Ysgrifennu -wn i | Dweud -en i | Saesneg |
Byddwn i | Bydden i | I would (be) |
Licwn i | Licen i | I'd like |
Gallwn i | Gallen i | I could |
Dylwn i | Dylen i | I should |
Elwn i | Elen i | I'd go |
Delwn i | Delen i | I'd come |
Gelwn i | Gelen i | I'd get/have |
Gwnelwn i | (Gw)nelen i | I'd do/make |
Ysgrifennu -ai fe/hi | Dweud -e fe/hi | Saesneg |
Byddai fe/hi | Bydde fe/hi | Bydde fe/hi |
Licai fe/hi | Lice fe/hi | He/she'd like |
Gallai fe/hi | Galle fe/hi | He/she could |
Gallai fe/hi | Dyle fe/hi | He/she should |
Elai fe/hi | Ele fe/hi | He/she'd go |
Delai fe/hi | Dele fe/hi | He/she'd come |
Gelai fe/hi | Gele fe/hi | He/she'd get/have |
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
[ Cofiwch yr ynganiad "--wn / --ai" > "--e" yn y berfau canlynol i gyd! ]
1. Byddwn i'n esbonio wrth yr athro 'swn i'n gwybod beth i'w ddweud
I would explain to the teacher if I knew what to say
2. Licwn i fynd i'r cyngerdd, ond bydda i'n rhy brysur
I would like to go to the concert, but I'll be too busy
3. Gallwn i ymddiheuro, ond sa i'n mynd i 'neud hynny
I could apologize, but I'm not going to do that
4. Dylwn i fynd i weld y plant, ond dw i wedi blino'n lân
I should go to see the children but I'm completely exhausted
5. Elwn i i brynu llosin yno bob dydd pan o'n i'n grwt
I would go to buy sweets there every day when I was a kid
6. Delwn i i ymweld a thad-cu pan allwn i
I would come to visit grandpa when I could
7. Gelwn i gawod bob bore hyd yn oed 'sai'r dŵr yn oer
I would have a shower every morning even if the water was cold
8. 'Nelwn i frechdanau caws i bawb yn y swyddfa
I would make cheese sandwiches for everyone in the office
9. Byddai fe'n mwynhau'r cyngherddau yn yr ysgol bob amser
He would always enjoy the concerts in the school
10. Licai hi fynd i'r sioe
She would like to go to the show
11. Gallai fe helpu, ond mae e wedi mynd ar wyliau
He could help, but he's gone on holiday
12. Dylai hi gwyno am y bwyd
She should complain about the food
13. Elai fe i ymarfer gyda'r band bob nos
He would go to practise with the band every night
14. Delai hi i ymweld â ni pan fedrai hi
She would come to visit us when she could
15. Gelai fe sioc ofnadw' 'sai fe'n clywed yr holl stŵr
He would have an enormous shock if he heard all the commotion