2018 Football World Cup Russian-Welsh Vocabulary_Terminology_Sheet 1_The Countries

Jemma Pullen: Dysgwch geiriau Rwsieg am Cwpan y Byd 2018 / Learn Russian words for the World Cup 2018

Mewn partneriaeth â Parallel.cymru, mae cwmni Language JEM wedi creu taflen eirfa pêl-droed yn Rwsieg a Chymraeg ar gyfer Cwpan y Byd Rwsia 2018, sy'n dechrau'n fuan.  Ydych chi eisiau gwybod sut i ddatgan enwau'r dinasoedd sy’n croesawu’r gystadleuaeth? Darganfyddwch beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng “miatz” a “mattz” yn Rwsieg.  Byddwch yn synnu at faint o eirfa dych chi’n deall, yn union o'r cychwyn! Felly, beth am greu argraff ar eich ffrindiau'r haf hwn a dysgu rhai geiriau pêl-droed mewn Rwsieg?

In partnership with Parallel.cymru, Language JEM has made a Russian and Welsh football vocabulary sheet in honour of the upcoming World Cup in Russia. Do you want to know how to pronounce the host city names? Or to find out what’s the difference between a “match” and “myatch” in Russian? You might be pleasantly surprised at how much you’ll be able to say in Russian – right from the start! So, why not impress your mates this summer by learning some Russian football words?

Cliciwch i lawrlwytho PDF: / Click to download a PDF:

2018 Football World Cup Russian-Welsh Vocabulary_Terminology_Sheet 1_The Countries


Os ydych chi eisiau mwy o eiriau yn Rwsieg a Chymraeg, edrychwch ar wefan Language JEM www.languagejem.co.uk/term-topics. Ymo fo welwch chi restrau o eirfa am bynciau gwahanol mewn 5 iaith (Cymraeg, Ffrangeg, Rwsieg, Saesneg a Tsieceg) bob wythnos. Er enghraifft, roedd rhestrau geirfa'r mis hwn yn ymwneud â'r UE, priodasau, Dydd Tywel a syrffio.

Mae Language JEM yn gwmni cyfieithu ac ysgrifennu copi annibynnol a sefydlwyd gan Jemma Pullen.  Mae Jemma yn gweithio fel cyfieithydd ac ysgrifennydd copi hunangyflogedig.  Mae hi'n siarad Tsieceg a Rwsieg, ac mae hi hefyd yn dysgu Ffrangeg a Chymraeg. Bu Jemma fyw ym Moscow a Siberia, ac mae’n byw yn Abertawe bellach. Mae llinach Gymraeg ‘da hi ar ochr ei thad. Pan nad yw hi’n gweithio mae Jemma yn mwynhau mynd â’r ci am dro ar draethau Gŵyr a cheisio syrffio.

If you want more words in Russian and Welsh, then check out the Language JEM website for weekly mini term topics: www.languagejem.co.uk/term-topics. These are short vocab lists of 10 words about different topics in 5 languages (Czech, English, French, Russian, and Welsh). For example, this month’s vocab lists covered the top words you need to talk about the EU, weddings, Towel Day and surfing.

Language JEM is an independent translation and copywriting consultancy founded by Jemma Pullen. Jemma is a freelance translator and copywriter. She works from Czech and Russian into English, and is also a keen student of French and Welsh. Jemma has lived in Moscow and Siberia, and is now based in Swansea. She has Welsh heritage from her father’s side. When she is not working she enjoys walking her dog on the beautiful beaches of the Gower and trying to surf.

Mae mwy o daflenni ar gael mewn Rwsieg a Saesneg ar / A full series of 10 sheets in Russian and English is also available at:

Gallwch ddilyn Language JEM: / You can follow Language JEM:

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