Gethin Sherrington Focaccia

Focaccia Ffres / Fresh Focaccia

Cogydd / CookGethin SherringtonCategoryFegan?Anhawster / DifficultyHigher / Advanced

Yn y rysáit yma, mi fydda i’n dangos i chi sut i wneud focaccia, yn defnyddio go-to-recipe toes fi. Mae’r rysáit toes yma’n un dwi’n ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer bob dim, o bitsas i frechdanau, ond fel cyflwyniad i bobi bara, does dim byd gwell na focaccia ffres, yn morio mewn olew olewydd.
In this recipe, I will show you how to make focaccia, using my go-to-recipe for dough. This dough recipe is one that I use for everything, from pizzas to sandwiches, but as an introduction to baking bread, there is nothing better than fresh focaccia, awash with olve oil.

Cynyrchu / Yields8 Servings
Amser paratoi / Prep time1 hrAmser coginio / Cook time1 hr
 1000 g Blawd cryf gwyn / Strong white flour
 650 g Dŵr tymheredd bys (35-38°C) / Water at blood heat (35-38°C)
 20 g Halen / Salt
 100 g Surdoes neu 7g NEU 1 paced o furum sych / Sourdough OR 7g/1 packet of dry yeast
 100 ml Olew Olewydd / Olive oil
 I fynd tu fewn y bara- unrhyw gynhwysion ychwanegol / To go into the bread- any extra ingredients
Fideo ar YouTube / Video on YouTube

Felly, ffedogau ar, modrwyon i ffwr, mai’n amser gwned focaccia.
So, aprons on, rings off, it is time to make focaccia.

Nodyn ar fesuriadau: Efo unrhyw rysáit toes, fyddai’n aml yn defnyddio’r system ganrannol o fesur cynhwysion. Pobyddion sy’n defnyddio’r system, gyda’u mesura’n seiliedig ar bwysau’r blawd a ddefnyddir.
Note on measurements: With any dough recipe, I will often use the percentage system for measuring ingredients. Bakers using the system base their measurements on the amount of flour used.

Er enghraifft, os ydw i am gael toes sy’n 65% dŵr, efo 2% halen a 1.5% burum ffres, yna mi fydda i angen 500g o flawd sy’n rhoid:
For example, if you want dough which is 65% water, with 2% salt and 1.5% fresh yeast, then you need 500 grams of flour which gives:

Cynhwysyn / Ingredient - Pwysau / Weight - Canran y Pobydd / Baker’s Percentage
Blawd / Flour - 500g - 100%
Dŵr- Water / 325g - 65%
Halen / Salt - 10g - 2%
Burum Ffres / Fresh Yeast - 7.5g - 1.5%

Yn y fideo, a yn y rysáit, rydw i’n defnyddio 1kg o flawd sy’n ddigon i lenwi un tun pobi 40x30cm. Bydd hanneru y cynhwysion wedyn yn hanneru arwynebedd y tin (felly yn ddigon i dun 40×15 cm neu 20x30cm).
In the video, and in the recipe, I am using 1kg of flour which is enough to fill one baking tin 40x30cm. Halving the ingredients will then halve the area of the tin (so enough for a tin measuring 40x15 cm or 20x30 cm).

Paratoi’r Toes / Preparing the Dough

Cymysgwch eich blawd, halen, dŵr a burum, mewn powlen gymysgu nes ffurfio crynswth garw (ia, dyna ydi rough mass). (2 funud).
Mix your flour, salt, water and yeast in a mixing bowl until it forms a rough mass (2 minutes).

Gadewch i’r toes ymlacio ac i’r blawd gael amsugno’r dŵr yn llawn (20 munud). Mae hyn yn lleihau’r gwaith tylino fydd angen arnoch trwy’r broses awtolysis.
Leave the dough to settle and the flour to absorb the water fully (20 minutes). This reduces the work of kneading which you will need to do through the autolysis process.

Tylinwch y toes yn defnyddio’r broses tynnu a phlygu (French Slap). (6-8 munud) [1:42-2:16 yn y fideo]. Gorchuddiwch y toes efo cling film a’i adael i orffwys dros nos yn y fridge ( ~ 12 awr). Y diwrnod wedyn, gallwch drosglwyddo’r toes i dun pobi iddo gael profi cyn pobi.
Knead the dough using the pull and fold process (French Slap). (6-9 minutes) [1.42 – 2.16 in the video]. Cover the dough with cling film and leave it to lie overnight in the fridge (12 hours). The next day, you can transfer the dough into a baking tin to prove it before baking.

Ar ôl gorffwys dros nos / After leaving it overnight

Lluwchiwch flawd dros din pobi.
Dust the baking tin with flour.

Tynnwch y toes o’r fridge a’i drosglwyddo i’r din pobi. Rhowch ychwaneg mwy o flawd ar ei ben.
Take the dough out of the fridge and transfer it to the baking tin. Put a little more flour over it.

Gorchuddiwch y toes efo cling film a’i adael mewn man cynnes iddo gael profi, a codi i tua 1.5/2 waith ei faint. (3-6 awr).
Cover the dough with clingfilm and leave it in a warm place to prove, and rise to about 1.5/2 times its size. (3-6 hours).

Mi fydd yr amser profi’n dibynnu ar y tymheredd a’r math o furum. Gan bod ‘gadael y toes am 2 awr’ yn nonsens llwyr, defnyddid brawf bys. Os bydd bys i’r toes yn gadael marc pendant, parhaol yn y toes, yna mae’r toes yn barod. Ond, os ydi o’n symud yn ôl i’w le, mae angen mwy o amser arno.
The proving time will depend on the temperature and the kind of yeast. As ‘leaving the dough for 2 hours’ is complete nonsense, the finger test is used. If a finger leaves a definite mark in the dough, the dough is ready. But if it moves back into place, it needs more time.

Hanner awr cyn gorffen profi bydd angen cynhesu’r ffwrn i 240°C. [3:13 – 3:23].
Half an hour before the proving is finished you will need to heat the oven to 240°C. [3:13 – 3:23].

Dyma’r amser i gynhesu’r garreg bobi a’r tin stêm os ydych chi eisiau amser bach mwy cyffrous yn pobi’r focaccia.
This is the time to heat the bakestone and steaming tin if you want a slightly more exciting time baking the focaccia.

Ar ddiwedd yr amser profi, tynnwch y cling film oddi ar y toes a’i foddi mewn olew olewydd, peidiwch bo’n swil. [3:22 – 3:30]. Dylai’r toes fod wedi chwyddo fel clustog llawn aer, gyda swigod yn dod i’r wyneb os ydych gwasgu lawr ar ei arwyneb.
At the end of the proving time, take the clingfilm off the dough and soak it in olive oil (100-200 ml olive oil), don’t hold back. [3:22 – 3:30]. The dough should have swelled up like an inflated cushion, with bubbles forming on the surface if you press down on it.

Gwasgwch y toes lawr, yn ei rychu gyda blaenau’ch bysidd. [3:32 – 3:42]. Rwan yw’r amser i ychwanegu unrhyw rinflasau fel garlleg neu tomatos sych i’r toes, yn eu gwthio’n dwfn i’w cwmpasu yn y toes.
Press the dough down, grooving it with the tips of your fingers. [3:32 – 3:42]. Now is the time to add any flavourings like garlic or dried tomatoes to the dough, pushing them deep into the middle of the dough.

Pobi / Baking

Trosglwyddwch y focaccia i’r ffwrn poeth a’i bobi ar 200-180°C. ( 20-23 munud).
Transfer the focaccia into the hot oven and bake at 200-180°C. (20-23 minutes).

Os oes ganddoch chi carreg bobi a thin stem, rhowch y focaccia i bobi ar ei ben a i’r tin pobi, ychwanegwch riw gwpan o ddŵr berwedig, tra’n ofalus iawni beidio llosgi’ch hyn ar y stem geith ei ryddhau.
If you have a bakestone and steaming tin, put the focaccia to bake by itself and in the baking tin, add a cup of boiling water, being very careful not to scald yourself on the steam that will be released.

Byddwch hefyd yn wiliadwrus o unrhyw ddŵr sy’n tasgu fyn at ddrws eich ffwrn gan bod o’n medru achosi’r gwydr falu. Tynnwch y focaccia o’r ffwrn pan mae’r crwst yn euraidd â manau brown a bo’r canol wedi cyrraed 95°C.
Also watch out for any water splashing on the door of your oven as it can cause the glass to crack. Take the focaccia out of the oven when the crust is golden with brown places and the middle has reached 95°C.

Defnyddiwch sbatiwla i ryddhau’r focaccia o’i din (os oes angen) cyn gadael iddo oeri ar rac wifren i oeri.
Use a spatula, if necessary, to get the focaccia out the tin before leaving to cool on a wire cooling rack.

Unwaith bydd y focaccia wedi oeri a wedi gorffen pobi’n hollol, mi fydd o’n barod i’w dorri a’i weini.
Once the focaccia has cooled and then completely finished cooking, it will be ready to slice and serve.

Gethin ar y we / Gethin on the web

Yn ôl i'r brif dudalen / Back to the main page


 1000 g Blawd cryf gwyn / Strong white flour
 650 g Dŵr tymheredd bys (35-38°C) / Water at blood heat (35-38°C)
 20 g Halen / Salt
 100 g Surdoes neu 7g NEU 1 paced o furum sych / Sourdough OR 7g/1 packet of dry yeast
 100 ml Olew Olewydd / Olive oil
 I fynd tu fewn y bara- unrhyw gynhwysion ychwanegol / To go into the bread- any extra ingredients


Fideo ar YouTube / Video on YouTube

Felly, ffedogau ar, modrwyon i ffwr, mai’n amser gwned focaccia.
So, aprons on, rings off, it is time to make focaccia.


Nodyn ar fesuriadau: Efo unrhyw rysáit toes, fyddai’n aml yn defnyddio’r system ganrannol o fesur cynhwysion. Pobyddion sy’n defnyddio’r system, gyda’u mesura’n seiliedig ar bwysau’r blawd a ddefnyddir.
Note on measurements: With any dough recipe, I will often use the percentage system for measuring ingredients. Bakers using the system base their measurements on the amount of flour used.


Er enghraifft, os ydw i am gael toes sy’n 65% dŵr, efo 2% halen a 1.5% burum ffres, yna mi fydda i angen 500g o flawd sy’n rhoid:
For example, if you want dough which is 65% water, with 2% salt and 1.5% fresh yeast, then you need 500 grams of flour which gives:


Cynhwysyn / Ingredient - Pwysau / Weight - Canran y Pobydd / Baker’s Percentage
Blawd / Flour - 500g - 100%
Dŵr- Water / 325g - 65%
Halen / Salt - 10g - 2%
Burum Ffres / Fresh Yeast - 7.5g - 1.5%


Yn y fideo, a yn y rysáit, rydw i’n defnyddio 1kg o flawd sy’n ddigon i lenwi un tun pobi 40x30cm. Bydd hanneru y cynhwysion wedyn yn hanneru arwynebedd y tin (felly yn ddigon i dun 40×15 cm neu 20x30cm).
In the video, and in the recipe, I am using 1kg of flour which is enough to fill one baking tin 40x30cm. Halving the ingredients will then halve the area of the tin (so enough for a tin measuring 40x15 cm or 20x30 cm).

Paratoi’r Toes / Preparing the Dough

Cymysgwch eich blawd, halen, dŵr a burum, mewn powlen gymysgu nes ffurfio crynswth garw (ia, dyna ydi rough mass). (2 funud).
Mix your flour, salt, water and yeast in a mixing bowl until it forms a rough mass (2 minutes).


Gadewch i’r toes ymlacio ac i’r blawd gael amsugno’r dŵr yn llawn (20 munud). Mae hyn yn lleihau’r gwaith tylino fydd angen arnoch trwy’r broses awtolysis.
Leave the dough to settle and the flour to absorb the water fully (20 minutes). This reduces the work of kneading which you will need to do through the autolysis process.


Tylinwch y toes yn defnyddio’r broses tynnu a phlygu (French Slap). (6-8 munud) [1:42-2:16 yn y fideo]. Gorchuddiwch y toes efo cling film a’i adael i orffwys dros nos yn y fridge ( ~ 12 awr). Y diwrnod wedyn, gallwch drosglwyddo’r toes i dun pobi iddo gael profi cyn pobi.
Knead the dough using the pull and fold process (French Slap). (6-9 minutes) [1.42 – 2.16 in the video]. Cover the dough with cling film and leave it to lie overnight in the fridge (12 hours). The next day, you can transfer the dough into a baking tin to prove it before baking.

Ar ôl gorffwys dros nos / After leaving it overnight

Lluwchiwch flawd dros din pobi.
Dust the baking tin with flour.


Tynnwch y toes o’r fridge a’i drosglwyddo i’r din pobi. Rhowch ychwaneg mwy o flawd ar ei ben.
Take the dough out of the fridge and transfer it to the baking tin. Put a little more flour over it.


Gorchuddiwch y toes efo cling film a’i adael mewn man cynnes iddo gael profi, a codi i tua 1.5/2 waith ei faint. (3-6 awr).
Cover the dough with clingfilm and leave it in a warm place to prove, and rise to about 1.5/2 times its size. (3-6 hours).


Mi fydd yr amser profi’n dibynnu ar y tymheredd a’r math o furum. Gan bod ‘gadael y toes am 2 awr’ yn nonsens llwyr, defnyddid brawf bys. Os bydd bys i’r toes yn gadael marc pendant, parhaol yn y toes, yna mae’r toes yn barod. Ond, os ydi o’n symud yn ôl i’w le, mae angen mwy o amser arno.
The proving time will depend on the temperature and the kind of yeast. As ‘leaving the dough for 2 hours’ is complete nonsense, the finger test is used. If a finger leaves a definite mark in the dough, the dough is ready. But if it moves back into place, it needs more time.


Hanner awr cyn gorffen profi bydd angen cynhesu’r ffwrn i 240°C. [3:13 – 3:23].
Half an hour before the proving is finished you will need to heat the oven to 240°C. [3:13 – 3:23].


Dyma’r amser i gynhesu’r garreg bobi a’r tin stêm os ydych chi eisiau amser bach mwy cyffrous yn pobi’r focaccia.
This is the time to heat the bakestone and steaming tin if you want a slightly more exciting time baking the focaccia.


Ar ddiwedd yr amser profi, tynnwch y cling film oddi ar y toes a’i foddi mewn olew olewydd, peidiwch bo’n swil. [3:22 – 3:30]. Dylai’r toes fod wedi chwyddo fel clustog llawn aer, gyda swigod yn dod i’r wyneb os ydych gwasgu lawr ar ei arwyneb.
At the end of the proving time, take the clingfilm off the dough and soak it in olive oil (100-200 ml olive oil), don’t hold back. [3:22 – 3:30]. The dough should have swelled up like an inflated cushion, with bubbles forming on the surface if you press down on it.


Gwasgwch y toes lawr, yn ei rychu gyda blaenau’ch bysidd. [3:32 – 3:42]. Rwan yw’r amser i ychwanegu unrhyw rinflasau fel garlleg neu tomatos sych i’r toes, yn eu gwthio’n dwfn i’w cwmpasu yn y toes.
Press the dough down, grooving it with the tips of your fingers. [3:32 – 3:42]. Now is the time to add any flavourings like garlic or dried tomatoes to the dough, pushing them deep into the middle of the dough.

Pobi / Baking

Trosglwyddwch y focaccia i’r ffwrn poeth a’i bobi ar 200-180°C. ( 20-23 munud).
Transfer the focaccia into the hot oven and bake at 200-180°C. (20-23 minutes).


Os oes ganddoch chi carreg bobi a thin stem, rhowch y focaccia i bobi ar ei ben a i’r tin pobi, ychwanegwch riw gwpan o ddŵr berwedig, tra’n ofalus iawni beidio llosgi’ch hyn ar y stem geith ei ryddhau.
If you have a bakestone and steaming tin, put the focaccia to bake by itself and in the baking tin, add a cup of boiling water, being very careful not to scald yourself on the steam that will be released.


Byddwch hefyd yn wiliadwrus o unrhyw ddŵr sy’n tasgu fyn at ddrws eich ffwrn gan bod o’n medru achosi’r gwydr falu. Tynnwch y focaccia o’r ffwrn pan mae’r crwst yn euraidd â manau brown a bo’r canol wedi cyrraed 95°C.
Also watch out for any water splashing on the door of your oven as it can cause the glass to crack. Take the focaccia out of the oven when the crust is golden with brown places and the middle has reached 95°C.


Defnyddiwch sbatiwla i ryddhau’r focaccia o’i din (os oes angen) cyn gadael iddo oeri ar rac wifren i oeri.
Use a spatula, if necessary, to get the focaccia out the tin before leaving to cool on a wire cooling rack.


Unwaith bydd y focaccia wedi oeri a wedi gorffen pobi’n hollol, mi fydd o’n barod i’w dorri a’i weini.
Once the focaccia has cooled and then completely finished cooking, it will be ready to slice and serve.

Gethin ar y we / Gethin on the web
Focaccia Ffres / Fresh Focaccia