Dyma'r rhagenwau personol i gyd. Maen nhw'n cael eu defnyddio gydag enw ('car' / 'car') a berfenw ('caru' / 'to love'). Mae'r dabl isod yn dangos beth yw'r treiglad priodol hefyd.
Here are all the personal pronouns (with examples of a noun ‘car’ and a verb ‘caru’) along with the mutations they cause.
Car (noun) |
Saesneg |
Treiglad |
fy nghar i |
my car |
trwynol |
dy gar di |
your car |
meddal |
ei gar e |
his car |
meddal |
ei char hi |
her car |
llaes *(‘h’ before vowels) |
ein car ni |
our car |
dim *(‘h’ before vowels) |
eich car chi |
your car |
dim |
eu car nhw |
their car |
dim *(‘h’ before vowels) |
Caru (verb) |
Saesneg |
Treiglad |
fy ngharu i |
love me |
trwynol |
dy garu di |
love you |
meddal |
ei garu e |
love him |
meddal |
ei charu hi |
love her |
llaes *(‘h’ before vowels) |
ein caru ni |
love us |
dim *(‘h’ before vowels) |
eich caru chi |
love you |
dim |
eu caru nhw |
love them |
dim *(‘h’ before vowels) |
Rydyn ni'n gwybod sut mae dweud 'I love Siân' ('Dw i'n caru Siân') neu 'It's nice to see Ffred' ('Neis (yw) gweld Ffred'). Ond, sut mae mynd ymhellach i ddweud pethau trwy ddefnyddio rhagenw, yn hytrach na thrwy ddefnyddio enw. Er enghraifft, beth yw'r patrwm i'w ddefnyddio i ddweud pethau fel 'I love you' ('Dw In dy garu di) ac 'It's nice to see him' ('Neis ei weld e')?
A dweud y gwir, mae'r ffordd o wneud hyn yn Gymraeg yn wahanol i'r ffordd o wneud yr un peth yn Saesneg. Yn Gymraeg, bydd rhaid i ni ddefnyddio'r rhagenwau meddiannol ('fy...i / dy...di / ei...e / ei...hi / ein...ni / eich...chi / eu...nhw'). Dyma'r un rhagenwau byddwn ni'n eu defnyddio i ddweud pethau fel 'my car, your car, his car, her car, our car, your car, their car' ('fy nghar i, dy gar di, ei gar e, ei char hi, ein car ni, eich car chi, eu car nhw').
Wedyn, byddwn ni'n 'lapio' y rhagenwau meddiannol am y berfenw, gan gofio defnyddio'r treiglad cywir!
We know how to say 'I love Siân' ('Dw i'n caru Siân') or 'It's nice to see Ffred' ('Neis (yw) gweld Ffred'). But, how do we go a step further and say things using a pronoun, rather than a noun? For example, what is the pattern for saying things like like 'I love you' ('Dw i'n dy garu di) and 'It's nice to see him' ('Neis ei weld e')?
Actually the way of doing this in Welsh is different from in English. In Welsh we have to use the possessive pronouns ('fy...i / dy...di / ei...e / ei...hi / ein...ni / eich...chi / eu...nhw'). These are the same ones we use to say things like 'my car, your car, his car, her car, our car, your car, their car' ('fy nghar i, dy gar di, ei gar e, ei char hi, ein car ni, eich car chi, eu car nhw').
Then we 'wrap' the possessive pronouns around the verb, remembering to use the correct mutation!
Wyt ti'n fy ngharu i?
Dw i'n dy garu di
Mae Sandra'n ei garu e
Dyw Ffred ddim yn ei charu hi
Mae e'n ei hanwybyddu hi
Mae pawb yn ein caru ni
Ydy e'n eich caru chi
Dydyn ni ddim yn eu caru nh
Rydyn ni'n eu hofni nhw
Ofnadw' dy weld di'n edrych mor sâl
Neis ei weld e
Grêt ei chlywed hi'n canu
Hyfryd eich gweld chi
Gwych eu gweld nhw'n ennill y gêm
Do you love me?
I love you
Sandra loves him
Ffred doesn't love her
He ignores her
Everyone loves us
Does he love you?
We don't love them
We fear them
Terrible to see you looking so ill
Nice to see him
Great to hear her singing
Lovely to see you
Excellent to see them winning the game
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Dych chi'n fy nghasáu i?
Do you hate me?
2. Mae e'n ei charu hi
He loves her
3. Mae pob copa walltog yn gallu ein clywed ni!
Every single person can hear us!
4. Dyn ni ddim yn ei weld e
We don't see him
5. Dych chi'n ei hanwybyddu hi drwy'r amser
You ignore her all the time
6. Dyw neb yn eu caru nhw
No-one loves them
7. Ydy hi'n dy weld di?
Does she see you?
8. Dydyn nhw ddim yn eich hoffi chi
They don't like you
9. Rwyt ti'n eu hofni nhw'n enbyd
You fear them terribly
10. Hyfryd ei weld e'n edrych mor braf
It's lovely to see him looking so fine
11. Neis eich gweld chi!
Nice to see you!
12. Ofnadw' eu gwylio nhw'n colli gêm arall
Awful to watch them losing another game
13. Braf dy weld chi
Fine to see you
14. Gwych ei helpu hi i ennill y wobr
Great to help her to win the prize