Ask Dr Gramadeg: Di- Without or Less

Di means without/less. Here are examples of it in use.

calon               heart                >          digalon                        downhearted/depressed

gwaith              work                >          diwaith                        unemployed

lliw                   colour              >          di-liw                           colourless

clem                clue                 >          di-glem                        clueless (colloquial)

priod                married           >          di-briod                       unmarried

cartref             home               >          digartref                      homeless

galw am          call for             >          di-alw-amdano            uncalled for (it)

asgwrn cefn    back bone       >          di-asgwrn-cefn           spineless

pen draw         end                 >          di-ben-draw                endless



* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples


1. Roedd Ffred yn teimlo'n ddigalon ar ôl ffraeo â Sandra
Ffred was feeling depressed after fighting with Sandra

2. Mae Twm yn ddiwaith ar ôl colli'i swydd e yn yr archfarchnad
Twm is unemployed after losing his job in the supermarket

3. Be' yw'r hylif di-liw 'ma yn y botel heb label arni?
What's this colourless liquid in the bottle without a label on?

4. O, Ffred, ti mor ddi-glem - ti'n achosi problemau bob tro!
Oh, Fred, you're so clueless - you're always causing problems!

5. Roedd fy wncwl i'n aros yn ddi-briod drwy gydol ei oes e
My uncle remained unmarried throughout his life

6. Mae gormod o bobl ddigartre'n byw ar strydoedd Caerdydd y dyddiau 'ma
There are too many homeless people living on the streets of Cardiff these days

7. Dyna oedd sylw di-alw-amdano, ’achan!
That was an uncalled-for comment, mate!

8. Mae'r gwleidyddion i gyd mor ddi-asgwrn-cefn heddi'!
All the politicians are so spineless today!

9. Os byddwn ni'n ennill y loteri, gallwn ni hala dyddiau di-ben-draw yn yr haul!
If we win the lottery, we can spend endless days in the sun!

10. Gad i ni fynd i'r pentre' di-sôn-amdano 'na yng Nghanolbarth Cymru
Let's go to that little-mentioned village in mid-Wales

11. Mae'r athrawes 'na yn yr ysgol yn ddi-ail
That teacher in the school is second-to-none

12. Roedd y plant mor di-barch tuag at yr hen ddyn
The children were so disrespectful towards the old man

13. Mae'r athro'n ddibrofiad ofnadw'!
The teacher's awfully inexperienced!

14. Roedd y rhaglen deledu 'ma'n rhy ddichwaeth i fi, a bod yn onest
That television programme was too tasteless for me, to be honest

15. Rhaid i chi gofio taw swydd ddi-dâl yw hon!
You must remember that this is an unpaid job!

16. Roedd y milwyr yn sefyll mewn rhengoedd di-dor
The soldiers were standing in unbroken ranks

17. Wyt ti'n siŵr bod y barnwr yn ddi-dderbyn-wyneb?
Are you sure that the judge is impartial?

18. Mae'r ymgyrchwyr yn hollol ddi-droi’n-ôl
The campaigners are totally resolute

19. Roedd ei fab e mor ddi-feind nes iddo gael y ddamwain
His brother was so careless until he had the accident

20. Y gwirionedd di-wad yw'ch bod chi wedi colli'r arian oll!
The undeniable truth is that you have lost all the money!