Dyma amser dyfodol y ferf afreolaidd 'Dod' ('To come') / This is the future tense of the irregular verb ‘dod’:
Dyfodol -‘dod’ | Saesneg | Ffurf Ofynnol / Question form | Atebion |
Dof i | I’ll come | Ddof i? | Doi/Dewch |
Doi di | You’ll come | Ddoi di? | Dof |
Daw e/hi | He/She’ll come | Ddaw e/hi? | Daw |
Down ni | We’ll come | Ddown ni? | Down/Dewch |
Dewch chi | You’ll come | Ddewch chi? | Dof/Down |
Dôn nhw | They’ll come | Ddôn nhw? | Dôn |
Atebion Negyddol: Na + Treiglad Meddal Na ddof, Na ddoi, Na ddaw ac ati
Mae'n bosibl hefyd ateb cwestiynau gan ddefnyddio'r atebion gyda Gwneud, yn hytrach na defnyddio Dod ar ei ben ei hunan, e.e.
Ddoi di? Ddo(f) Na ddo(f) ( Gw)na(f) Na (w)na(f)
Will you come? Yes (I'll come) No (I won't come) Yes (I will) No (I won't)
No answers Na + soft mutation e.g. Na ddof, Na ddaw etc.
It is possible to answer the questions with the ‘gwneud’ answers (like the rest of the future tense) as well as using the ‘dod’ answers.
Gosodiadau Negyddol: 'Treiglad Meddal + Ddim', e.e:
Ddof i ddim I won’t come
Berf afreolaidd yw 'Dod', ac felly byddwch chi'n clywed llawer o amrywiadau mewn ardaloedd gwahanol, e.e.
Ddwa i Ddo i Do i (Dof i) Daiff e/hi (Daw e/hi)
Defnyddio 'Dod' gydag 'Os'
Beth os na ddaw e? What if he doesn’t come?
(Yn llythrennol, 'What if not he will come?')
Negatives - soft mutation + ddim
Ddof i ddim I won’t come
You will hear variations in speech in different areas, as this is an irregular verb, e.g:
Ddwa i/Ddo i/Do i (Dof i) Daiff e/hi (Daw e/hi)
What if he doesn’t come?
Beth os na ddaw e? (Lit. what if not he will come?)
Yn yr amser dyfodol, byddwn ni'n defnyddio 'y' i olygu 'that'. Cofiwch, fodd bynnag, y byddwn ni'n hepgor 'y' fel rheol ar lafar, e.e.
Gobeithio (y) daw hi I hope (that) she comes
Wyt ti’n meddwl (y) dôn nhw? Do you think (that) they’ll come?
As with the other verbs in the future tense, ‘that’ is ‘y’, which is not usually pronounced in speech, e.g:
Gobeithio (y) daw hi I hope (that) she comes
Wyt ti’n meddwl (y) dôn nhw? Do you think (that) they’ll come?
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Do i gyda chi 'fory ond ddo i ddim yr wythnos nesa'
I'll come with you tomorrow but I won't come next week
Ddo i gyda chi 'fory? Doi / Na ddoi / Dewch / Na ddewch
Shall I come with you tomorrow? Yes (you will) / No (you won't) / Yes (you will) / No (you won't)
2. Doi di i'r cyngerdd ond ddoi di ddim i'r sioe
You'll come to the concert but you won't come to the show
Ddoi di i'r ysgol gyda ni? Do / Na ddo
Will you come to the school with us? Yes (I will) / No (I won't)
3. Daw e i'r sw ond ddaw e ddim i'r theatr
He'll come to the zoo but he won't come to the theatre
Ddaw e i'r traeth? Daw / Na ddaw
Will he come to the beach? Yes (he will) / No (he won't)
4. Daw hi i'r siopau ond ddaw hi ddim i'r archfachnad
She'll come to the shops but she won't come to the supermarket
Ddaw hi i'r castell? Daw / Na ddaw
Will she come to the castle? Yes (she will) / No (she won't)
5. Down ni i'r arfordir ond ni ddown ni i'ch tŷ chi
We’ll come to the coast but we won't come to your house
Ddown ni i'r eglwys? Down / Na ddown / Dewch / Na ddewch
Shall we come to the church? Yes (we shall) / No (we shan't) / Yes (you will) / No (you won't)
6. Dewch chi i'r bwyty ond ddewch chi ddim i'r dafarn
You'll come to the restaurant but you won't come to the pub
Ddewch chi i weld y tŷ? Do / Na ddo / Down / Na ddown
Will you come to see the house? Yes (I will) / No (I won't) / Yes (we will) / No (we won't)
7. Dôn nhw i glywed ond ddôn nhw ddim i siarad
They'll come to listen but they won’t come to speak
Ddôn nhw i weiddi ar y dyfarnwr? Dôn / Na ddôn
Will they come to shout at the referee? Yes (they will) / No (they won't)
8. Mae hi'n casáu'r sw, beth os na ddaw hi?
She hates the zoo, what if she doesn’t come?
9. Beth am y cyngerdd yn yr ysgol? Do i os ddoi di!
What about the concert in the school? I'll come if you come!
10. Os na ddôn nhw, down ni, ond os dôn nhw, na ddown ni!
If they don't come, we'll come, but if they come, we won't come!
11. Dw i'n hollol siŵr (y) down ni
I'm totally sure (that) we'll come
12. Wyt ti’n credu (y) dewch chi?
Do you think (that) you’ll come?