Ask Dr Gramadeg: Cyflwyno Amser Gorffennol Crwyno Bod- Bues, Buest, Buodd, Buon, Buoch & Buont / Introducing the Short Past Tense of Bod- Bues, Buest, Buodd, Buon, Buoch & Buont

Dych chi’n gallu defnyddio Bues i/Buon ni, yn lle Ro’n i/ni neu Es i/Aethon ni a.y.b.,os dych chi’n sôn am fod yn rhywle am gyfnod o amser arbennig, er enghraifft: dwy awr, tri diwrnod, wythnos, pythefnos, pedwar mis, dwy flynedd, a.y.b.

You can use the past of ‘bod’ to be - Bues i/Buon ni, (I was, We were),etc. instead of Ro’n i/ni (I was/We were) neu Es i/Aethon ni (I/We went) etc, if you are talking about being somewhere for a specific period of time, e.g. two hours, three days, a week, a fortnight, four months, two years, etc.

Bues i ’na echdoe.                                  I was there the day before yesterday.

Fuoch chi ar wyliau eleni?                      Did you go on holidays this year?

Do. Buon ni yn Sbaen am bythefnos.     We were in/went to Spain for a fortnight.

Buodd hi’n dost drwy’r dydd.                  She was ill all day.

Buon nhw’n aros am dros ddwy awr.     They were waiting for over an hour.



* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples

1. Bues i'n aros yno am ddwy awr ddoe.
I was waiting there for two hours yesterday

2. Fuest ti yn yr ysgol am benwythnos cyn i ti gwrdd â'r athro?
Were you in the school for a fortnight before you met the teacher?

3. Buodd hi'n gweithio yn y ffatri am wythnos, ond wedyn gadawodd hi
She had been working in the factory for a week, but then she left

4. Am ddwy flwyddyn, buodd e'n cuddio mewn ysgubor!
For two years, he'd been hiding in a barn!

5. Buon ni'n byw yn Neuadd y Dre' am dri diwrnod ar ôl y storm
We were living in the Town Hall for three days after the storm

6. Fuoch chi'n dathlu'ch buddugoliaeth am wythnos gron?
Did you celebrate your victory for a whole week?

7. Buon nhw'n disgwyl llythyr gan y cyngor am bedwar mis
They'd been expecting a letter from the council for four months

8. Fuest ti 'ma echnos? Do / Naddo.
Were you here the night before last? Yes / No.

9. Buon nhw'n chwarae yn yr ardd drwy’r bore, ond maen nhw yn y tŷ bellach
They were playing in the garden all morning, but they're in the house now

10. Buon ni'n rhedeg o gwmpas am oriau maith cyn dod o hyd i'r ci!
We were running around for many a long hour before finding the dog!

11. Fuoch chi yn Sbaen y llynedd?
Do, buon ni yno am ddeng niwrnod
Naddo, fuon ni ddim yno, ond buon ni yn Ffrainc am sbel

Did you go to Spain last year?
Yes, we were there for ten days
No, we didn't go there, but we were in France for a while