Gethin Sherrington Tapenade

Saws Tapenade / Tapenade Sauce

Cogydd / CookGethin SherringtonCategoryFegan?Anhawster / DifficultyDechreuwr / Beginner

Cyfri’r dyddiau i’ch gwyliau nesaf yn y Med? Wel, mae gennyf i rywbeth bach i’ch cario chi drwy’r misoedd oer yma. Beth ydw i wedi bod yn chwarae efo’n ddiweddar, yw’r saws Canoldirol gorau sydd yna: Tapenade.
Counting the days to your next holiday in the Med? Well, I have something to help you carry on through the cold months here. What I've been playing with lately is the best Mediterranean sauce ever: Tapenade.

Cynyrchu / Yields4 Servings
Amser paratoi / Prep time10 minsAmser coginio / Cook time10 mins
 2 Clof garlleg / Cloves of garlic
 20 Olewydd / Olives
 200 g Tomatos sych / Sun-dried tomatoes
 1 Sudd lemwn / Juice of lemon
 1 tbsp Finegr gwin gwyn/coch / White/red wine vinegar
 120 ml Olew olewydd / Olive oil
 Halen a phupur / Salt and pepper
Fideo ar YouTube / Video on YouTube

Wneith hwn riw jar o saws- digon i tua 4 platiad o basta, neu torth go hefty o fara.
This will make a jar of sauce- enough to about 4 plates of pasta, or a hefty loaf of bread.

Mi rydw i hefyd yn hysbys o’r ffaith mae capers ac anchovis, nid tomatos sy’n gwneud tapenade traddodiadol, ond mi fydd raid i chi fy esgysodi am ddewis tomatos neis, yn hytrach na pysgod bach esgyrnog blodau ‘di’ piclo!
I'm also aware of the fact that it is capers and anchovies, not tomatoes, that make a traditional tapenade, but you will have to excuse me for choosing nice tomatoes, rather than little fish and pickled bony flowers!

Paratoi eich cynhwysion / Prepare your ingredients

Torrwch y tomatos sych, olewydd, a’r garlleg. Does yna ddim angen eu torri’n rhy fân, ond eu bod digon bach i’w rhoi trwy blendar.
Chop the dried tomatoes, olives, and garlic. There's no need to chop them too fine, but small enough to put them through a blender.

Gwasgwch y sudd o’ch lemon a gratiwch y sest.
Squeeze the juice from your lemon and grate the zest.

I wneud y saws / To make the sauce

Rhowch eich holl gynhwysion mewn jwg ochor uchel. Mi wneith y jwg ochor sicrhau bod popeth yn cael ei blendio’n iawn gyda’r blendar llaw.
Put all your ingredients into a tall jug. The jug will make sure that everything is blended properly with the hand blender.

Gyda blendar llaw, cymysgwch y cynhwysion i mewn i bâst ( ~ 1 munud ).
With a hand blender, mix the ingredients into a paste (~ 1 minute.

Ychwanegwch yr olew olewydd a’i blendio eto fewn i saws tew, talpiog ( ~ 1 munud).
Add the olive oil and blend again into a thick, chunky sauce (~ 1 minute).

Does ddim angen blendio’r tapenade yn hollol esmwyth; saws efo priodweddau tebyg i pesto ydych eisiau.
You don't need to blend the tapenade completely smoothly; a sauce with pesto-like properties is what you want.

Ychwanegwch halen a phupur i flasu.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Storiwch y tapenade yn y fridge, mewn jar neu fowlen o dan cling film ac ychwaneg o olew. Mi ddylai’r tapenade gadw am tua phythefnos. Mae pH isel y tomatos a’r halen yn arbed bacteria fel clostridium botulinium rhag tyfu, er gwaetha’r diffyg ocsigen a’r lleithder.
Store the tapenade in the fridge, in a jar or bowl under cling film and add a spot more oil. The tapenade should keep for about two weeks. The low pH of the tomatoes and salt saves bacteria such as clostridium botulinium from growing, despite the lack of oxygen and moisture.

Gethin ar y we / Gethin on the web

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 2 Clof garlleg / Cloves of garlic
 20 Olewydd / Olives
 200 g Tomatos sych / Sun-dried tomatoes
 1 Sudd lemwn / Juice of lemon
 1 tbsp Finegr gwin gwyn/coch / White/red wine vinegar
 120 ml Olew olewydd / Olive oil
 Halen a phupur / Salt and pepper


Fideo ar YouTube / Video on YouTube

Wneith hwn riw jar o saws- digon i tua 4 platiad o basta, neu torth go hefty o fara.
This will make a jar of sauce- enough to about 4 plates of pasta, or a hefty loaf of bread.


Mi rydw i hefyd yn hysbys o’r ffaith mae capers ac anchovis, nid tomatos sy’n gwneud tapenade traddodiadol, ond mi fydd raid i chi fy esgysodi am ddewis tomatos neis, yn hytrach na pysgod bach esgyrnog blodau ‘di’ piclo!
I'm also aware of the fact that it is capers and anchovies, not tomatoes, that make a traditional tapenade, but you will have to excuse me for choosing nice tomatoes, rather than little fish and pickled bony flowers!

Paratoi eich cynhwysion / Prepare your ingredients

Torrwch y tomatos sych, olewydd, a’r garlleg. Does yna ddim angen eu torri’n rhy fân, ond eu bod digon bach i’w rhoi trwy blendar.
Chop the dried tomatoes, olives, and garlic. There's no need to chop them too fine, but small enough to put them through a blender.


Gwasgwch y sudd o’ch lemon a gratiwch y sest.
Squeeze the juice from your lemon and grate the zest.

I wneud y saws / To make the sauce

Rhowch eich holl gynhwysion mewn jwg ochor uchel. Mi wneith y jwg ochor sicrhau bod popeth yn cael ei blendio’n iawn gyda’r blendar llaw.
Put all your ingredients into a tall jug. The jug will make sure that everything is blended properly with the hand blender.


Gyda blendar llaw, cymysgwch y cynhwysion i mewn i bâst ( ~ 1 munud ).
With a hand blender, mix the ingredients into a paste (~ 1 minute.


Ychwanegwch yr olew olewydd a’i blendio eto fewn i saws tew, talpiog ( ~ 1 munud).
Add the olive oil and blend again into a thick, chunky sauce (~ 1 minute).


Does ddim angen blendio’r tapenade yn hollol esmwyth; saws efo priodweddau tebyg i pesto ydych eisiau.
You don't need to blend the tapenade completely smoothly; a sauce with pesto-like properties is what you want.


Ychwanegwch halen a phupur i flasu.
Add salt and pepper to taste.


Storiwch y tapenade yn y fridge, mewn jar neu fowlen o dan cling film ac ychwaneg o olew. Mi ddylai’r tapenade gadw am tua phythefnos. Mae pH isel y tomatos a’r halen yn arbed bacteria fel clostridium botulinium rhag tyfu, er gwaetha’r diffyg ocsigen a’r lleithder.
Store the tapenade in the fridge, in a jar or bowl under cling film and add a spot more oil. The tapenade should keep for about two weeks. The low pH of the tomatoes and salt saves bacteria such as clostridium botulinium from growing, despite the lack of oxygen and moisture.

Gethin ar y we / Gethin on the web
Saws Tapenade / Tapenade Sauce