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Arthroniaeth Abertawe: Cyflwyniad / Swansea Philosophy: Introduction

Helo ‘na, a chroeso i’n grŵp, Athroniaeth Abertawe! Rydym yn cwrdd ar hyn o bryd yn ystafell gyfarfod y dafarn o’r enw Vivian Arms yn Sgeti, Abertawe, ail nos Fercher pob mis am 7 o’r gloch. Dyma fan gyfarfod wych, lle rydych chi’n gallu prynu amrywiaeth eang o ddiodydd meddwol ac ysgafn, neu gael pryd o fwyd blasus. Weithiau fe fydd bwffe ysgafn ar gael am ddim!

Hello there, and welcome to our group, Swansea Philosophy. We meet at the moment in the meeting room of the Vivian Arms pub in Sketty, Swansea, the second Wednesday night of each month at 7pm. This is a great meeting place, where you can buy a wide variety of alcoholic and soft drinks, or have a tasty meal. Sometimes there’s a a free buffet!

Rydym yn cofio taw traddodiad athronyddol cryf sydd wastad wedi bodoli yn Abertawe, y dymunwn ei ddathlu. Rhaid dweud, fodd bynnag, nad ydym yn athronwyr proffesiynol o bell ffordd, dim ond grŵp o bobl leol o natur debyg sy eisiau cwrdd gyda'n gilydd bob mis a thrafod syniadau newydd a diddorol. Ni fydd neb yn disgwyl i chi wybod llawer o eiriau astrus na syniadau cymhleth.We remember that a strong philosophical tradition has always existed in Swansea, which we wish to celebrate. We have to say, though, that we're not professional philosophers, by a long chalk, just a group of like-minded local people who want to meet together every month and discuss new and interesting ideas. No-one will expect you to know lots of arcane words, or complex ideas.
Rydym yn dod at ein gilydd mewn awyrgylch diogel a chyfeillgar lle mae pawb yn gallu cyfrannu ac yn dysgu rhywbeth, efallai, gan gael hwyl. Gallwch ddod i edrych a gwrando'n unig, i ofyn cwestiynau, neu i rannu eich gwybodaeth.. Fe fydd pawb yn barchus at y lleill sydd yno, ac at y syniadau sy'n cael eu mynegi.We come together in a safe and friendly atmosphere where everyone can contribute and perhaps learn something, while having fun! You can come just to listen and watch, to ask questions, or to share your knowledge. Everyone is respectful towards the others who are there, and to the ideas that are being expressed.
Y llynedd, treulion ni llawer o amser yn siarad am "philosophi yn yr henfyd," er mwyn deall am syniadau meddylwyr enwog fel Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Epicurus, Marcus Aurelius, a rhai eraill hefyd. Eleni, rydym wedi trafod pynciau fel -- Beth sy'n Real? -- Ffeithiau Newydd Bywyd -- Iaith: Callineb, Chwant, a Chelwyddau? -- ac Yr Athroniaethwyr cyn Socrates.Last year, we spent lots of time talking about "philosophy in the ancient world," in order to understand the ideas of famous thinkers such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Epicurus, Marcus Aurelius, and others too. This year, we have discussed topics such as -- What is Real? -- The New Facts of Life -- Language: Logic, Lies, and Lechery? -- and The pre-Socratic Philosophers.
Rydym yn falch taw cangen leol Sefydliad Brenhinol Athroniaeth ydym ni. Mae'r Sefydliad hwn yn rhoi cyllid inni bob blwyddyn. Yn y gorffennol, rydym wedi cynnal Gwyliau Philosophi drwy'r dydd, fel "Blas y Cyfandir," ac "Athroniaeth yn Abertawe: Dylan Thomas a Ludwig Wittgenstein." Hefyd, dyna sesiynau fel "philosophi yn y dafarn," a "philosophi mewn ffilm," er enghraifft. Mae'r "grŵp darllen" wedi astudio "Being and Time" gan Heidegger, a "Death and Immortality" gan DZ Phillips. Hoffem ddiolchi'n fawr i Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, ac i Brifysgol Abertawe am eu cymorth hefyd.We are proud to be a local branch of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. This Institute provides us with finance each year. In the past we have held day-long Philosophy Festivals such as "A Taste of the Continent," and "Philosophy in Swansea: Dylan Thomas a Ludwig Wittgenstein." Also, there are sessions like "pub philosophy" and "philosophy in film" for example. The "reading group" has studied "Being and Time" by Heidegger, and "Death and Immortality" by DZ Phillips. We would like to extend great thanks to The University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and to Swansea University for their support as well.
Cynhelir y cyfarfodydd yn Saesneg ar hyn o bryd, achos y mwyafrif o bobl yn siarad Saesneg yn unig -- gwaetha'r modd! Ond ar adegau buodd rhai ohonom ni yn y grŵp sy'n medru'r Gymraeg, gan gynnwys Patrick, y Cadeirydd a wnaeth basio'r arholiad i Safon Uwch Ail-Iaith yn y Gymraeg yn 2017. Rydym yn gobeithio ein bod ni'n gallu rhannu'n diddordeb mewn syniadau symbylol yn amlach yn y dyfodol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Croeso cynnes i bawb: efallai'ch bod chi'n gallu dod â rhai ffrindiau?The meetings are held in English at present, because the majority of people speak only English -- more's the pity! But, at times there have been some of us in the group who speak Welsh, including Patrick the Chair, who passed the exam for Welsh Second-Language A-Level in 2017. We hope that we can share our interest in stimulating ideas through the medium of Welsh more often in the future. A warm welcome to all: perhaps you can bring some friends?


Manylion ychwanegol / Further details

Mae mwy gwybodaeth am y grŵp ar eu tudalen Facebook / There is more information about the group on their Facebook page.

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