Nodwch fod Cynffon yw Tail a Geiriau sy'n golygu words. Felly, yn llythrennol, cynffoneiriau yw Tailwords – hynny yw, Tags yn Saesneg.
Agwedd bwysig o lafar pob dydd yw'r rhain, sef ymadroddion fel aren’t I, don’t you, won’t you, aren’t there. Edrychwch ar y dabl isod:
Note that Cynffon is Tail and Geiriau means words. So, Cynffoneiriau literally means tailwords - tags in English.
They are an important part of everyday speech. Tags are phrases such as - aren’t I, don’t you, won’t you, aren’t there, etc. See table below:
Cynffoneiriau yn y Amser Presennol / Present Tense Tags
‘On’d’ tags | ‘Nag’ tags | Saesneg |
On’d ydw i? | Nag(yd)w i? | Aren’t/don’t I? |
On’d wyt ti? | Nagwyt ti? | Aren’t/don’t you? |
On’d yw e? | Nagyw e? | Isn’t/doesn’t he? |
On’d yw hi? | Nagyw hi? | Isn’t/doesn’t she? |
On’d (yd)yn ni? | Nagyn ni? | Aren’t/don’t we? |
On’d dych chi? | Nagych chi? | Aren’t/don’t you? |
On’d (yd)yn nhw? | Nagyn nhw? | Aren’t/don’t they? |
On’d ife? | Nagife? | Any of the above - emphatic |
On’d oes e? | Nagoes e? | Isn’t/Aren’t there? |
e.e. Mae e’n dda, on’d yw e?
Mae e’n dda, nag yw e?
(Rwyt) ti’n lico canu, on’d wyt ti?
(Rwyt) ti’n lico canu, nagwyt ti?
You like singing, don’t you?
Yn llawn, mae'r cynffoneiriau i gyd yn cynnwys y gair 'Onid' ('is not') ond bydd pawb yn hepgor y sain 'i' ar lafar, ac o ganlyniad i hyn y byddwn ni'n ysgfrifennu 'on'd' gyda 'chollnod' ('apostrophe'). Ar lafar mewn llawer o ardaloedd, bydd pobl yn dweud 'Nag' yn lle 'On'd'.
Bydd yn bosibl defnyddio'r rhain gyda'r Amser Perffaith (gydag 'wedi'). Fodd bynnag, bydd llawer o bobl yn dweud 'On'd do fe' ar lafar, e.e.
Mae hi wedi mynd, on’d yw hi? She’s gone, hasn’t she?
Mae hi wedi mynd, nagyw hi? She’s gone, hasn’t she?
Mae hi wedi mynd, on’d do fe? She’s gone, hasn’t she? (Yn llythrennol 'She's gone, didn't it?')
Os byddwn ni''n newid trefn y geiriau er mwyn pwyslais, wedyn ‘On’d ife’ neu ‘Nagife’ fydd y cynffonair briodol. Ymhellach, wedyn 'Ie / Nage fydd yr atebion ('Yes / No'), e.e.
Maen nhw’n ennill, on’d (yd)yn nhw?
Maen nhw’n ennill, nagyn nhw?
They are winning, aren’t they?
e.g. He is good, isn’t he?
Mae e’n dda, on’d yw e? / nagyw e?
He is good, isn’t he?
You like singing, don’t you?
(Rwyt) ti’n lico canu, on’d wyt ti? / nagwyt ti?
On’d the apostrophe stands for ‘i’ - onid - is not.
Nag is used for the tags instead of on’d in speech in many areas.
They can also be used with the perfect (wedi) tense, although many people use the past tag ‘on’d do fe’ in speech.
Mae hi wedi mynd, on’d yw hi / nagyw hi? She’s gone, hasn’t she?
Mae hi wedi mynd, on’d do fe? She’s gone, hasn’t she?
If the word order is changed for emphasis, then the ‘on’d ife’ or ‘nagife’ tag is used and the answers are Ie and Nage.
Maen nhw’n ennill, on’d (yd)yn nhw? or nagyn nhw?
They are winning, aren’t they?
Nhw sy’n ennill, on’d ife?
Nhw sy’n ennill, nagife?
They're winning, aren't they? (Yn llythrennol, '(It’s) they who are winning, isn’t it?')
On’d oes e? / Nagoes e?
Ynganiad yma yw ‘On’d ôs e? / Nagos e?
Os byddwn ni'n defnyddio 'Mae' gydag enw pendant, gyda rhagenw, neu gyda'r fannod ('y / 'r' / yr' - 'the'), wedyn bydd y frawddeg hon yn bendant (hynny yw, bydd yn golygu 'is / are'), a bydd rhaid i ni ddefnyddio ‘On’d yw e? / On’d yw hi?’ fel y cynffonair priodol, e.e:
Mae e’n mynd, on’d yw e? He is going, isn’t he?
Mae hi’n mynd, on’d yw hi? She is going, isn’t she?
Mae Ffred yn mynd, on’d yw e? Ffred is going, isn’t he?
Mae’r bwyd ar y ford, on’d yw e? The food is on the table, isnt it?
Ond os byddwn ni'n defnyddio 'Mae' gydag enw amhendant, wedyn bydd y frawddeg hon yn amhendant (hynny yw, bydd yn golygu 'there is / there are'), a bydd rhaid i ni ddefnyddio ‘On’d oes? / Nagoes?’ fel y cynffonair priodol, e.e:
Mae bwyd ar y ford, on’d oes?
There is food on the table, isn’t there?
Mae digon o bobl ’ma, on’d oes?
Mae digon o bobl ’ma, nagoes?
There are plenty of people here, aren’t there?
Nhw sy’n ennill, on’d ife? or nagife?
(It’s) they who are winning, isn’t it?
On’d oes e? / Nagoes e? - 'Isn't there?' / 'Aren't there?'
Pronounced ‘on’d ôs e?/nagos e? - isn’t there/aren’t there?
If ‘mae’ is used with a name or a pronoun or ‘the’, it is definite and means ‘is/are’, and the ‘on’d yw e/on’d yw hi’ tag is used, e.g:
Mae e’n mynd, on’d yw e? He is going, isn’t he.
Mae hi’n mynd, on’d yw hi? She is going, isn’t she.
Mae Ffred yn mynd, on’d yw e? Ffred is going, isn’t he.
Mae’r bwyd ar y ford, on’d yw e? The food is on the table, isnt it?
But if ‘mae’ is used for indefinite objects and means ‘there is/are’ , then the ‘on’d oes /nagoes e? tag is used, e.g:
Mae bwyd ar y ford, on’d oes e?
There is food on the table, isn’t there?
Mae digon o bobl ’ma, on’d oes e/nagoes e?
There are plenty of people here, aren’t there?
Cynffoneiriau yn yr Amser Gorffennol
Byddwn ni'n defnyddio'r un ymadrodd ‘On’d do fe’ mewn brawddgeau sy'n sôn am 'fi, ti, fe, hi, ni, chwi, nhw', e.e.
Aeth hi’n gynnar, on’d do fe? She went early, didn’t she?
Enillais i’r wobr, on’d do fe? I won the prize, didn’t I?
Er mwyn pwysleisio rhywbeth, byddwn ni'n newid trefn y frawwdeg. Wedyn ‘On’d ife / Nagife?' fydd y cynffonair priodol, e.e.
Enillais i’r wobr, on’d do fe?
I won the prize, didn’t I?
Fi enillodd y wobr, on’d ife?
(It was) me (who) won the prize, wasn’t it? (yn llythrennol)
I won the prize, didn’t I?
Yn Saesneg byddwn ni'n defnyddio tôn llais i bwysleisio fel arfer.
Past Tense Tags
The past tag - ‘on’d do fe’ covers all persons
Aeth hi’n gynnar, on’d do fe? She went early, didn’t she?
Enillais i’r wobr, on’d do fe? I won the prize, didn’t I?
But, as with the present tense, if the word order is changed for emphasis, then the ‘on’d ife/nagife? tag is used, e.g:
Enillais i’r wobr, on’d do fe?
I won the prize, didn’t I?
Fi enillodd y wobr, on’d ife?
(It was) me (who) won the prize, wasn’t it?
Or I won the prize, didn’t I? This is normally emphasised by the tone of voice in English.
Yr Amserau Cwmpasog Eraill (Y rhai sy'n defnyddio 'Bod') - Y Dyfodol / Yr Amheffaith / Yr Amodol
Hawdd yw defnyddio cynffoneiriau yma - dim ond rhoi ‘on’d (neu ‘nag’) o flaen y ferf (gan hepgor y sain ‘r’ yn yr Amherffaith), e.e.
Bydd e ’na, on(’d) bydd e? He’ll be there, won’t he?
Byddan nhw ’na, on(’d) byddan nhw? They’ll be there, won’t they?
(R)oedd hi’n braf, on’d oedd hi? It was fine, wasn’t it?
(R)oedd hi’n braf, nag oedd hi? It was fine, wasn’t it?
(R)o’n i’n dda, on’d o’n i? I was good, wasn’t I?
(R)o’n i’n dda, nag o’n i? I was good, wasn’t I?
Byddai hi’n neis, on(’d) byddai (hi) It would be nice, wouldn’t it?
The other ‘bod’ tenses - Future, Imperfect and Conditional
The tags for these are easy - just put ‘on’d or ‘nag’ in front of the verb (drop the ‘r’ in the imperfect), e.g.
Bydd e ’na, on’d bydd e? He’ll be there, won’t he?
Byddan nhw ’na, on’d byddan nhw? They’ll be there, won’t they?
(R)oedd hi’n braf, on’d/nag oedd hi? It was fine, wasn’t it?
(R)o’n i’n dda, on’d/nag o’n i? I was good, wasn’t I?
Byddai hi’n neis, on’d byddai (hi) It would be nice, wouldn’t it?
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Dw i'n dod gyda chi, on’d dw i?
I'm coming with you, aren’t I?
2. Rwyt ti'n lico cyri malwod, on’d wyt ti?
You like snail curry, don’t you?
3. Mae e'n gweiddi ar yr athro, on’d yw e?
He's shouting at the teacher, isn’t he?
4. Mae hi'n coginio'n dda, on’d yw hi?
She cooks well, doesn’t she?
5. Dyn ni'n mynd i weld y plant yn canu, on’d dyn ni?
We're going to see the children singing, aren’t we?
6. Dych chi'n chwarae rygbi bob penwythnos on’d dych chi?
You play rugby every weekend, don’t you?
10. Dyn nhw'n aros yn yr ardd, on'd dyn nhw?
They're waiting in the garden, aren't they?
11. Fi sy'n dod i'r cyngerdd, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
It's me who's coming to the concert, isn't it? Yes / No.
12. Ti sy'n mynd i'r ysgol, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
It's you who's going the school, isn't it? Yes / No.
13. Hi sy'n aros yn yr ardd, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
It's her who's waiting in the garden, isn't it? Yes / No.
14. Fe sy'n cwyno i'r athro, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
It's him who's complaining to the teacher, isn't it? Yes / No.
15. Ni sy'n gorffen y gwaith, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
It's us who's completing the work, isn't it? Yes / No.
16. Chi sy'n dod â'r caws, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
It's you who's bringing the cheese isn't it? Yes / No.
17. Nhw sy'n mynd â'r ci am dro, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
It's them who's taking the dog for a walk, isn't it? Yes / No.
18. Mae cyri malwod ar y bwydd, on’d oes e? Oes / Nac oes.
There's snail curry on the table, isn't there? Yes / No.
19. Mae'r cyri malwod ar y bwrdd, on'd yw e? Ydy / Nac ydy.
The snail curry is on the table, isn't it? Yes / No.
20. Mae diod yn y botel 'na, on'd oes? Oes / Nac oes.
There's a drink in that bottle, isn't there? Yes / No.
21. Mae'r ddiod yn y botel 'na, on'd yw hi? Ydy / Nac ydy.
The drink is in that bottle, isn't it? Yes / No.
22. Mae cŵn yn yr ardd, on'd oes? Oes / Nac oes.
There are dogs in the garden, aren't there? Yes / No.
23. Mae'r cŵn yn yr ardd, on'd dyn nhw? Ydyn / Nac ydyn.
The dogs are in the garden, aren't they? Yes / No.
24. Mae gormod o bobl draw fan'na, on’d oes? Oes / Nac oes.
There are too many people over there, aren’t there? Yes / No.
25. Dw i wedi ennill gwobr, on'd dw i? Wyt / Nac wyt.
I've won a prize, haven't I? Yes / No.
26. Rwyt ti wedi 'neud yn dda iawn, on'd wyt ti? Ydw / Nac ydw.
You've done very well, haven't you? Yes / No.
27. 'Nest ti'n dda iawn, on'd do fe? Do / Naddo.
You did very well, didn't you? Yes / No.
28. Aethoch chi'n hwyr, on’d do fe? Do / Naddo.
You went late, didn’t you? Yes / No.
29. Enillon nhw wobr, on’d do fe? Do / Naddo.
They won a prize, didn't they? Yes / No.
30. Gollais i’r gêm, on’d do fe? Do / Naddo.
I lost the game, didn’t I? Yes / No.
31. Fi gollodd y gêm, on’d ife? Ie / Nage.
I lost the game, didn’t I? Yes / No.
32. Bydda i'n dod, on' bydda i? Byddi / Na fyddi.
I'll be coming, won't I? Yes / No.
33. Bydd e'n coginio brecwast, on' bydd e? Bydd / Na fydd.
He'll be cooking breakfast, won't he? Yes / No.
34. Byddwch chi'n aros i weld y plant, on' byddwch chi? Byddwn / Na fyddwn.
You'll be waiting to see the children, won't you? Yes / No.
35. Roedd hi’n heulog, on’d oedd hi? Oedd / Nac oedd.
It was sunny, wasn’t it? Yes / No.
36. Ro’n i’n eitha' drwg , on’d o’n i? O't / Nac o't.
I was quite bad, wasn’t I? Yes / No.
37. Ro’n nhw’n mynd i ddweud diolch, on'd o'n nhw? O'n / Nac o'n.
They were going to say thanks, weren't they? Yes / No.
38. Byddet ti'n dod i' gwesty, on' byddet ti? Byddwn / Na fyddwn.
You would come to the hotel, wouldn't you? Yes / No.