Ask Dr Gramadeg: Mynd â & Cymryd- To Take

Mae dwy ffordd o ddweud 'to take' yn Cymraeg

Mynd â
Yn llythfennol, to go with - sy'n golygu to take something or someone from somewhere to somewhere else (hynny yw, mynd â rhywun neu rywbeth o rywle i rywle arall), e.e:

Dw i’n mynd â’r car i’r garej
I’m taking the car to the garage

Maen nhw’n mynd â’r plant i’r ysgol
They’re taking the children to school

There are two types of ‘to take’ in Welsh.

Mynd â
Literally to go with, means to take something or someone from somewhere to somewhere else.

Dw i’n mynd â’r car i’r garej.
I’m taking the car to the garage.

Maen nhw’n mynd â’r plant i’r ysgol.
They’re taking the children to school.

Byddwn ni'n defnyddio 'Cymryd' pan fydd rhaid dweud 'To take a turn, to take medicine', ac ati, e.e:

Cymerwch yr ail dro
Take the second turn

Dw i’n cymryd tabledi
I’m taking tablets

To take a turn, medicine etc.

Cymerwch yr ail dro.
Take the second turn.

Dw i’n cymryd tabledi.
I’m taking tablets.



* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples

1. Dw i’n mynd â’r ci at y milfeddyg
I'm taking the dog to the vet

2. Ro't ti'n mynd â'r plant i'r ysgol
You were taking the children to school

3. Aeth e â'r allweddi i'r swyddfa
He took the keys to the office

4. Aiff hi â'r baban i'r parc
She took the baby to the park

5. Byddwn ni'n mynd â mam-gu yn ôl
We'll take grandma back

6. Byddech chi'n mynd â thad-cu at y meddyg
You would take grandpa to the doctor

7. Maen nhw wedi mynd â’r gath i'r parti
They have taken the cat to the party

8. Roedd e wedi mynd â'r plant i'r cyngerdd
He had taken the children to the concert

9. Byddi di wedi mynd â Ffred i weld y sioe
You'll have taken Ffred to see the show

10. Byddai fe wedi mynd â Sandra i Ffrainc
He would have taken Sandra to France

11. Dydyn ni ddim yn mynd â brechdanau i'r cyngerdd
We're not taking sandwiches to the concert

12. Ydyn nhw'n mynd â'u rhieni ar wyliau?
Are they taking their parents on holiday?

14. Cer â'r sbwriel mas, Ffred!
Take the rubbish out, Fred!

14. Ewch â phopeth i mewn, bois!
Bring everything in, lads!

15. Mae hi'n cymryd moddion
She's taking medicine

16. Ro'n ni'n cymryd rhan mewn cyngerdd
We were taking part in a concert

17. Cymeroch chi'r awenau pan ddechreuodd y trafferth
You took the reins when the trouble started

18. Cymeran nhw yn erbyn Ffred pan fyddan nhw wedi cwrdd â fe
They'll take against Ffred when they meet him

19. Bydda i'n cymryd trafferth i 'neud popeth yn dda
I'll take pains to do everything well

20. Byddet ti'n cymryd lle dy efell di yn y cyngherddau i gyd
You would take the place of your twin in all the concerts

21. Cymer(a) amser pan fyddi di'n glanhau'r tŷ, Ffred!
Take time when you're cleaning the house, FFred!

21. Cymerwch y tro cynta' ar y dde ar ôl yr hen siop gornel!
Take the first turn on the right after the old corner shop!