Bydd ansoddeiriau ac enwau'n treiglo'n feddal ar ôl 'yn traethiadol':
Dych chi’n dda. (da – good – adjective – soft mutation)
Dych chi’n berson da. (person – person – noun – soft mutation)
Fydd berfenwau ddim yn treiglo ar ôl 'yn traethiadol':
Dych chi’n cwyno gormod (cwyno – verb – to complain – no mutation)
Adjectives and nouns take a soft mutation after ‘yn’:
Dych chi’n dda. (da - good - adjective - soft mutation)
Dych chi’n berson da. (person - person - noun - soft mutation)
Verbs do not mutate after ‘yn’:
Dych chi’n cwyno gormod (cwyno – verb - to complain - no mutation)
Os na fyddwch chi'n siŵr ai ansoddair yw gair neu beidio, gofynnwch y cwestiwn:
Sut fath o berson yw e / hi?
Os byddwch chi'n gallu dweud y gair fel ateb i'r cwestiwn hwn, wedyn andoddair ydy, e.e:
creadigol – Pa fath o berson yw e? – Mae e’n greadigol
creative – What sort of person is he? – He is creative
If you are unsure whether a word is an adjective or not, ask the question:
What sort of person is he/she?
If this question can be answered with the word it’s an adjective, e.g:
creadigol - Pa fath o berson yw e? - Mae e’n greadigol
creative - What sort of person is he? - He is creative
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Maen nhw'n ddrwg
They are bad
[drwg = ansoddair / bad = adjective: treiglad meddal / soft mutation]
2. Ro'n ni'n brysur iawn
We were very busy
[prysur = ansoddair / busy = adjective: treiglad meddal / soft mutation]
3. Mae hi'n fenyw dda
She is a good woman
[menyw = enw / woman = noun: treiglad meddal / soft mutation]
4. Byddwch chi'n ddeintydd ofnadw'
You'll be a terrible dentist
[deintydd = enw / dentist = noun: treiglad meddal / soft mutation]
5. Rwyt ti'n gofyn gormod o gwestiynau
You ask too many questions
[gofyn = berfenw / ask = verbnoun: dim treiglad / no mutation]
6. Byddai hi'n gwylio'r plant bob dydd
She would watch the children every day
[gwylio = berfenw / watch = verbnoun: dim treiglad / no mutation]
7. Sut fath o ddyn yw e? Mae e'n ddyn da.
What kind of man is he? He's a good man.
8. Pa fath o fenyw yw hi? Mae hi’n garedig.
What sort of woman is she? She's kind.