Cyn cael cinio Before having dinner
Ar ôl cyrraedd After arriving
Ond, bydd rhaid defnyddio 'i' gyda rhagenw personol:
Cyn i fi gael cinio Before I have dinner
Ar ôl iddi hi gyrraedd After she arrives
Cyn cael cinio Before having dinner
Ar ôl cyrraedd After arriving
But ‘i’ must be used with a personal pronoun:
Cyn i fi gael cinio Before I have dinner
Ar ôl iddi hi gyrraedd After she arrives
Pan fyddwn ni'n defnyddio 'i' gyda ‘cyn’ ac ‘ar ôl’, rhaid cofio bod yr ymadrodd yn gallu cyfeirio at sawl amser - y presennol, y perffaith, a'r gorffennol, e.e.
Dw i’n mynd (I go/I am going) Cyn i fi fynd (Before I go)
Dw i wedi mynd (I have gone) Cyn i fi fynd (Before I’ve gone)
Es i (I went) Cyn i fi fynd (Before I went)
Fel arfer, byddwch chi'n deall o'r cyd-destun beth yw'r amser priodol.
When ‘i’ is used with ‘cyn’ and ‘ar ôl’ it covers several tenses - present, perfect and past e.g:
Dw i’n mynd (I go/am going) Cyn i fi fynd Before I go
Dw i wedi mynd (I have gone) Cyn i fi fynd Before I’ve gone
Es i (I went) Cyn i fi fynd Before I went
The context usually tells you which tense it is.
Mae rhai geiriau eraill sy'n dod o flaen 'i', e.e.
Nes (until) Nes i fi fynd (Until I go/went)
Rhag ofn (in case) Rhag ofn i ni ddod (In case we come/came)
Erbyn (by the time that) Erbyn i ti gyrraedd (By the time that you arrive/arrived)
* Dychmygwch y cwestiwn 'Cyn i fi fynd? 'Fory?' ('Before I go? Tomorrow?'). Nid oes berf ar ddechrau'r cwestiwn hwn ond y gair 'cyn', ac felly, nid 'brawddeg lawn' ydy. Rhaid ateb cwestiynau fel hyn gan ddefnyddio 'Ie/Nage'.
There are other words which are used in this way with ‘i’ e.g.:
Nes (until) Nes i fi fynd (until I go/went)
Rhag ofn (in case) Rhag ofn i ni ddod (in case we come)
Erbyn (by the time that) Erbyn i ti gyrraedd (by the time that you arrive)
*Any question that does not start with a verb/is not a proper sentence,e.g Cyn i fi fynd? ’Fory?) is answered with Ie/Nage.
Gair bach defnyddiol arall - Wedyn - Then / Afterwards
Aeth hi wedyn i'r sinema
Then she went to the cinema / She went to the cinema afterwards
Wedyn byddwn ni'n cwrdd â hi
Then we'll meet her / We'll meet her afterwards
Another useful little word - Wedyn - Then / Afterwards
Aeth hi wedyn i'r sinema
Then she went to the cinema / She went to the cinema afterwards
Wedyn byddwn ni'n cwrdd â hi
Then we'll meet her / We'll meet her afterwards
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Dyn ni'n cael cinio cyn edrych ar y teledu
We have dinner before watching television
2. Ar ôl mynd i'r cyngerdd, aethon nhw i'r dafarn
After going to the concert, they went to the pub
3. Cyn i fi gael frecwast, bydda i'n mynd a'r ci am dro
Before I have breakfast, I take the dog for a walk
4. Ar ôl i ti adael, dechreuodd pawb ffraeo
After you left, everyone began fighting
5. Roedd popeth yn dawel cyn iddo fe gyrraedd
Everything was quiet before he arrived
6. Ar ôl iddi hi neidio ar y bwrdd, roedd pawb yn syn
After she jumped on the table, everyone was amazed
7. Maen nhw'n mwynhau'r cyfarfod ar ôl i Ffred dod â brechdanau
They enjoy the meeting after Ffred brings sandwiches
8. Cyn i Sandra fynd i siopa, 'doedd dim byd yn y cwpwrdd
Before Sandra went shopping, there was nothing in the cupboard
9. Daeth y sefyllfa'n glir ar ôl i ni esbonio
The situation became clear after we explained
10. Cyn i chi fynd, mae rhaid i chi gael ginio
Before you go, you must have dinner
11. Ar ôl iddyn nhw weiddi ar yr athro, cwynodd e wrth y plant
After they shouted at the teacher, he complained to the children
12. Dw i’n mynd i'r ysgol cyn i fi fynd i'r siopau
I'm going to the school before I go to the shops
13. Yn y gorffennol rwyt ti wedi mynd am dro cyn i fi goginio cinio
In the past you've gone for a walk before I've cooked dinner
14. Aeth hi at y meddyg cyn i'r plant ddod adre'
She went to the doctor before the children came home
15. Nes iddyn nhw adael, dw i ddim yn gallu ymlacio
Until they go, I can't relax
16. Byddwn ni'n prynu teisen rhag ofn iddo fe ymweld
We'll buy a cake in case he visits
17. Erbyn i chi weld popeth, bydd hi wedi nosi
By the time you see everything, it will have got dask
18. Dw i eisiau cael cinio'n gynnar heddi'
Ar ôl i ti fynd i siopa?
Ie / Nage
I want to have dinner early today
After you go shopping?
Yes / No
19. Aethon nhw wedyn i'r cyngerdd
Then they went to the concert
They went to the concert afterwards
Afterwards, they went to the concert
20. Wedyn, byddwch chi'n gallu gweld y plant
Then you'll be able to see the children
You'll be able to see the children afterwards
Afterwards, you'll be able to see the children