Dilys Price Yr awyrblymwraig solo hynaf yn y byd

Dilys Price: Yr awyrblymwraig solo hynaf yn y byd / The oldest female solo parachutist in the world

Dechreuodd Dilys neidio allan o’r awyrennau yn ei 50au; nawr mae dros 1000 o neidiau gyda hi, ac yn ôl The Guiness Book of Records mae hi’n yr awyrblymwraig solo hynaf yn y byd. Mae hi wedi sefydlu’r elusen Touch Trust. Yma, mae Lynda Pritchard Newcombe yn esbonio mwy am eu bywyd…

Dilys started jumping out of planes in her 50s; and now has over 1000 jumps, and according to the Guiness Book of Records is the oldest solo female parachutist in the world. She has founded the charity Touch Trust. Here, Lynda Pritchard Newcombe explains more about her life…

A hithau yn 85 oed mae mamgu i ddau, Dilys Price o Gaerdydd, yr awyrblymwraig solo hynaf yn y byd yn ôl The Guiness Book of Records. Ac mae hi’n dysgu pobl eraill i ddod dros eu hofnau hefyd. Yn ddiweddar gwnaeth hi naid tandem gyda’r chwaraewr rygbi, Gareth Thomas. At 85, grandmother of two Dilys Price is the world’s oldest female solo skydiver and she teaches others to overcome their fears too. She recently did a tandem jump with the rugby player, Gareth Thomas.
“Teimlwch yr ofn a gwnewch i blymio beth bynnag,” ydy cyngor Dilys i Gareth a phob un arall sy biau ofn uchelderau.“Feel the fear and do it anyway,” she says to Gareth and all who are fearful of heights.
Ro’n i’n synnu i ddarganfod bod gan Dilys ei hun ofn mawr uchelderau cyn iddi hi neidio am y tro cynaf. Dywedodd hi: “Dechreuais i neidio i godi arian am elusen. Ond doedd neb mwy ofnus na fi! Roeddwn i’n gallu dod o hyd i bwrpas a gwneud gwahaniaeth trwy wynebu fy ofnau. Nawr dydw i ddim yn gallu meddwl am fywyd heb blymio."I was amazed to discover that Dilys herself was petrified of heights before her first jump. She says “I started skydiving because I wanted to raise money. But no one could have been more scared than I was! Through facing my fears, I was able to find my purpose and make a difference. Now I can’t imagine my life without it.”
Dechreuodd Dilys, sy’n dod yn wreiddiol o Abertawe, neidio pan roedd hi’n bum deg pedwar oed ac mae hi wedi neidio 1,140 gwaith i helpu elusenau. Mae hi wedi codi degau o filoedd o bunnoedd i elusen. Mae hi wedi teithio yn bell i ffwrdd i blymio, i Sbaen, America a’r Iorddonen lle mae’r brenin wedi dangos diddordeb yn ei gwaith. Pan gyrhaeddodd hi gartre o’r Iorddonen cafodd ei pharasiwt ei ddwyn ac roedd hi’n chwerthin wrth weld y pennawd yn y papur newydd. “Pensiynwr yn colli Parasiwt.”Dilys, originally from Swansea, began jumping at age 54 and has now jumped more than 1,140 times for charity. She currently holds the Guinness World Record as the oldest female sky diver and has raised tens of thousands of pounds for charity. She has travelled far from home for some of her sky dives including to Jordan where the king took an interest in her work. On her return home her parachute was stolen and she was amused by a newspaper headline, “Pensioner Loses Parachute”.
Dechreuodd Dilys, darlithydd dawns wedi ymddeol, yr elusen Touch Trust o’i chegin yng Nghaerdydd yn 1996. Tyfodd yn gyflym i ddod yn ganolfan clodfawr o’r enw touch therapy i bobl gydag anableddau ac mae’n cartrefu yng Nghanolfan y Mileniwm ym Mae Caerdydd. Dilys, a retired dance and drama tutor began the charity Touch Trust from her kitchen in Cardiff in 1996. It soon grew into a renowned centre for movement education called touch therapy for people with disabilities and is now housed in the Millennium Centre in Cardiff Bay.
“Pan mae anableddau amryfal, difrifol gyda chi yn aml dych chi ddim yn gallu gweld, dych chi ddim yn gallu clywed a dych chi ddim yn gallu siarad. Ond dych chi’n gallu cyffwrdd. Dyna le dyn ni’n gallu dechrau,” dywedodd Dilys.Dilys says, “When you have multiple, severe disabilities often you cannot see, you cannot hear, you cannot talk. But you can touch. That’s the starting point.”
Mae Dilys wedi mynd â’i thechnegau arloesol i ysbytai, ysgolion a chartrefi gofal, nid yn unig yng Nghymru ond trwy’r byd. Ymddeolodd hi o redeg yr elusen dair blynedd yn ôl ond mae hi’n helpu i godi arian a hybu’r gwaith trwy ei neidiau parasiwt.Dilys has taken her innovative techniques to hospitals, schools and care homes, not just in Wales but throughout the world. She stepped down from running the charity three years ago but still helps to fundraise and promote its work through her parachute jumps.
Mae Dilys wedi derbyn nifer o acolâdau gan gynnwys OBE. Yn ddiweddar derbyniodd hi’r wobr Pride of Britain.Dilys has received numerous accolades including an OBE. Her most recent was the Pride of Britain Award.

“What an amazing lady. Her skydiving is inspirational and a huge amount of fun, but she has achieved so much more than that with her life-changing charity work. She is an example to us all.” - Pride of Britain Judges.

Mae Dilys yn credu bod ei hymrwymiad ac agwedd bositif wedi helpu’r elusen ffynnu. Mae ei hagwedd bositif yn dod o ddyfyniad gan yr awdur Almaeneg, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Mae hi’n cyfieithu’r frawddeg fel hyn. “Bob dydd meddyliwch am rywbeth prydferth, gwrandewch ar rywbeth prydferth ac edrychwch ar rywbeth prydferth.” Dilys believes that commitment and a positive attitude allowed her to help the charity thrive. Her positive attitude stems from a quote by German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Every day think of something beautiful, listen to something beautiful and look at something beautiful.”
Mae Dilys gyda’i dillad lliwgar a’i gwên siriol yn hysbys am sut i heneiddio yn raslon. Dal i weithio a bod yn frwd am rywbeth - dyna gyfrinach Dilys. Dilys with her colourful clothing and cheery smile is an advertisement for how to age gracefully. Keep working and have a passion in life - that’s Dilys’ secret.

Bob dydd meddyliwch am rywbeth prydferth, gwrandewch ar rywbeth prydferth ac edrychwch ar rywbeth prydferth.

Dewch o hyd i ragor o wybodaeth am Dilys a’r Touch Trust ar y we: / Find out more about Dilys and the Touch Trust at:

www.touchtrust.co.uk  www.skydiverdilys.co.uk

Mae Lynda Pritchard Newcombe wedi dysgu Cymraeg fel oedolyn, ac wedyn addysgu ieithoedd dros 30 mlynedd.  Ei llyfr Speak Welsh Outside Class ar gael o Y Lolfa.

Lynda Pritchard Newcombe learnt Welsh as an adult, and then taught languages for over 30 years.  Her book Speak Welsh Outside Class is available from Y Lolfa.

Llwytho i Lawr fel PDF

Lynda Newcombe- Speak Welsh Outside Class

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