystod y siwrne. Agorwyd y rheilffordd am y tro cyntaf ar Ddydd Llun 6 Ebrill 1896. Nawr, mae’n cau dros y Gaeaf ac yn ailagor ym mis Mawrth.

Snowdon Railway

Snowdon Mountain Railway is a small railway which runs from the village of Llanberis to the summit of Snowdon in Snowdonia, Gwynedd. It measures 7.6km (4.7 miles). The railway is one of the most poular tourist attractions in Gwynedd and Wales, with more than 130,000 passengers every year. Snowdon Mountain Railway has been described as one of the most unique and wonderful railway journeys in the world. There are stunning views during the journey. The railway was opened for the first time on Monday 6thApril 1896. Now, it closes during the winter and reopens in March.

Surf Snowdonia

Lagŵn syrffio mewndirol yw Surf Snowdoinia. Surf Snowdonia yw’r cyntaf o’i fath yn y byd. Surf Snowdonia yw’r unig lyn syrffio artiffisial yn y Deyrnas Unedig.Lleolir yn Nolgarrog yn nyffryn Conwy, gogledd Cymru. Mae Surf Snowdonia wedi'i osod yn erbyn cefndir o goedwigoedd a mynyddoedd yn Eryri. Mae’n 300mo hyd gyda thechnoleg i gefnogi pobl o bob oed a gallu. Gall dechreuwyr a syrffwyr proffesiynol fwynhau'r profiad.Agorwyd y safle am y tro cyntaf ym mis Awst 2015 a chostiodd e £12 miliwn. Mae cyfleusterau yno i bawb, felly mae’n ddiwrnod o hwyl i’r teulu i gyd.

Surf Snowdonia

Surf Snowdonia in an inland surf lagoon. Surf Snowdonia is the first of its type in the world. Surf Snowdonia is the only artificial surfing lake in the United Kingdom. It is situated at Dolgarrog in the Conwy Valley, north Wales. Surf Snowdonia is set against a backdrop of forests and mountains in Snowdonia. It is 300m in length with technology to support people of all ages and abilities. Beginners and professional surfers can enjoy the experience. The site opened for the first time in August 2015 and it cost £12 million. There are facilities there for everyone, so it is a day of fun for the whole family.

Y Tŷ Lleiaf ym Mhrydain Fawr / The Smallest House in Great Britain

Atyniad twristiaid ar y cei yng Nghonwy, Gogledd Cymru yw’r tŷ lleiaf ym Mhrydain Fawr. Mae gan y tŷ, sy wedi’i beintio’n goch,  arwynebedd llawr o 3.05 fesul 1.8m. Roedd y tŷ mewn defnydd o’r 16egganrif tan 1900, ond mae e bellach yn atyniad twristiaid. Mae’r tŷ ar agor i’r cyhoedd rhwng y gwanwyn a’r hydref.  Mae’n costio £1 i oedolion i fynd i mewn i’r tŷ a 50c i blant. Gall ymwelwyr ddarllen gwybodaeth amdano y tu mewn i’r tŷ. Hefyd, mae Cymraes yn gwisgo dillad traddodiadol sy’n sefyll y tu fas pan fo’r tŷ ar agor, ac mae hi’n siarad am hanes y tŷ. Dydych chi ddim yn gallu mynd lan y grisiau yn y tŷ am resymau diogelwch, ond gallwch edrych arno fe ar ysgol gam.

Smallest house

The Smallest House in Great Britain is a tourist attraction on the quay in Conwy, North Wales. The house, which is painted red, has a floor area of 3.05 by 1.8m. The house was in use from the 16thcentury until 1900, but it is now a tourist attraction. The house is open to the public between the spring and autumn. It costs £1 for adults to go into the house and 50p for children. Visitors are able to read information about it inside the house. Also, there is a Welsh lady wearing traditional clothes who stands outside the house when it is open, and she speaks about the history of the house. You are not able to go up the stairs in the house for safety reasons, but you can look at it on a step ladder.

Cerdded i fyny'r Wyddfa / Walking up Snowdon 

Yr Wyddfa yw’r mynydd uchaf yng Nghymru.  Mae e ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri yng Ngwynedd, Gogledd Cymru. Uchder yr Wyddfa yw 1,085m (3,560 troedfedd). Mae llawer o bobl yn cerdded i fyny’r Wyddfa I’r copa, ac fe yw’r mynydd mwyaf poblogaidd yng Nghymru gan ddringwyr. Mae tua 350,000 o bobl yn cerdded i fyny’r Wyddfa bob blwyddyn. Mae amrywiaeth o lwybrau i gopa’r Wyddfa. Mae caffi a siop ar y copa hefyd o’r enw Hafod Eryri. Fel rheol, mae cyrraedd copa’r Wyddfa a dychwelyd yn gallu cymryd tua 5 awr, ond gall rhedwyr wneud y daith mewn llawer llai o amser. Mae nifer o rasys yn cael eu cynnal yno bob blwyddyn, gan gynnwys Ras yr Wyddfa o bentref Llanberis I’r copa ac yn ôl. Y record am hyn yw 1 awr 2 funud a 29 eiliad.

Walk up Snowdon

Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales. It is in Snowdonia National Park in Gwynedd, North Wales. The height of Snowdon is 1,085m (3,560 feet). Lots of people walk up Snowdon to the summit, and it is the most popular mountain in Wales for climbers. Approximately 350,000 people walk up Snowdon every year. The are a variety of paths to the summit. There is also a café and shop at the summit called Hafod Eryri. As a rule, reaching the summit of Snowdon and returing can take approximately 5 hours, but runners can do the trip in a lot less time. A number of races are held there annualy, including Snowdon Race from the village of Llanberis to the summit and back. The record for this is 1 hour 2 minutes and 29 seconds.

Zip World Velocity

Weiren sip yn Chwarel Lechi Penrhyn yw Zip World Velocity. Lleolir ger Bethesda yng Ngogledd Cymru. Fe yw’r atyniad cyntaf a greodd y cwmni Zip World. Agorwyd y weiren sip i’r cyhoedd am y tro cyntaf ym mis Mawrth 2013. Hi yw’r weiren sip hiraf yn Ewrop a’r gyflymaf yn y byd. Mae 1555 metr o hyd ac rydych chi’n gallu mynd dros 100 m.y.a. Gall 4 pobl fynd ar y weiren sip ar yr un pryd.  Mae’r golygfeydd yn ysblennydd pan ydych chi ar y weiren sip, felly mae’n ddiwrnod mas anhygoel.

Zip World

Zip World Velocity is a zip wire in the Penrhyn Slate Quarry. It is located near Bethesda in North Wales. It is the first attraction which the company Zip World created. The zip wire opened to the public for the first time in March 2013. It is the longest zip wire in Europe and the fastest in the world. It is 1555 metres long and you can go over 100 m.p.h. 4 people can go on the zip wire at the same time. The views are stunning when you are on the zip wire, so it is an amazing day out.

Y diweddaraf oddi wrth Fun

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About Wales

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