Sarah Reynolds- Dysgu Byw

Dysgwr ac Awdures Sarah Reynolds: Cyflwyno Dysgu Byw / Learner and Author: Sarah Reynolds: Introducing Dysgu Byw

Mae Sarah Reynolds, sy’n dod yn wreiddiol o Reigate, wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg ers 2009. Yn 2016 cyrhaeddodd Sarah rownd derfynol Dysgwr y Flwyddyn yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol y Fenni a gwnaeth hi ryddhau nofel i ddysgwyr, Dysgu Byw. Yma, mae hi’n dweud mwy am y nofel…

Sarah Reynolds, who is from Reigate originally, has been learning Welsh since 2009. In 2016 Sarah reached the final round of the Learner of the Year Compeition in the National Eisteddfod in Abergavenny and she released a novel for learners, Dysgu Byw. Here, she tells more about the novel…

Mae Dysgu Byw yn nofel gyntaf amdani i yn y Gymraeg. Mae’n nofel hynod ddoniol- romp comig sy’n dilyn hynt a helynt criw o ddysgwyr mewn dosbarth nos. Dw i wedi defnyddio peth o fy mhrofiadau o ddysgu’r Gymraeg a’i blethu i’r testun. Dysgu Byw is my first novel in Welsh. It's a very funny novel- a comic romp which follows the progress of a group of learners in an evening class. I've used some of my experience of learning Welsh and folded those into the book.
Dyw’r daith ddim wedi bod yn hawdd wrth i fi ddysgu ond dwi wedi chwerthin llawer ar hyd y ffordd. Ro’n i eisiau rhannu peth o’r straeon hynny gyda phobl ynghyd â phrofiadau pobl eraill dwi’n nabod sydd wedi dysgu hefyd.The learning journey has not been an easy one for me, but I have laughed a lot along the way. I wanted to share some of those stories with people, along with with the experiences of people that I know who have learned too.
Mae'r griw o ddysgwyr sy’n cael eu dysgu gan Siwan James – cyn seren Pobl y Cwm sy’n bellach yn cael trafferth dod o hyd i waith actio. Mae hi’n dysgu Cymraeg er mwyn talu’r biliau ond mae hi’n dymuno bod yn ôl yn seren ar y sgrin, nid yn gwywo wrth wrando ar bobl yn manglo’r iaith ac yn merwino’i chlustiau. Dyw ei chalon ddim yn ei gwaith dysgu… nes bod hi’n clywed sôn am swydd cyflwyno rhaglen deledu ar gyfer dysgwyr. The group of learners are taught by Siwan James- a former star of Pobl y Cwm who is now having trouble finding acting work. She is teaching Welsh in order to pay the bills but she wishes to be a star on the screen, not withering and listening to people mangling the language and numbing her ears. Her heart isn't in teaching... until she hears about a job presenting television programmes for learners.
Er mwyn bachu’r swydd mae hi’n gweud wrth y cwmni teledu bod pawb sy’ yn ei dosbarth yn ymgeisio ar gyfer teitl Ddysgwr y Flwyddyn. Yr unig broblem yw dyn nhw ddim. Maen nhw i gyd yn anobeithiol yn y Gymraeg. Mae ganddi dri mis i godi safon eu Cymraeg ac atgyfodi ei gyrfa. In order to hook the job she tells the television company that everyone in her class is applying for the Learner of the Year competition. The only problem is- they aren't. They are all awful at Welsh. She has three months to raise their standard of Welsh and revive her career.
Mae gan bob un o’r cymeriadau stori wahanol a dw i'n dweud yr hanes i gyd drwy’r lleisiau unigol amrywiol sy’n rhan o’r dosbarth. Mae ganddoch chi:Each one of the characters has a different story and I tell the full story through the different voices that are part of the class. They are:
Glesni: y swot. Mae ‘na un o rheiny ym mhob un dosbarth. Ond mae ganddi hefyd bach o ‘girl crush’ ar Shân Cothi felly mae hynny yn arwain hi at drafferthion.Glesni: The swot. There is one of these in every class. But she has a little bit of a 'girl crush' on Shân Cothi which leads her into trouble.
Gwynfor, sy’ wedi colli ei famiaith ar ôl symud mas o’r ardal. Wedi ail gysylltu gyda’i gariad cyntaf, mae fe’n penderfynu symud nôl i Gymru ac ail ddysgu ei famiaith.Gwynfor, who has lost his mother tongue after moving out of the area. He has re-contacted his first love, and he decided to move back to Wales and re-learn his mother tongue.
Clive, sy’n hollol anobeithiol yn y Gymraeg- mae wastod un o rheiny ym mhob un dosbarth hefyd.Clive, who is completely useless in Welsh- there is always one of these in every class as well.
Caryl, mam ifanc sy’n anferth o feichiog ac sy’ eisiau dysgu Cymraeg ar gyfer ei phlant.Caryl, a young mum who is very pregnant and wants to learn Welsh for her children.
Sangita, sy’n edrych ar ôl bawb.Sangita, who looks after everyone.
Peter, sy’ yng nghanol trefnu priodas y ganrif.Peter, who is in the middle of organising the wedding of the century.
Jemma, sy’n hipi – ond mae ei stori hi yn cymryd tro annisgwyl erbyn y diwedd…Jemma, who is a hippy- but her story takes an unexpected turn by the end...


Mae Dysgu Byw ar gael o Gomer / Dysgu Byw is available from Gomer.

Dysgu Byw gan Sarah Reynolds

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