Emma Chappell Dysgwr y Flwyddyn 2017

Dysgwr y Flwyddyn 2017 Emma Chappell: Fy stori am ddysgu Cymraeg / My story of learning Welsh

Mae miloedd a miloedd o bobl trwy’r wlad a thramor sy’n dysgu Cymraeg. A phob blwyddyn, mae cystadleuaeth yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ble mae rhywun yn cael eu dewis fel Dysgwyr y Flwyddyn. Er mae hi’n brysur iawn gyda’i gwaith, teulu a hala amser hybu’r iaith, roedd yr ennillwr eleni, Emma Chappell, yn hapus i siarad am ei phrofiad.

There are thousands and thousands of people across the land and overseas who are learning Welsh. And every year, there is a competition at the National Eisteddfod where one is chosen as the Learner of the Year. Although she is very busy with her work, family and promoting the language, the winner this year, Emma Chappell, was happy to speak about her experience.

Shw mae Emma. Yn cyntaf, gwnest ti ennill gwobr arbennig yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol eleni- Dysgwr y Flwyddyn 2017, felly mae rhaid i fi ddweud llongyfarchiadau mawr i ti. Sut gwnest ti deimlo pan wnest ti ennill?
Diolch yn fawr!! Roeddwn i’n fach yn ‘shellshocked’ i ddeud y gwir! Roeddwn i’n gŵl braf tan wnaeth Jenny sefyll i fyny i neud y cyhoeddiad, ond ar ôl y sioc, doeddwn i ddim yn gallu stopio gwenu.
Hi Emma. Firstly, you won a prestigious award in the National Eisteddod this year- Learner of the Year 2017, so congratulations! How did you feel when you won?
Thank you very much!! To tell you the truth, I was a little shellshocked! I’d been totally cool up until Jenny stood up to make the announcement, but after the initial shock, I couldn’t stop smiling.
A pha fath o bethau byddi di'n gwneud yn y rôl hwn?
Does ‘na ddim byd swyddogol, ond mi ges i fy mhigo oherwydd roedd y beirniaid yn meddwl baswn i’n neud llysgennad da. Dwi’n bwriadu mynd allan i neud llwyth o bethau gwahanol i hybu’r iaith, erthyglau a chyfweliadau fel hyn a phethau ar radio a theledu. Dwi wedi cael gwahoddiadau i fynd i lefydd i siarad â phobl am fy mhrofiad Eisteddfod, er enghraifft ysgolion a chlybiau. Dwi’n hapus i drio bob math o bethau, a dwi’n mwynhau heriau!
And what sort of things will you do as in this role?
There isn’t anything official, but the judges chose me as they thought that I would make a good ambassador. What I intend to do is go out and do lots of different things to promote the Welsh language- articles and interviews like this and things on radio and television. I have already had invitations from different places such as clubs and schools, to go and speak about my Eisteddfod experience. I am happy to try all kinds of things and I do like a challenge!
Mae stori gyda phawb â pham gwnaethon nhw ddechrau dysgu Cymraeg. Pam gwnest ti drio fe?
Mae fy mhartner Arwel yn Gymro go iawn ac mae’r iaith a diwylliant yn bwysig iawn iddo fo. Roeddwn i’n gwybod os oedden ni isio dyfodol efo ein gilydd, rhaid i mi ddysgu’r iaith. Roeddwn i wedi pigo pethau bach i fyny dros y blynyddoedd tra oeddwn i yng Nghymru i ymweld â fy mrawd mawr a'i deulu; ond roeddwn i isio neud o yn iawn, yn enwedig os oeddwn i isio cael swydd a theulu ar ôl i mi symud i Gymru.
Everyone has a story as to why they started learning Welsh. Why did you try it?
My partner Arwel is extremely Welsh and the language and culture is very important to him. I knew that if we wanted to have a future with each other I would have to learn the language. I had picked up a few little bits over the years when I had been in Wales visiting my big brother and his family, but I wanted to learn properly, especially if I wanted to get a job and have a family after I had moved to Wales.
Nawr, dw i'n deall mod teulu ifanc gyda ti. Mae'n anodd iawn i weithio a dysgu Cymraeg tra ti'n prysur iawn gofalu am blant. Sut gwnest ti wneud pob ohonho fe?
Mae gen i ddau o blant, Deion sydd yn 8 oed a Guto sydd yn 4 oed. Maen nhw wedi bod yn help mawr dros y blynyddoedd, i ddeud y gwir. Dwi’n meddwl mai’n haws i ddysgu os gen ti blant oherwydd rhaid i ti ddarllen llyfrau plant efo nhw ac mae ‘na fwy sefyllfaoedd lle wyt ti’n mynd i glywed pobl yn siarad Cymraeg, fel y plant, rhieni eraill ac yr athrawon. Hefyd, pan wyt ti’n siarad efo plentyn, pan mae nhw’n ifanc ac mae nhw’n dysgu hefyd, neu pan mae nhw’n fabis; does ‘na ddim beirniadu, does ‘na ddim ots os wyt ti’n neud camgymeriad, mae nhw’n jest parhau fel arfer. Yr unig broblem ydy amser, doedd ‘na ddim lot o amser i neud pethau fel gwaith cartref, roeddwn i’n anobeithiol am neud o!!
Now, I understand that you have a young family. It is very difficult to work and learn Welsh while very busy with caring for children. How did you do all of it?
I have two children, Deion who is 8 and Guto who is 4. They have been a massive help over the years. I think that it is easier to learn if you have children because you have to read them stories in Welsh and you have more opportunities for hearing people speak the language, like other children, parents and teachers. Also, when you talk to a child when they are young and learning themselves, or they are babies, they don’t judge you, it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake, they just keep going as normal. The only problem is time, there isn’t a lot of time to do things like homework, I was terrible at doing my homework!!
Waw, da iawn i ti am rhoi cymaint o egni i mewn i'r dysgu'r iaith. Fel dysgwr, dw i'n wastad yn gwneud camgymeriadau, yn camdreiglo a dweud geiriau twp. Gwnest ti wneud unrhyw gamgymeriadau doniol tra ro't ti'n dysgu?
Dim byd doniol, ond dwi’n neud camgymeriadau bob munud!! Ond, pan wyt ti’n cofio mae pawb yn gwneud camgymeriadau, hyd yn oed y bobl Gymreicaf, a does ’na ddim ots o gwbl, mae pethau yn mynd i fod llawer haws i chdi. Os roeddwn i’n mynd i roi cyngor i rywun, mi faswn i’n deud, jest siarad, os dydy’r gair neu eiriau ddim yn swnio yn iawn pan mae’n dod allan, cywiro nhw fel wyt ti’n siarad neu symyd ymlaen. Dydy pobl ddim yn meindio, mae’n well gynnyn nhw fod ti’n trio ‘na ti ddim yn trio o gwbl. Wel, cyhyd â'ch bod ddim yn gwneud y camgymeriad rhew / rhyw, byddwch chi'n iawn!!
Wow, well done for putting so much energy into learning the langauge. As a learner, I'm always making mistakes, mismutating and saying stupid words. Have you made any funny mistakes while you've been learning?
Nothing funny, but I make mistakes all the time! But when you think that everyone makes mistakes, even the Welshest of people, and that it doesn’t matter at all, things are going to be a lot easier for you. If I was going to give advice to someone, I would say just talk, if the words don’t sound right when they come out, correct them as you are talking or just move on. People don’t mind as long as you are trying, rather than not bothering at all. Well, as long as you don’t make the ice/sex mistake, you’ll be fine!!
Ar ôl dy daith iaith ti'n rhugl nawr. Pa gyngor byddi'n rhoi i bobl eraill sydd yn dysgu ar hyn o bryd?
Daliwch ati! Dydy hi ddim yn siwrne hawdd yn enwedig os gen ti deulu, gwaith prysur, a thŷ i ddelio efo. Dydy Cymraeg ddim yn iaith hawdd chwaith, ond dwi’n addo i chi i gyd, mi fydd hi’n werth yr holl waith caled!
After your language journey you are fluent now. What advice would you give to someone who is learning at the moment?
Keep going!! It’s not an easy journey, especially if you have a family, a busy work schedule and a house to deal with. Welsh isn’t easy either, but I promise you all, it will be worth all the hard work.
Hefyd, byddi di'n ysgrifennu am beth ti'n gwneud dros y flwyddyn nesaf. Sut ydy pobl yn gallu darllen mwy am dy anturiau nesaf?
Dwi wedi dechrau sgwennu blog bach, ond dydy o ddim rhywbeth ffansi o gwbl. Dwi’n trio sgwennu rhywbeth bob tro dwi’n neud rhywbeth, ond weithiau dwi’n rhy brysur a rhaid i mi gofio neud o gyn gynted â phosib, cyn i mi anghofio! Wnes i ddechrau efo’r proses cyfweliad Dysgwr y Flwyddyn, rhag ofn bydd ‘na phobl allan yn y byd sydd isio gwybod mwy am y Gystadleuaeth a beth rhaid i ti neud.
Dyma’r linc, ond rhaid i chi cofio, dwi’n sgwennu fo ar fy ffon, heb ‘spellcheck’!!
Also, you are writing about what you are doing over the next year. How can people read more about your next adventures?
I have started to write a little blog, nothing fancy at all. I try to write something every time I do anything, but sometimes I am too busy and I have to remember to do it as soon as possible before I forget!. I started with the Learner of the Year interview process, just in case there are people out there who want to know more about the competition and what you have to do.
Here is the link, but you have to remember, I write it on my phone, without ‘spellcheck’!!
Diolch yn fawr Emma, mae e wedi bod ysbrydoli iawn i siarad â ti, a dyn ni i gyd edrych ymlaen at ddarllen beth ti'n gwneud dros y flwyddyn nesaf.Thank you very much Emma, it has been very inspiring to talk with you, and we are looking forward to reading what you will be doing over the next year.

Jest siarad, os dydy’r gair neu eiriau ddim yn swnio yn iawn pan mae’n dod allan, cywiro nhw fel wyt ti’n siarad neu symyd ymlaen. Dydy pobl ddim yn meindio, mae’n well gynnyn nhw fod ti’n trio ‘na ti ddim yn trio o gwbl.

Mae Emma yn ysgrifennu mwy am ei rôl yma / Emma writes more about her role here:

eisteddfod.cymru / MaesD_Steddfod


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Dysgwyr y Flwyddyn 2017

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