Cymraeg ar y chwith
Rhowch gynnig ar adrodd y pennill hwn, sy'n cynnwys yr arddodiaid fydd yn achosi treiglad meddal - efallai y byddwch chi'n gallu eu cofio nhw drwy wneud hyn!
i, o, am,
ar, at, dan,
hyd , wrth, heb,
trwy, dros, gan.
English on the right
Try reciting these prepositions which cause a soft mutation as a way to remember them:
i, o, am,
ar, at, dan,
hyd , wrth, heb,
trwy, dros, gan.
Rywbryd, bydd rhaid defnyddio arddodiad neilltuol (e.e. ‘at’, ‘wrth’, 'i', 'o', ac ati) gyda berf neilltuol. Mae'r ystyr newydd ('berf + arddodiad') yn gallu bod yn wahanol i ystyr y ferf yn unig. Felly, dylech chi ddysgu'r arddodiad priodol gyda phob berf. Gweler isod:
Certain prepositions (e.g. ‘at’, ‘wrth’ etc.) go with certain verbs. It is best to learn them together as their meanings may change. See below:
at | cofio at | to remember/give regards to (a person) |
ysgrifennu at | to write to (a person) | |
mynd at | to go to (a person) | |
hala/Anfon at | to send to (a person) |
i | gofyn i | to ask |
diolch i | to thank |
wrth | dweud wrth | to tell |
clywed wrth | to hear from |
am | becso/poeni am | to worry about |
chwilio am | to look/search for | |
meddwl am | to think about |
ar | edrych ar | to look at |
gwrando ar | to listen to | |
gweiddi ar | to shout at |
â | siarad â | to talk to |
cwrdd â | to meet (with) |
Pan fyddwch yn defnyddio arddodiaid gydag enwau (pobl nwu pethau), fydd ddim rhaid ychwanegu terfyniadau, e.e:
Dw i wedi bod yn meddwl am Ffred. (I’ve been thinking about Ffred)
Dw i wedi gofyn i’r plant. (I’ve asked (to) the children)
Dw i wedi edrych ar y tŷ. (I’ve looked at the house)
When using prepositions with nouns (people or things) no endings are required, e.g:
Dw i wedi bod yn meddwl am Ffred. (I’ve been thinking about Ffred)
Dw i wedi gofyn i’r plant. (I’ve asked (to) the children)
Dw i wedi edrych ar y tŷ. (I’ve looked at the house)
Ond, pan fyddwn ni'n defnyddio rhagenwau personol (personal pronouns) – fi, ti, fe, hi, ni, chi, nhw – yn lle enwau, bydd rhaid ychwanegu terfyniad priodol at fôn yr arddodiad i ddangos pa berson fydd dan sylw. e.e:
Dw i wedi bod yn meddwl amdani hi I have been thinking about her
Dw i wedi gofyn iddyn nhw I have asked (to) them
Dw i wedi edrych arno fe I have looked at it/him
But when personal pronouns are used - fi, ti, fe, hi, ni, chi, nhw - instead of names, an ending has to be added to the root of the preposition to fit the person.
Dw i wedi bod yn meddwl amdani hi. I have been thinking about her
Dw i wedi gofyn iddyn nhw. I have asked (to) them
Dw i wedi edrych arno fe. I have looked at it/him
Root | Endings | Person |
arn- | -a /-o | i |
wrth- | -at /-ot | ti |
drost- | -o | fe |
amdan- | -i | hi |
at- | -on | ni |
ohon- | -och | chi |
-yn | nhw |
Os bydd arddodiad yn rhedeg, wedyn, bydd yr arddodiad hwnnw'n defnyddio'r un terfyniadau - yn cynnwys 'heb' (e.e. hebddo fe - without it/him), a ‘trwy’ (e.e. trwyddo fe - through it/him).
Dim ond dwy eithriad sydd, sef:
â Fydd yr arddodiad hwn ddim yn ychwanegu'r un terfyniad, e.e:
Siarad â nhw - to talk to them
Cwrdd â hi - to meet her
i Dim ond i ddangos fe / hi a nhw y bydd yr arddodiad hwn yn ychwanegu terfyniadau, e.e:
Gofynnwch i ni - ask us - OND:
Gofynnwch iddi hi - ask her
Gofynnwch iddo fe - ask him
Gofynnwch iddyn nhw - ask them
The endings are the same for all the prepositions including ‘heb’ e.g. hebddo fe (without it/him), ‘trwy’ e.g. trwyddo fe (through it) etc.
The only exceptions are:
â This preposition does not require any endings at all, e.g:
Siarad â nhw to talk to them
Cwrdd â hi to meet her
i This preposition does not require any endings apart from with fe, hi and nhw e.g:
Gofynnwch i ni ask us BUT:
Gofynnwch iddi hi ask her
Gofynnwch iddo fe ask him
Gofynnwch iddyn nhw ask them
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Sut mae'ch rhieni chi? Cofiwch ni atyn nhw!
How are your parents? Remember me to them!
2. Fi sy'n nabod y brifathrawes. Bydda i'n ysgrifennu ati hi i gwyno am yr athro 'na!
I know the headmistress. I'll be writing to her to complain about that teacher!
3. Dyn hyfryd yw'r milfeddyg. Aethon ni â'r ci ato fe pan oedd e'n sâl
The vet is a lovely man. We took the dog to him when he was ill
4. Beth am Ffred a Sandra? Os byddwn ni'n hala neges aton nhw, falle byddan nhw'n ymateb
What about Ffred and Sandra? If we send them a message, perhaps they'll reply
5. Pam dych chi'n gofyn i ni am hynny? Mae'n breifat!
Why are you asking us about that? It's private!
6. Wel, nawr 'te, roedd hi'n dweud wrtha i am y manylion i gyd
Well, now then, she was telling me about all the details
7. Dyn ni ddim wedi clywed wrthoch chi ers achau
We haven't heard from you for ages
8. Wyt ti'n meddwl am yr arholiad? Paid becso amdano fe, Twm!
Are you thinking about the exam? Don't worry about it, Twm!
9. Ro'n ni wedi bod yn chwilio amdanat ti cyn i ti gyrraedd
We'd been searching for you before you arrived
10. Wyt ti'n meddwl amdana i erioed, Ffred?
Do you ever think about me, Ffred?
11. Mae Sandra yn dwlu ar bêl-droed, ond dyw hi byth yn edrych arno fe ar y teledu
Sandra loves football, but she never watches it on the television
12. Rhaid i chi wrando arnyn nhw'n astud er mwyn eu deall nhw
You have to listen to them intently in order to understand them
13. Dych chi'n siarad â nhw bob dydd, dw i'n credu
You talk to them every day, I think
14. Bydd yr athro'n cwrdd â ni i esbonio beth sy'n digwydd yn yr ysgol
The teacher will meet us to explain what's going on in the school
15. Wnewch chi ymweld â'r cyngor drosta i, os gwelwch yn dda?
Will you visit the council on my behalf, please?
16. Dim ond hanner ohonyn nhw sydd yma!
There's only half of them here!
17. Edrycha ar y bwrdd! Dyna Spot yn cuddio dano fe!
Look at the table! There's Spot hiding under it!
18. Pan fyddi di'n gadael, paid mynd hebddon ni!
When you leave, don't go without us!
19. Os cyrhaeddwch chi'r ardd, bydd yn rhaid i chi gerdded drwyddi hi
If you reach the garden, you'll have to walk through it
20. Dw i wedi dysgu cymaint gennyt ti
I've learned so much from you