Ar lafar, bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn dweud 'Licwn i' yn hytrach na 'Byddwn i'n lico' i olygu 'I would like'. Yr un modd, byddan nhw'n dweud 'Gallwn i' yn lle 'Byddwn i'n gallu' i olygu 'I could'. Gyda'r mwyafrif o ferfau eraill, fodd bynnag, byddan nhw'n dweud rhywbeth fel 'Byddwn i'n deall' i olygu 'I would understand', er enghraifft.
Most people use the ‘short way’ below rather than the ‘long way’ with ‘lico/hoffi’ and ‘gallu’ in speech. Most of the other verbs use the ‘long way’.
Ffurf gwmpasog / Long way (the 'Roundabout form')
Bod + yn + lico + verb
Byddwn i ’n lico gweld – Byddwn i’n lico gweld
I would like to see
Bod + yn + gallu + verb
Byddwn i’n gallu gweld – Byddwn i’ n gallu gweld
I would be able to see I could see
Long way
Bod + yn + lico + verb
Byddwn i ’n lico gweld - Byddwn i’n lico gweld
I would like to see
Bod + yn + gallu + verb
Byddwn i ’n gallu gweld - Byddwn i’ n gallu gweld
I would be able to see
I could see
Ffurf Rediadol / Short way (the 'Conjugated form')
Licwn i weld I would like to see
Gallwn i weld I would be able to see/I could see
Short way
Licwn i weld I would like to see
Gallwn i weld I would be able to see/I could see
Ynganu / Pronunciation (Nodiwch y sain 'e' bob amser)
Gallwn i / Licwn i – wedi'i ynganu fel – ‘Gallen i’ / Licen i’
Gallai fe/hi/Licai fe/hi – wedi'i ynganu fel – ‘Galle fe/hi/Lice fe/hi
Gallwn i / Licwn i - pronounced as - ‘Gallen i’ / Licen i’
Gallai fe/hi/Licai fe/hi - pronounced as - ‘Galle fe/hi/Lice fe/hi
Bydd treiglad meddal ar ôl pob un o'r ffurfiau uchod, e.e:
Licwn i fynd I’d like to go
Byddwn ni'n ychwanegu 'Ddim' i ffurfio'r negyddol, e.e:
Licai hi ddim mynd She wouldn’t like to go
Soft mutation after all the above, e.g:
Licwn i fynd. I’d like to go.
Add ‘ddim’ for negatives, e.g:
Licai hi ddim mynd. She wouldn’t like to go.
Licwn i | I would like to |
Licet ti | you would like to |
Licai fe/hi | He/she would like to |
Licen ni | We would like to |
Licech chi | You would like to |
Licen nhw | They would like to |
Bydd treiglad meddal ar ôl pob un o'r ffurfiau uchod, e.e:
Gallwn i fynd I could go
Byddwn ni'n ychwanegu 'Ddim' a cholli'r sain 'G' (trwy deiglo'n feddal) i ffurfio'r negyddol, e.e:
Allai hi ddim mynd She couldn’t go.
Soft mutation after all the above, e.g:
Gallwn i fynd. I could go.
Add ‘ddim’ for and lose ‘G’ negatives, e.g:
Allai hi ddim mynd She couldn’t go.
Cwestiwn |
Ateb |
Allwn i? Could I? | Gallet/Na allet Gallech/Na allech |
Allet ti? Could you? | Gallwn/Na allwn |
Allai fe? Could he? | Gallai/Na allai |
Allai hi? Could she? | Gallai/Na allai |
Allen ni? Could we? | Gallech/Na allech Gallen/Na allen |
Allech chi? Could you? | Gallwn/Na allwn Gallen/Na allen |
Allen nhw? Could they? | Gallen/Na allen |
Er mwyn ateb cwestiynau byddwn ni'n defnyddio'r un ffurfiau fel y byddwn ni'n eu defnyddio gyda 'gallu' ond byddwn ni'n rhoi'r bôn 'lic-' yn lle 'gall'.
The same answers as above are used for ‘lico’ but the root is ‘lic-’ not ‘gall-’.
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Byddwn i’n lico cymryd rhan yn y cyngerdd
I would like to take part in the concert
2. Byddai fe'n gallu dod ond dyw e ddim yn siŵr beth fydd yn digwydd
He could come but he's not sure what will be happening
3. Hoffwn ni weld a chlywed popeth hefyd
We would like to see and hear everything too
4. Gallech chi fwynhau'r canu 'sai fe'n isel
You could enjoy the singing if it was quiet
5. Licwn i ddawnsio pe gallwn i
I'd like to dance if I could
6. Pe gallai hi weld y plant, licai hi fynd â nhw i'r sw
If she could see the children, she'd like to take them to the zoo
7. Licwn i ddod ond licwn i ddim perfformio
I would like to come but I wouldn't like to perform
8. Licet ti fynd ond licet ti ddim cael pryd o fwyd
You would like to go but you wouldn’t like to have a meal
9. Licai fe blasu'r cyru ond licai fe ddim yfed y gwin
He would like to taste the curry but he wouldn't like to drink the wine
10. Licen ni ddim gadael ond licen ni gael diod
We wouldn't like to leave but we would like to have a drink
11. Licech chi ddim cysgu ond licech chi gael cawod
You wouldn't like to sleep but you would like to have a shower
12. Licen nhw ddim ffraeo ond licwn nhw weiddi
They wouldn't like to fight but they would like to shout
13. Licai Sandra ddim cael gwared ar Ffred ond hoffai hi weiddi arno fe
Sandra wouldn't like to get rid of Ffred but she'd like to shout at him
13. Gallwn i ddod 'swn i wedi prynu tocyn
I could come if I'd bought a ticket
14. Allen nhw ddim talu am y pethau ond gallwn i'u helpu nhw
They couldn't pay for the things but I could help them
15. Allwn i ddod i'r parti?
Gallet / Na allet / Gallech / Na allech
Could I come to the party?
Yes (you could) / No (you couldn't) / Yes (you could) / No (you couldn't)
16. Allet ti fynd i'r ysgol?
Gallwn / Na allwn
Could you go to the school?
Yes (I could) / No (I couldn't)
17. Allai fe dy helpu di i baentio'r tŷ?
Gallai / Na allai
Could he help you to paint the house?
Yes (he could) / No (he couldn't)
18. Allai hi fynd â'r ci am dro?
Gallai / Na allai
Could she take the dog for a walk?
Yes (she could) / No (she couldn't)
19. Allen ni goginio brecwast?
Gallech / Na allech / Gallen / Na allen
Could we cook breakfast?
Yes (you could) / No (you couldn't) / Yes (we could) / No (you couldn't)
20. Allech chi fod yn dawel?
Gallwn / Na allwn / Gallen / Na allen
Could you be quiet?
Yes (I could) / No (I couldn't) / Yes (we could) / No (we couldn't)
21. Allen nhw dalu am y gwaith?
Gallen/Na allen
Could they pay for the work?
Yes (they could) / No (they couldn't)
22. Licet ti fynd i weld y plant yn canu?
Licwn / Na licwn
Would you like to go to see the children singing?
Yes (I would) / No (I wouldn't)
23. Licai fe ddod i gael cinio gyda ni?
Licai / Na licai
Would he like to come to have dinner with us?
Yes (he would) / No (he wouldn't)