Learner Peter Mescall- Organising residential courses for other learners 1

Dysgwr Peter Mescall: Trefnu cyrsiau preswyl i ddysgwyr eraill / Learner Peter Mescall: Organising residential courses for other learners

Mae Peter Mescall yn byw yn Sir y Fflint ac mae e wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg ers mis Mai 2016; yn gyntaf efo Say Something in Welsh, ac wedyn yng Ngholeg Cambria. Mae e’n mwynhau darllen llyfrau Cymraeg, ond gwnaeth e moyn creu cyfleoedd am bobl i ymarfer Cymraeg gyda dysgwyr eraill ac yn y gymuned. Felly, gwnaeth e ddechrau trefnu penwythnosau preswyl yn yr Eryri. Yma, mae’n esbonio sut mae e’n gwneud e…

Peter Mescall lives in Flintshire and has been learning Welsh since May 2016; firstly with Say Something in Welsh, and then through Coleg Cambria. He enjoys reading Welsh language books, but he wanted to create opportuntiies for other people to practice Welsh with other learners and in the community. So, he started organising residential weekends in Snowdonia. Here, he explains how he does it…

Dw i wedi colli'r cyfle i siarad Cymraeg sawl gwaith. Weithiau dw i'n bwriadu siarad Cymraeg ac wedyn bydda i'n rhewi- “Beth ddywedon nhw? Maen nhw'n siarad yn rhy gyflym!”I've missed the opportunity to speak Welsh several times. Sometimes I plan to speak Welsh and then I'll freeze: “What did they say? They speak too fast!”
Felly dw i'n teimlo fy mod i'n colli hyder. Wrth gwrs mae 'na grwpiau sgwrsio ledled y byd- awr neu ddwy yn y Gymraeg. Mae 'na lawer o gyrsiau preswyl hefyd- ond mae rhai ohonyn nhw’n ddrud iawnSo I feel that I lose confidence. Of course there are chat groups all over the world- one or two hours in Welsh. There are also many residential courses- but some are very expensive.
Felly dw i'n trefnu penwythnosau yn y Gymraeg. Maen nhw'n hollol anffurfiol. Rhaid i bawb rannu ystafell wely, (gwely sengl wrth gwrs!) a dw i'n licio coginio ar gyfer pawb- swper nos Wener a nos Sadwrn, a brecwast fore dydd Sadwrn a bore dydd SulSo I organise weekends in Welsh. They are completely informal. Everyone needs to share a bedroom, (single beds, of course!) and I like to cook for everyone- dinner Friday evening and Saturday, and breakfast on Saturday morning and Sunday morning.
Yn ystod y penwythnos, rydyn ni'n chwarae gemau yn y Gymraeg a thrafod llawer o bethau- y newyddion, chwaraeon, yr iaith ac yn y blaen. Dw i'n meddwl bod fy Nghymraeg yn gwella dros y penwythnos.During the weekend, we play games in Welsh and discuss many things- the news, sport, the language and so on. I think that my Welsh improves over the weekend.
Yn fy marn i, mae trefnu cyflwyniad neu arddangosiad yn y Gymraeg yn bwysig. Yn ffodus mae llawer o bobl yn hapus i fy helpu ac maen nhw'n cynnig rhywbeth yn rhad ac am ddim.In my opinion, organising a presentation or demonstration in Welsh is important. Fortunately, many people are happy to help me and offer something free of charge.
Yn 2017 aethon ni i Amgeuddfa Lechi Cymru, ble roedden ni'n medru gwylio ffilm a gwylio arddangosiad am sut i hollti llechi. Dyn ni hefyd wedi bod i Oriel Ynys Môn ac Eglwys Sant Baglan. Dyn ni'n wedi bod i lefydd twristiaeth hefyd - cestyll er enghraifft yn Harlech a Chaernarfon. Ac fel arfer dyn ni'n mynd i gaffi ac wrth gwrs byddwn ni’n archebu popeth yn y Gymraeg!In 2017 we went to the National Slate Museum, where we could watch a film and see a demonstration on how to split slate. Also we have gone to the Anglesey Gallery and Sant Baglan's Church. We've also gone to tourist places- castles for example in Harlech and Caernarfon. And usually we go to a cafe and, of course, order everything in Welsh!
Ym mis Chwefror 2018 aethon ni i Fethesda Bach ger Caernarfon. Wnaethon ni i gyd gyrraedd cyn chwech o’r gloch ddydd Gwener ac wedyn gaethon ni swper - pasta efo saws Bolognese neu saws Carbonara. Ges i amser da gan siarad Cymraeg dros y penwythnos. In February 2018 we went to Bethesda Bach near Caernarfon. We all arrived before 6 o'clock on Friday night and then we had supper - pasta with a Bolognese sauce or Carbonara sauce. I had a good time speaking Welsh over the weekend.
Fore dydd Sadwrn, aethon ni i Balas Print yng Nghaernarfon lle oedden ni’n medru cymryd rhan mewn grŵp sgwrs ac wrth gwrs wedyn, mynd am dro o gwmpas y dre. Oedd yn neis iawn yn y siop llyfr. Ges i gyfle i gael sgwrs efo ffrind fy nhiwtor a hefyd oedd yn neis iawn i gyfarfod pobl sy wedi dysgu'r iaith mor gyflym. On Saturday morning we went to Palas Print in Caernarfon where we were able to take part in a chat group and, of course, take a walk around the town. It was very nice in the book shop. I had a chance to have a chat with my tutor's friend and it was also very nice to meet people who have learned the language so quickly.
Yn y prynhawn, aethon ni i Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw yn Llanbedrog. Lle hyfryd a chafon ni gyfle i gael cyflwyniad yn y Gymraeg am hanes y plas. Nos Wener, wnaethon ni chwarae gemau a nos Sadwrn, dim ond sgwrs ar ôl wylio'r gêm rygbi rhwng Yr Alban a Lloegr.In the afternoon, we went to Plas Glyn y Weddw Gallery in Llanbedrog. A beautiful place and we had an opportunity to have a presentation in Welsh about the history of the Plas. On Friday we played games and Saturday, just a chat after watching the rugby game between Scotland and England.
Gobeithio byddwch chi eisiau trio trefnu rhywbeth eich hunain. Felly fy nghyngor yw:

1. Gofynwch i bobl yn eich dosbarth neu’ch grwp sgwrsio, a’ch ffrindiau hefyd.
2. Ewch i rywle fel Gwynedd neu Sir Gaerfyddin- rhywle lle mae pobl yn siarad Cymraeg yn y gymuned.
3. Triwch gadw’r gost lawr. Mae'n bosib llogi bwthyn ar gyfer 6 o bobl o dan dri chant o bunnoedd am y penwythnos. Dw i wedi defnyddio Cae Berllan ger Bethesda Bach a Bythynod Maes yr Helmau ger Dolgellau.
4. Gwiriwch pa fath o bethau mae pawb yn medru fwyta. Gofynwch os oes rhywun eisiau helpu coginio. Efallai bydd pobl eisiau dewis rhywbeth hefyd.
5. Peidiwch â gwneud elw- dych chi ddim yn rhedeg busnes. Bydd rhaid i chi drefnu yswiriant ac yn y blaen.
6. Cyn y penwythnos gwnewch yn siwr bod pawb yn hapus gyda'r trefniadiau.
7. Y peth pwysicaf yw- mwynhewch y penwythnos a thrio gwneud popeth yn y Gymraeg!
I hope you will want to try to arrange this yourself. So my advice:

1. Ask people in your class or chat group, and your friends too.
2. Go somewhere like Gwynedd or Carmarthenshire- somewhere where people speak Welsh in the community.
3. Try to keep the cost low. It is possible to hire a cottage for 6 people fior under three hundred pounds for the weekend. I have used Cae Berllan near Bethesda Bach and Maes yr Helmau Cottages near Dolgellau.
4. Make sure what kind of things everyone can eat. Ask if someone wants to help cook. Also people may want to choose something.
5. Do not make a profit- you are not running a business. You will have to arrange insurance and so on.
6. Make sure everyone is happy with the arrangements before the weekend
7. The most important thing- enjoy the weekend and try to do everything in Welsh!

Y peth pwysicaf- mwynhewch y penwythnos a thrio gwneud popeth yn y Gymraeg!


Adolygiad gan Greg Pearce, Lloegr, mis Chwefror 2019 / Review by Greg Pearce, England, February 2019

Dw i newydd ddod yn ôl o benwythnos hir yng Nghymru. Gaeth y penwythnos ei drefnu gan Peter Mescall ar gyfer dysgwyr sy isio gwella eu Cymraeg. Roedd saith ohonon ni o bob rhan o Gymru a Lloegr, yn aros mewn bwthyn yng Ngherrigydrudion, pentref bach rhwng Corwen a Betws-y-Coed.I have just come back from a long weekend in Wales. The weekend was arranged by Peter for learners who want to improve their Welsh. There were seven of us from all parts of Wales and England, staying in a cottage in Cerrigdydrudion, a small village between Corwen and Betws-y-Coed.
Naeth y penwythnos ddechrau ddydd Sadwrn efo digwyddiad bwysig iawn, sef Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr yn y Chwe Gwlad. Fel Sais, do'n i ddim yn teimlo'n ddigon dewr i fentro mynd i'r dafarn leol yn ystod y gêm! Felly roedd rhaid i ni (wel, bron pawb- dim pawb roedd ffan rygbi!) setlo i lawr yn y bwthyn o flaen y teledu i weld y gêm.The weekend began on Saturday with a very important event, namely Wales versus England in the Six Nations rugby. As an Englishman, I did not feel brave enough to venture into the local pub while the game was on! So we all (well, nearly all – not everyone was a rugby fan!) had to settle down in the cottage in front of the television to watch the game.
Pwy ddylwn i fod wedi cefnogi? Dw i'n dod o Loegr ond o'n i'n treulio'r penwythnos yng Nghymru er mwyn gwella fy Nghymraeg... Roedd y gêm yn gyffrous iawn, tuag at y diwedd yn enwedig, ac wrth gwrs naeth y Cymry yn y bwythyn ddathlu llawer ar ôl y gêm!Who was I to support? I come from England but I was spending the weekend in Wales to improve my Welsh… The game was very exciting, especially towards the end, and of course the Welsh in the cottage celebrated greatly after the game!
Gyda'r nos, naethon ni chwarae Scrabble yn Gymraeg. Hwyl iawn, ond o'n i'n siŵr bod rhai o bobl yn twyllo efo'r treigladau. Do'n i ddim wedi ystyried bod 'na mwy o ffyrdd i dwyllo yn Scrabble Cymraeg!In the evening, we played Scrabble in Welsh. Great fun, but I was sure that some people were cheating with their mutations. It had never occurred to me that there were more ways to cheat in Welsh Scrabble!
Ddydd Sul aeth y grŵp i Lanberis i ymweld â'r Amgueddfa Llechi Cymru. Roedd y tywydd yn anhygoel: y diwrnod poethaf erioed ym mis Chwefror roedd o. Mae'r hen dai yn yr amgueddfa yn ddiddorol iawn; mae rhes o dai sy'n cynrychioli canrifoedd gwahanol mewn hanes y diwydiant llechi. Naeth y tŷ chwedegau atgoffa i am dŷ fy nain pan o'n i'n ifanc (yn yr wythdegau!).On Sunday the group went to Llanberis to visit the Welsh Slate Museum. The weather was unbelievable: it was the warmest ever February day. The old houses in the museum were very interesting; there are rows of houses representing different centuries in the history of the slate industry. The house from the sixties reminded me of my grandmother's house when I was young (in the eighties!).
Ar ôl i ni ymweld â'r amgueddfa, aethon ni i fyny bryn i weld yr hen ysbyty chwarel lechi. Mae golygfeydd yn hardd iawn dros Llyn Padarn o'r ysbyty.After visiting the museum, we went uphill to see the old slate quarry hospital. The views from the hospital across Llyn Padarn are very beautiful.
Roedd gêm Monopoly Ynys Môn yn y bwthyn ar ôl swper, yn Gymraeg wrth gwrs. Dw i'n meddwl dylen nhw fod wedi ailenwi'r gêm 'Mônopoly'. Nes i golli- ail atgoffa o fy mhlentyndod!There was a game of Anglesey Monopoly in the cottage after supper, in Welsh of course. I think they should rename the game ' Mônopoly'. I lost – a second reminder of my childhood!
Fore dydd Llun aethon ni i'r Bala er mwyn gweld Byd Mary Jones. Yn 1800 naeth Mary Jones gerdded pum milltir ar hugain yn droednoeth er mwyn prynu Beibl yn Gymraeg. Roedd yr arddangosfa yn y ganolfan yn ddiddorol iawn. Roedd y staff i gyd yn gyfeillgar ac yn hollol fodlon siarad efo ni yn Gymraeg. Baswn i'n argymell i unrhyw un ymweld â'r ganolfan.On Monday morning we went to Bala to see the Mary Jones World visitor centre. In 1800 Mary Jones walked twenty-five miles barefoot to buy a Welsh Bible. The exhibition in the centre was very interesting. The staff were all friendly and perfectly willing to talk with us in Welsh. I would recommend anyone to visit the centre.
Aeth rhai ohonon ni fynd am dro wrth Llyn Brenig yn y p'nawn. Roedd hi'n gynnes eto -- tywydd perffaith i mwynhau llonyddwch y llyn.Some of us went for a walk in the afternoon to Llyn Brenig. It was still warm – perfect weather to enjoy the peace of the lake.
Naethon ni gwrdd â Aled Lewis Evans ddydd Llun hefyd. Roedd Aled yn hapus iawn sgwrsio efo ni a roedd yn ddiddorol iawn clywed am ei waith fel awdur, bardd, tiwtor Cymraeg a phregethwr.We also met with Aled Lewis Evans on Monday. Aled was very happy to talk with us and it was very interesting to hear about his work as an author, poet, Welsh tutor and preacher.
Dw i'n siŵr mod i wedi gwneud mwy o gamgymeriadau dros y penwythnos nag erioed, ond trio siarad Cymraeg cymaint â phosib ydy'r peth pwysicaf. Roedd yn wych i gael cymaint o gyfleoedd i ddefnyddio'r iaith, efo dysgwyr arall a Chymry Cymraeg yn ogystal. Dw i'n edrych ymlaen at fy ymweliad nesa i Gymru!I have no doubt that I have made more mistakes than ever over the weekend, but the most important thing is to try to speak Welsh as much as possible. It was great to get so many opportunities to use the language, with other learners and with Welsh-speaking Welsh people as well. I am looking forward to my next visit to Wales.

Mae Peter ar gael ar Trydar / Peter is available on Twitter- Pedr ap Iago

Learner Peter Mescall- Organising residential courses for other learners 2

Ymwadiad / Disclaimer
Ysgrifennwyd rhai o’r erthyglau ‘Dysgwyr’ gan bobl sydd eisoes wrthi’n dysgu Cymraeg. Efallai y dewch ar draws rhai camgymeriadau ieithyddol yn y Gymraeg o bryd i’w gilydd.
Some of the ‘Learner’ articles have been written by those who are still learning Welsh. You may therefore come across some linguistic errors in the Welsh from time to time.

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