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Cynhyrchydd Boom Cymru Ffion Coughlan: Sut dyn ni’n gwneud rhaglen S4C Dal Ati / Boom Cymru Producer Ffion Coughlan: How We Make S4C’s Dal Ati

Mae Ffion Coughlan yn cefnogi creu rhaglenni am Boom Cymru sydd gael eu darlledu ar S4C, yn enwedig y slot ar raglen am ddysgwyr, Dal Ati. Es i i mewn i’r stiwdio i ofn sut maen nhw’n cael eu gwneud…

Ffion Coughlan supports creating programmes for Boom Cymru that are broadcast on S4C, in particular the slot on the learners programme, Dal Ati (Keep At It). I went into the studio to ask how they are made…

Gwnes i rai ffilmio gyda Boom ar y segment Profiad Gwaith o Dal Ati yn ddiweddar, ac gwnes i ddim yn gwybod sut cymaint o waith yn mynd i mewn i greu rhaglen. Fel cynorthwydd, pa fath o bethau wyt ti'n gwneud Ffion?

Mae lot o waith yn mynd i mewn i greu rhaglenni teledu, ac efallai dydy pobl gartref ddim yn sylweddoli cymaint o waith sydd yn mynd i mewn i gael popeth ar y sgrin. Swydd i ydy Cynhyrchydd-dan-Hyfforddiant a dw i’n gyfrifol am helpu trefnu pob dim- felly mae lot o amrywiaeth yn fy swydd. Gyda’r strand Profiad Gwaith, mae’r dasg gyntaf i yw’r dod i hyd i gyfranwyr- pobl sy’n mynd i fod rhan o’r rhaglen. Dw i’n ffeindio pobl fel ti, sy’n ar y lefel iawn ar gyfer y rhaglen. Dyn ni defnyddio dysgwyr ar safon Ganolradd neu Uwch sy’n rili agor i’r profiad a bydd mwynhau’r profiad.

Mae’r dasg nesaf yw’r i ffeindio cwmnïoedd sy’n hapus i gymryd rhan ar y rhaglen. Dyn ni’n trio ffeindio cwmnïoedd ar draws Cymru i gyd; achos mae e chwe rhaglen, dydy ni ddim yn moyn i wneud pob ohonyn nhw yn un lle. Ac amrywiaeth o gwmnïoedd hefyd- felly gwnaethon ni meddwl o beth dyn ni byth wedi ffilmio gyda siop flodau, felly gwnaethon ni meddwl ei fod e gyfle da am y dysgwr i ddod mewn, siarad â‘r cwsmeriaid, dysgu sut i drefnu blodau, mynd allan a delifero blodau- mae e lot o bosibiliadau gyda’r ffilmio.
I did some filming with Boom for the Work Experience segment of Dal Ati recently, and I didn't realise how much work goes into creating the programme. As a producer, what sort of things do you do Ffion?

A lot of work goes into creating TV programmes, and perhaps people at home don’t realise how much goes into putting everything on the screen. My job is Trainee Producer and I’m responsible for helping to organise everything- so there is lots of variety in my job. With the strand Work Experience, my first task is to find contributors- people who are going to be part of the programme. I find people like you, who are at a suitable level for the programme. We use learners at the Intermediate or Higher level who are really open to the experience and will enjoy it.

The next task is to find companies who are happy to take part in the programme. We try to find companies across all of Wales; because there are six programmes we don’t want to do all of them in one place. And a variety of companies as well- so we thought that we hadn’t filmed in a flower shop, and we thought it would be a good chance for a learner to come in, speak with customers, learn how to arrange flowers go out and deliver flowers- there are lots of possibilities with the filming.
Gwnes i fach o ymchwil, a gwnes i ffeindio Siop Pinc yn yr ardal Sir Caerfyrddin, achos dydy ni ddim wedi gwneud lot yn y rhaglen yno. Roedd tasg nesaf i fynd i gwrdd â nhw, jest i weld am y profiad yn y siop. Swydd fi wedyn roedd unwaith caethon ni dyddiad, bwcio’r criw- dynion neu fenywod camera a sain, a gwneud yn siŵr bod offer ffilmio criw wedi cael ei bwcio. Heb gamera, dyn ni’n gallu ffilmio dim byd! Roedd y tasg nesaf i greu amserlen, gyda’r holl wybodaeth i mewn- manylion bach, ond does neb yn gwybod ble maen nhw’n mynd ac am faint o’r gloch, bydd e’n anobeithiol. Ac mae’n swnio diflas, ond sicrhau mae pob gwaith papur yw’r yn y ffeil, cytundebau am bawb, ac dyn ni wedi gwneud risk assessment.

Mae’r tasg olaf yw’r i fod yna ar y dydd i helpu mas. Mae running order gyda fi- trefn o’r rhaglen- dyn ni wedi sgwennu popeth sy’n mynd i gael eu cynnwys ar y rhaglen. Bydd e ddim yn dda taswn ni wedi dilyn trefn o’r rhaglen ac wedyn cyrraedd yn ôl yng Nghaerdydd a sylweddoli dyn ni wedi anghofio i ffilmio'r eitem hon. Felly ar y dydd, dw i’n tico popeth bant a gwneud yn siŵr mae cynnwys gyda ni.
I did some research and I found the Pink Shop in the Carmarthanshire area, because we hadn’t done a lot of the programme there. The next task was to meet with them, just to see about the experience in the shop. My next job was once we had the date to book the crew- camera and sound men/women, and ensure that the film crew equipment is booked. Without a camera, we can’t film anything! The next task is to create a schedule, with all information in little details, but if people don’t know where to go and at what time, it would be awful. And it sounds boring, but ensuring that all the paperwork is in the file, agreements for all, and we create a risk assessment.

The last task is to be there on the day to help out. I have a running order- programme schedule- and we write everything down that is going to be included on the programme. It wouldn’t be good if we didn’t follow the schedule and then arrived back in Cardiff and realised we had forgotten to film an item. So on the day I tick everything off and make sure that we have everything.
Mae'n swnio fel gwaith caled iawn! Gwnest ti astudio rhywbeth perthnasol ym mhrifysgol neu gwnest ti weithio dy ffordd lan?

Gwnes i astudio Ffilm, Theatre a Theledu ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Ces i ddiddordeb mawr yn y byd teledu. Ro’n i wneud pethau fel gwaith profiad, a rhedwr, mewn sioeau S4C dros y gwyliau haf. Ar ôl graddio gwnes i symud i Gaerdydd achos gwnes i moyn i weithio yn teledu a gwnes i feddwl ei fod e ble mae’r cyfleoedd. Gwnes i brofiad gwaith ar gyfer BBC a Pobol y Cwm, ac wedyn gwnes i ennill swydd Is-Rheolwr Llawr. Gwnes i weithio yna ac ar raglenni eraill am rhai blynyddoedd, ac rhai ffilmiau yn Llundain. Symudais i lan i fod Ail-Gynorthwyydd Cyfarwyddwr yn y byd dramau, ac wedyn ces i gyfle i weithio i Boom Cymru fel ymchwilydd ar raglenni adloniant ffeithiol. Gwnes i fwynhau’r ochr hwnna, a dw i wedi bod yma ers hynny.
That sounds like very hard work! Did you study anything related in university or did you work your way up?

I studied Film, Theatre and TV in Aberystwyth University. I had a large interest in the world of television. I was doing work experience, and working as a runner, in S4C shows through the summer holidays. After graduating I moved to Cardiff because I wanted to work in TV and I thought that is where the opportunities are. I did work experience with BBC for Pobol y Cwm, and then I got a job as Assistant Floor Manager. I worked there on other programmes for some years, and did some filming in London. I moved up to Second Assistant Producer in the world of drama, and then I had an opportunity to work for Boom Cymru as a researcher for factual entertainment. I enjoyed that side, and I have been here since.
Ac mae e roliau eraill sydd yn helpu gyda chreu’r raglenni. Pa fath o swyddi eraill ydy e?

Mae e Uwch-Gynhyrchwydd, sy’n ail-sylwi popeth, ac wedyn mae’r Cynhyrchwydd sydd yn gyfrifol am gynnwys- ac yn Dal Ati dod lan gyda strands newydd. Mae’r ymchwilwyr yn helpu ymchwilio’r rhaglenni, ac wedyn mae’r tîm cynhyrchu ac ochr technegol- camera, sain, cyfarwyddwr. Mae pawb yn helpu creu’r rhaglen- mae’r ddau ochr yn dod gydag e’i gilydd.
And there are other roles who help to create the programmes. What sort of jobs are they?

The Senior Producer oversees everything, and then the Producer is responsible for content- and on Dal Ati coming up with new strands. The researchers help research the programmes, and then the production team on the technical side- camera, sound and producer. Everyone helps to create the programme- both sides comes together.
A pha fath o bethau ydy Boom Cymru yn ffilmio ar gyfer ddysgwyr ar S4C?

Dyn ni’n brysur iawn gyda S4C- dyn ni’n cynhyrchu Awr yr Wythnos i Dal Ati- sy’n gynnwys cwis stiwdio Llyncu Geiriau, Profiad Gwaith a chystadleuaeth Dysgwr y Flwyddyn. Dyn ni’n creu segment newydd ar hyn o bryd, Caru Casglu, ble dyn ni’n mynd i weld pobl sy’n casglu pethau gwahanol a diddorol. Dyn ni’n gwneud spot o’r enw Adre, lle dyn ni’n mynd i dai o bobl adnabyddus. Dyn ni’n gwneud strand o’r enw Perthyn, ble dyn ni’n siarad â phobl sy’n perthyn i’n gilydd ac sy’n gwneud pethau diddorol. Dyn ni wedi gwneud cyfres o’r enw Galwch Acw- cyfres coginio- felly llawer o bethau a llawer o hwyl!

And what sort of things is Boom Cymru filming for learners on S4C?

We are very busy at the moment with S4C- we produce Hour of the Week for Dal Ati- this includes the studio quiz show Swallowing Words, Work Experience and Learner of the Year competition. We are creating a new segment at the moment, Love Collecting, where we see people who collect different and interesting things. We are doing a spot called Home, where we go to houses of well-known people. We are doing a strand called Related, where we speak with people who are related to each other and do interesting activities. We have done a series called Call There- a cookery show- so lots of things and lots of fun!
Cwl. Dw i wedi mwynhau gwilio Dal Ati am rai flynyddoedd, ac roedd e'n brofiad yn wobrwyo i fod rhan o un sioe. Os mae dysgwyr eraill moyn i gyfrannu, beth dylwn ni gwneud?

Os mae unrhyw mas yna sy’n moyn i fod ar y teledu neu gymryd rhan mewn rhaglen, dyn ni’n o hyd yn chwilio am ddysgwyr. Mae’r peth gorau i wneud yw cysylltu a fi ar [email protected] neu 029 22450 000. Mae e wastad yn angen am ddysgwyr, a dyn ni’n gallu ychwanagu chi i ffeil ni, a phan mae cyfle yn codi dyn ni’n gallu gweld pwy sy’n ar o gwympas.
Cool. I’ve enjoyed watching Da Ati for some years, and it was a rewarding experience to be part of one show. If other learners want to contribute, what should they do?

If anyone out there wants to be on the TV or take part in a programme, we are always looking for learners. The best thing to do is contact me on [email protected] or 029 22450 000. There is always a need for learners, and we can add you to our file, and when chances come up we can see who is around.

Mae e wastad yn angen am ddysgwyr, a dyn ni’n gallu ychwanagu chi i ffeil ni, a phan mae cyfle yn codi dyn ni’n gallu gweld pwy sy’n ar o gwympas.

Mae Dal Ati ar gael am 30 diwrnod ar ôl y darllediad arlein ar S4C’s Clic: www.s4c.cymru/clic/c_index.shtml ac mae mwy o wybodaeth ar y raglen yma: s4c.cymru/cy/adloniant/dal-ati/.
Dal Ati is available for 30 days after broadcast online on S4C’s Clic: s4c.cymru/clic/e_index.shtml and there is more information on the programme here: s4c.cymru/en/entertainment/dal-ati.

 boomcymru.co.uk / Boom_Cymru

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