Yn Saesneg, rydym yn dweud I prefer, ond yn Gymraeg, rydyn ni'n dweud 'Mae'n well (gy)da fi' (yn llythfennol, 'It’s better with me').
Er mwyn dweud 'You prefer / He perfers / She perfers / We prefer / They prefer', bydd rhaid newid rhan yr ymadrodd ar ôl '(gy)da', e.e:
Mae’n well ’da fe - He prefers
Mae’n well ’da hi - She prefers
Mae’n well ‘da fi goffi na the - I prefer coffee to tea
Yn llythrennol, It’s better with me coffee than tea
I prefer - in Welsh (literally) - It’s better with me - Mae’n well (gy)da fi
He / she you / they etc. - change the end of the phrase, e.g:
He prefers - Mae’n well ’da fe
She prefers - Mae’n well ’da hi
I prefer coffee to tea. Mae’n well ‘da fi goffi na the.
Literally, It’s better with me coffee than tea
Cofiwch - 'Na' ('Than') sy'n achosi treiglad llaes: p > ph / t > th / c > ch
Byddwn ni'n defnyddio 'Nag' o flaen llafariaid, e.e:
Mae’n well ‘da fi gerdded nag edrych ar y teledu
I prefer walking to watching the TV
Mae'r ymadrodd 'Mae’n well ’da fi' (ac yn y blaen) yn achosi i beth bynnag sy'n dilyn dreiglo'n feddal, e.e.
Mae’n well ‘da fi goffi I prefer coffee
Beth sy’n well ’da ti/chi? What do you prefer?
Oes well ’da ti de? Do you prefer tea?
Yn llythrennol, Is there better with you tea?
Na causes an aspirate mutation p > ph, t > th, c > ch
Nag is used before vowels, e.g:
Mae’n well ‘da fi gerdded nag edrych ar y teledu
Mae’n well ’da fi / fe / hi etc causes a soft mutation e.g:
Mae’n well ‘da fi goffi
Beth sy’n well ’da ti/chi? What do you prefer?
Oes well ’da ti de? Do you prefer tea?
Literally, Is there better with you tea?
Yn Saesneg rydyn ni'n sôn am 'My favourite thing' neu 'My most hated thing'. Yn Gymraeg rydyn ni'n dweud 'Fy hoff beth (i)', neu 'Fy nghas beth (i)'. Mae ddwy ffordd o wneud y fath frawddeg yn Gymraeg: 'Fy hoff beth (i) yw hyn' neu 'Hyn yw fy hoff beth (i)', er enghraifft (ac yr un peth gyda 'Fy nghas beth (i)'). Mae'n bosibl hepgor y rhagenw 'i' ar lafar, ac mewn gwaith ysgrifinnedig hefyd, e.e:
Fy hoff fwyd (i) yw pasta My favourite food is pasta
Pasta yw fy hoff fwyd (i) Pasta is my favourite food
Cofiwch: ‘Hoff’ a ‘Cas’ ('Favourite' a 'Most hated') sy'n achosi i beth bynnag sy'n dilyn dreiglo'n feddal; 'peth > cas beth', 'bwyd > hoff fwyd').
Hoff/Cas - Favourite / Hated Things
Your favourite thing / most hated thing can be put first or last as in English. The (i) can be left out in speech and written work.
Fy hoff fwyd (i) yw pasta. My favourite food is pasta.
Pasta yw fy hoff fwyd (i). Pasta is my favourite food.
‘Hoff’ and ‘Cas’ - (favourite & most hated) cause a soft mutation - peth - cas beth, hoff fwyd.
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Mae’n well ’da fe fara na chaws
He prefers bread to cheese
2. Mae’n well ’da hi laeth na gwin coch
She prefers milk to red wine
3. Mae’n well ‘da ni gŵn na chathod
We prefer dogs to cats
4. Mae’n well ‘da chi frwydo na chanu
You prefer fighting to singing
5. Mae’n well ‘da nhw dwrci na chyri malwod
They prefer turkey to snail curry
6. Beth sy’n well ’da chi i fwyta? Mae'n well 'da fi frechdanau.
What do you prefer to eat? I prefer sandwiches.
7. Oes well ’da chi goffi?
Do you prefer coffee?
8. Dy hoff ddiod (di) yw llaeth
Your favourite drink is milk
9. Llaeth yw dy hoff ddiod (di)
Milk is your favourite drink
10. Ein hoff dîm (ni) yw'r Hen Ryfelwyr
Our favourite team is the Old Warriors
11. Yr Hen Ryfelwyr yw'n hoff dîm (ni)
The Old Warriors is our favourite team
12. Caws yw eu cas beth (nhw)
Cheese is their most hated thing
13. Eu cas beth nhw yw caws
Their most hated thing is cheese