Ask Dr Gramadeg: Geiriau llenwi- Sut mae cael amser i feddwl wrth siarad? / Verbal fillers- giving you time to think when speaking


Os byddwch chi eisiau siarad yn rhugl, bydd rhaid i chi ddeall a defnddio'r fath ymadrodd â hwn ar lafar. Mae'n nhw cael eu defnyddio i greu 'amser i feddwl' wrth sgwrsio, cyn i chi fmynd ymlaen i'r peth nesaf yn y sgwrs, e.e:

This type of phrase is very important if you want to sound fluent.  It also gives you a bit of time to think of what to say next.

Rwyt ti’n gweld    - shortened to  t’wel   or  t’weld        (you) see
Dych chi’n gweld - shortened to ch’wel or  ch’weld    (you) see

Rhagor o 'Eiriau Llanw':
Other ‘fillers’ like these are:

Rwyt ti’n gwybod      - shortened to -  t’mod              you know
Dych chi’n gwybod   - shortened to -  ch’mod           you know



* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples


1. Rwyt ti'n gallu dod, ond paid â phoeni, sa i'n siŵr be' sy'n digwydd, t’wel
You can come, but don't worry, I'm not sure what's happening, you see

2. Byddwn ni'n aros gartre' dros y penwythnos, ch’wel, falle bydd y plant yn dod
We'll be staying at home over the weekend, you see, perhaps the children will be coming

3. Mae rhaid i ti gwyno t’mod, neu bydd pethau'n mynd yn waeth!
You need to complain you know, or things will get worse

4. Ro'n nhw'n 'neud yn dda iawn, ch'mod, bois, nes iddyn nhw golli'r gêm 'na
They were doing very well, you know, boys, until they lost that game