Ask Dr Gramadeg: Defnyddio’r Amodol Cryno / Using the shortened form of the Conditional Tense

Byddwn ni'n gallu dweud pethau fel 'I would go' yn Gymraeg gan ddefnyddio 'Bod + yn + berfenw' yn yr Amodol:
Bod + yn + berfenw (+ gweddill y frawddeg)
It is possible to express phrases such as the ones below, using the verb to be (in the conditional tense) + yn + verb:
Bod + yn + verb (+ the rest of the sentence)

I would go.                                Byddwn i’n mynd.
It would do you good.             Byddai fe’n gwneud lles i ti.
She would come.                     Byddai hi’n dod.
You would get a shock.          Byddet ti’n cael sioc. 

Yn ne Cymru, byddwn ni'n defnyddio ffurf cryno'r berfau afreolaidd ('mynd, dod, cael, gwneud') yn yr amodol fel rheol ar lafar bob dydd.
In south Wales it is more normal to use the short forms of the conditional tense with the irregular verbs  - mynd, dod, cael, gwneud - in everyday speech.

Byddwn ni'n ychwanegu terfyniadau'r amodol -wn i, -et ti, -ai fe/hi, -en ni, -ech chi, -en nhw at fôn y berfau:
The conditional endings  -wn i, -et ti, -ai fe/hi, -en ni, -ech chi, -en nhw  are added to the roots:

Mynd (El-),  Gwneud (Gw)nel-),  Cael (Cel- Gel- in speech),  Dod (Del-)

So instead of saying     -   Byddwn i’n mynd   I would go
The short way is used   -    Elwn i                     I would go

Instead of saying           -   Byddai fe’n gwneud lles i ti     It would do you good
The short way is used   -   ’Nelai fe les i ti                        It would do you good

Instead of saying            -   Byddai hi’n dod      She would come
The short way is used    -   Delai hi                    She would com

Instead of saying   -   Byddet ti’n cael sioc   You would have a shock
The short way is used     -    Gelet ti sioc      You would have a shock

Byddwn ni'n yngau ffurfiau'r amodol yma gyda 'mynd, dod, cael, gwneud' yr un fordd ag y byddwn ni'n ynganu pob ffurf arall ar yr amodol. Y sain 'e' yw'r sain allweddol:
The same pronunciation rules apply as with all the conditional tenses.  The key sound is ‘e’:
-wn i                pronounced as            -en i
-ai fe/hi           pronounced as            -e fe/hi

Byddwn ni'n defnyddio 'Ddim' i ffurfio'r negyddol, e.e:
’ is added for negatives, e.g:
Elen ni ddim               -           We would not go

Byddwn ni'n gofyn cwestiynau ar lafar trwy ddefnyddio tôn llais, e.e:
- in speech - tone of voice, e.g:
Elet ti?                        -           Would you go?



* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples

1. Byddwn i’n dod i'r ysgol bob dydd
I would come to the school every day

2. Byddai mynd ar wyliau'n gwneud byd o les i ti
Going on holiday would do you a world of good

3. Byddai fe'n mynd i ymarfer cyn mynd i'r gwely
He would go to practise before going to bed

4. Byddech chi'n cael sioc fawr 'sech chi'n gweld y llanastr!
You'd have a big shock if you were to see the mess!

5. Delwn i yma pan o'n i'n grwt
I would come here when I was a kid

6. Gelet ti hwyl yn y parti'n bendant
You would definitely have fun in the party

7. Elai hi i ymweld â mam-gu drwy'r amser
She would go to visit grandma all the time

8. Delai fe â'r caws glas a delen ni â'r gwin coch
He would bring the blue cheese and we would bring the red wine.

9. ’Nelai mynd at y deintydd fyd o les iddi hi
Going to the dentist would do her a world of good

10. Delech chi i'r sioe pe gallech chi, dw i'n siŵr
You would come to the show if you could, I'm sure

11. Gelen nhw gawod 'sai'r dŵr yn boeth
They would have a shower if the water was hot

12. 'Nelet ti'r brechdanau, ond yn anffodus allet ti ddim mynd i'r gegin!
You would make the sandwiches, but unfortunately you couldn't go into the kitchen!

13. Elwn i ddim i gyngerdd yn yr ysgol eto
I would not go to a concert in the school again

14. Ddelai hi ddim i ymweld â ni
She wouldn't come to visit us

15. Gelen ni ddim sioc, ro'n ni eisoes wedi gweld y llanastr!
We wouldn't have a shock, we'd already seen the mess!

16. Elech chi â'r ci am dro 'sai hi'n bwrw glaw?
Would you take the dog for a walk if it were raining?

17. Ddelen nhw â'r gwin coch pe delen ni â'r caws glas?
Would they bring the red wine if we brought the blue cheese?

18. 'Nelet ti frecwast pe 'nelai hi ginio?
Would you make breakfast if she made dinner?

19. Gelen ni gawod 'sai'r dŵr yn oer? Hŷm, sa i'n siwr am 'ny!
Would we have a shower if the water was cold? Hmm, I'm not sure about that!