Nofel ysgafn am ddyn sy'n syrthio mewn cariad â'i diwtor. Mae Liam yn newydd i ddosbarth Liz ym mis Medi. Ar yr wyneb mae'n hollol wahanol i'w diwtor Cymraeg. Er gwaetha'r gwahaniaeth oed mae carwriaeth yn datblygu rhwng y ddau, a Liz yn wynebu creisus tipyn mwy cymhleth na sut i gyflwyno treigladau...
A light-hearted novel about a man who falls in love with his tutor. Liam is new to Liz's class in September. On the face of it, he is completely different from his Welsh tutor. Despite the age difference, a love affair develops between the two, and Liz faces a crisis that is a little more complex than how to introduce mutations...
Author: Beca Brown
Level: Canolradd / Intermediate
Price: £5.99
Iaith: Cymraeg, with vocabulary at the bottom of each page
Publisher: Gomer
Roedd cael y cyfle i ysgrifennu nofel i ddysgwyr yn hollol annisgwyl – roeddwn i wedi ysgrifennu un nofel yn Gymraeg ac mae gen i golofn fisol yng nghylchgrawn Barn, ond dydw i erioed wedi cyhoeddi unrhywbeth i ddysgwyr. Roeddwn i’n gyffrous iawn ac roedd pawb a oedd yn cyfrannu i gyfres Amdani yn cael sesiwn hyfforddiant yn Aberystwyth er mwyn deall sut i ysgrifennu i’r lefelau gwahanol. Yn anffodus doeddwn i ddim yn teimlo’n rhy dda yn ystod y diwrnod hyfforddi – a’r noson wedyn roeddwn i yn yr ysbyty gyda sepsis! Felly doedd hi ddim yn gychwyn da iawn i fi ac roedd rhaid imi ohirio’r gwaith ar y nofel tra ro’n i’n gwella, ond bellach rydw i’n holliach ac mae Gwers Mewn Cariad wedi ei chyhoeddi! | Getting the opportunity to write a novel for Welsh learners was an unexpected and very pleasant surprise. I’d already written one novel in Welsh and I have a monthly column in Barn magazine, but I had never published anything for learners before. It was very exciting, and everyone who was contributing to the Amdani books series was invited to a training day in Aberystwyth where we were to receive guidance on writing for different language levels. Unfortunately on the day I wasn’t feeling too good, and after returning home and feeling even worse I found myself in hospital the following evening with sepsis! So it wasn’t the best start for me, and I had to postpone work on the novel until I recovered’, but I’m now in rude health and my novel Gwers Mewn Cariad (A Lesson in Love) is published! |
Roeddwn i eisiau ysgrifennu rhywbeth cyfoes, rhywbeth oedd yn codi diddordeb ac yn hawdd i’w ddarllen o ran y testun a’r mynegiant, ac roedd stori garu eofn yn teimlo fel ffordd dda o wneud hynny! Mae Gwers Mewn Cariad yn dilyn hanes tiwtor Cymraeg i Oedolion, Liz, sydd yn gorfod cwestiynu popeth pan mae gŵr ifanc golygus yn ymuno â’i dosbarth Cymraeg. Ar yr un pryd mae ei hunig ferch yn paratoi i symud allan o’r cartref teuluol i symud mewn gyda'i chariad, felly mae dipyn o newidiadau ar droed i Liz. Wna’i ddim sôn gormod am beth sydd yn digwydd, ond mae’n deg dweud fod y nofel yn edrych ar beth all ddigwydd mewn priodas ac mewn bywyd pan fo rhywun yn mynd i rigol… | I wanted to write something modern that would grab attention and be of interest with a topic and style that was easy to read, and I felt that a cheeky love story was the way forward! Gwers Mewn Cariad follows the ups and downs of a second language Welsh tutor, Liz, who finds herself questioning everything she has ever known and believed when a handsome stranger joins her Welsh class. At the same time her only daughter is preparing to leave the family home to move in with her boyfriend, so there are lots of changes ahead for Liz. I’m not going to give too much away - no spoilers! - but let’s just say that the central theme of the book is what can happen in life and love when things get into a rut... |
Mi wnes i fwynhau ysgrifennu’r nofel a chael gweithio efo’r Golygydd, Nia Parry, sydd yn enw cyfarwydd i bob dysgwr y Gymraeg, wrth gwrs! Gawsom ni lawer o hwyl yn y broses o greu’r nofel ac mi fyddwn i wrth fy modd yn cyhoeddi un arall… hint hint! | I enjoyed writing the novel and working with my editor, Nia Parry - a very familiar name to any Welsh learner of course! We had a lot of fun during the publishing process, and I would love to write another.... hint hint! |
Yn ddiddorol iawn, roedd ysgrifennu Gwers Mewn Cariad dim ond yn un cam ar y ffordd i fy ngwaith efo dysgwyr, oherwydd ym mis Medi y llynedd ges i gynnig gwaith gyda chwmni SaySomethinginWelsh, ac rydw i’n dal i weithio efo nhw ac wrth fy modd. Fy ngwaith pennaf gyda’r cwmni ydi creu Cynnwys Estynedig – un sgwrs yr wythnos gyda rhywun diddorol o wahanol rannau o Gymru, ac er mwyn hwyluso’r gwrando rydw i’n darparu trawsgrifiad Cymraeg a chyfieithiad Saesneg. Enw’r sgyrsiau yw ‘Beca a’i Phobl’ – teyrnged i’r anhygoel Beti George a’i rhaglen ‘Beti a’i Phobl'! | Interestingly enough, writing Gwers Mewn Cariad turned out to be just the first step of my journey into the world of Welsh language learning, as I was given the fantastic opportunity of joining the SaySomethinginWelsh team last September. I still work with the company and am loving every minute. The main part of my work is providing advanced content which involves a weekly half hour recorded conversation with interesting people from around Wales, and in order to support the listening I also provide a full transcript, translation and vocab list for each conversation. The chats are called Beca a’i Phobl - a nod to the inspirational Beti George and her radio series Beti a’i Phobl! |
Mae pob math o bobol ddifyr wedi bod yn ddigon caredig i roi eu hamser i ni, gan gynnwys rhai o actorion Rownd a Rownd, gwleidyddion a haneswyr. Rydw i hefyd yn helpu allan weithiau gyda Hangouts y cwmni, sef y cyfleoedd rydan ni’n eu darparu i’n dysgwyr ni i gael ymarfer eu Cymraeg dros y we gyda staff a thiwtoriaid y cwmni – mae’n llawer o hwyl, a phob math o bethau yn cael eu trafod – a hynny i gyd yn Gymraeg! Does dim ots os mai dim ond un frawddeg o Gymraeg sydd ganddoch chi, mae croeso i chi bob tro yn y sesiynau fideo grŵp. | Many interesting people have been kind enough to give me their time, from Rownd a Rownd actors to politicians and historians. I also help out with our Hangouts - the company’s group video sessions designed to give our learners the chance to chat with our staff and tutors and practice their Welsh - we talk about anything and everything (almost!), as long as it’s in Welsh! It doesn’t matter if you only have one sentence of Welsh - you’re more than welcome to pop into the Hangout and have a go! |
Bu i SaySomethinginWelsh daro’r penawdau yn ddiweddar pan gafodd Aran Jones wahoddiad i roi gwers Gymraeg yn fyw ar Radio 2 i neb llai na’r darlledwr Jeremy Vine. Byddwch yn cofio i Jeremy Vine wneud rhai sylwadau anffodus am y Gymraeg ar ei raglen ac ar Trydar, a bu Aran yn cyfathrebu efo fo dros Trydar gan ddod yn dipyn o ffrindiau efo fo! Fe aeth y wers yn dda iawn ac roedd Jeremy Vine yn rhyfeddol o sydyn yn dysgu ei frawddeg gyntaf fo – mi fyddai’n dod yn rhugl mewn dim o dro petai o’n dechrau dysgu go iawn! | SaySomethinginWelsh found itself unexpectedly in the headlines recently when Aran Jones was invited to give a Welsh lesson live on Radio 2 to non other than the broadcaster Jeremy Vine! You may remember Jeremy Vine making some unfortunate comments about the Welsh language on his show and on Twitter and getting himself in a bit of hot water, but Aran got in touch over Twitter and the next thing he knew he was on a train to London to conduct the biggest Welsh lesson ever! Jeremy was unnervingly quick at absorbing his sentence - I’m sure he’d be fluent in no time if he ever wanted to learn! |
Felly mae byd y dysgwyr yn le gwych i weithio, ac rydan ni rŵan yn edrych ymlaen at benblwydd SaySomethinginWelsh yn 10 oed ddechrau Mehefin eleni. Mae llawer i’w ddathlu ac mae brwdfrydedd y rhai sydd yn dysgu Cymraeg ymhob man yn heintus ac yn fy llonni bob dydd. | So, the world of Welsh learners is a fantastic place to be, and we’re now looking forward to the SaySomethinginWelsh 10th birthday celebration this June. There’s so much to celebrate and the enthusiasm of learners everywhere is so infectious and lifts my spirits everyday. |