Chestnut and sundried tomato casserole

Caserol gnau gastan a tomato heulsych / Chestnut and sundried tomato casserole

Cogydd / CookSarah PhilpottCategoryFegan?Anhawster / DifficultyCanolradd / Intermediate

Y caserol cysurlon yma yn ffordd dda i ddefnyddio unrhyw gnau gastan sydd ar ôl o’r Dolig, neu gallwch ddefnyddio dau dun o wygbys yn lle.
This comforting casserole is a great way to use up chestnuts left over from Christmas. If you can’t find chestnuts (or don’t like nuts), use two cans of chickpeas instead.

Cynyrchu / Yields4 Servings
Amser paratoi / Prep time30 minsAmser coginio / Cook time45 mins
Ar gyfer y caserol / For the casserole
 1 tbsp Olew olewydd / Olive oil
 1 Winwnsyn mawr, heb groen ac wedi ei dorri yn ddeisiau / Large onion, peeled and diced
 2 Moronen, heb groen ac wedi eu torri yn ddeisiau / Carrots, peeled and chopped into small chunks
 2 Brigyn o seleri, heb y diweddion ac wedi eu torri yn ddeisiau / Celery sticks, ends removed and diced
 2 Clof garlleg, heb groen ac wedi eu torri’n fân / Cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
 200 kg Cnau castan (defnyddiwch y rhai mewn paced os ydy’n haws), wedi eu haneru / Cooked chestnuts (use the vacuum-packed variety if you like), halved roughly
 275 g (Hanner jar) o domatos heulsych, gyda’r olew wedi eu draenio ac wedi eu torri / (Half a jar) sundried tomatoes, drained of oil and torn
 2 Afal, wedi eu creiddio a’u torru yn ddeisiau / Apples, cored and cut into small chunks
 1 tsp Rhosmari ffres, wedi ei dorri / Fresh rosemary, chopped
 1 tsp Teim ffres, wedi eu torri / Fresh thyme, chopped
 400 g (2 tun / 2 cans) Tomatos chopped or plum
 2 tsp Piwrî tomato / Tomato puree
 2 tsp Marmite
 2 Llond llaw cêl, gyda’r coesynnau wedi eu tynnu / Handfuls of kale, stalks removed
Ar gyfer y topin / For the topping
 2 Taten melys, heb groen ac wedi ei dorri yn ddeisiau / Medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into small chunks
 2 tsp Sinamon / Ground cinnamon
 1 Ysgeintiad o nytmeg / A sprinkling of nutmeg
 1 tsp Sudd masarn / Maple syrup
 1 pinch Halen y môr a phupur / Sea salt and pepper
 1 tbsp Olew cnau coco neu olew olewydd, wedi ei doddi / Coconut oil, melted (use olive oil if you prefer)
 2 Llond llaw o gnau pecan / Handfuls of pecans

Rhowch badell fawr dros wres canolig ac choginiwch yr winwnsyn yn yr olew am 2 funud. Ychwanegwch y moron, seleri a garlleg a choginiwch am 2 funud arall tan fod y llysiau yn dechrau meddalu.
In a pan, heat the olive oil and onion over a medium heat and cook for 2 minutes. Add the carrot, celery and garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes until the vegetables are starting to soften.

Ychwanegwch y cnau castan, tomatos heulsych, afalau, rhosmari a theim ac yna’r tomatos, y piwrî tomatos a’r Marmite a chymysgwch. Rhowch gaead ar y badell, trowch y gwres i lawr a choginiwch am 20 munud, yn troi gyda llwy bren bob hyn a hyn.
Add the chestnuts, sundried tomato, apple, rosemary and thyme then pour in the chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree. Spoon in the Marmite and stir thoroughly. Place a lid on the pan, reduce the heat to low-medium and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Yn y cyfamser, berwch y tatws melys am 15-20 munud, yna ychwanegwch y sudd masarn, yr olew a’r sinamon a’r nytmeg a gwnewch yn stwnsh.
Meanwhile, peel and slice the sweet potato and boil for 15-20 minutes. Add the maple syrup, cinnamon, coconut oil and nutmeg and mash, then set aside.

Cynheswch y ffwrn i 200C. Ychwanegwch y cêl at y caserol a chymysgwch ac yna coginiwch am 10 munud ychwanegol tan fod y cêl wedi ei wywo. Rhowch flas gyda’r halen a phupur. Os nad yw’r badell yn gallu mynd yn y ffwrn, rhowch y cymysgedd caserol mewn dysgl caserol neu dysgl ffwrn a rhowch y stwnsh tatws ar ei ben. Gratiwch y nytmeg drosodd ac ychwanegwch y cnau pecan a rhagor o sinamon.
Heat the oven to 200C. Add the kale to the casserole mixture, stir through and cook for a further 10 minutes until the kale has wilted. Season with sea salt and pepper to taste. If your pan isn’t oven proof, transfer the mixture to a casserole or oven dish and top with a layer of mashed potato. Grate over the nutmeg, add the chopped pecans and another liberal sprinkling of cinnamon.

Rhowch gaead ar y caserol (neu os yn defnyddio dysgl, gorchuddiwch gyda ffoil) a choginiwch am 10-15 munud tan fod y cnau pecan wedi eu tostio ychydig.
Place a lid on the casserole (or if using a dish wrap loosely in foil) and cook for 10-15 minutes until the pecans are slightly toasted.

Sarah ar y We / Sarah on the Web

Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston

Yn ôl i'r brif dudalen / Back to the main page


Ar gyfer y caserol / For the casserole
 1 tbsp Olew olewydd / Olive oil
 1 Winwnsyn mawr, heb groen ac wedi ei dorri yn ddeisiau / Large onion, peeled and diced
 2 Moronen, heb groen ac wedi eu torri yn ddeisiau / Carrots, peeled and chopped into small chunks
 2 Brigyn o seleri, heb y diweddion ac wedi eu torri yn ddeisiau / Celery sticks, ends removed and diced
 2 Clof garlleg, heb groen ac wedi eu torri’n fân / Cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
 200 kg Cnau castan (defnyddiwch y rhai mewn paced os ydy’n haws), wedi eu haneru / Cooked chestnuts (use the vacuum-packed variety if you like), halved roughly
 275 g (Hanner jar) o domatos heulsych, gyda’r olew wedi eu draenio ac wedi eu torri / (Half a jar) sundried tomatoes, drained of oil and torn
 2 Afal, wedi eu creiddio a’u torru yn ddeisiau / Apples, cored and cut into small chunks
 1 tsp Rhosmari ffres, wedi ei dorri / Fresh rosemary, chopped
 1 tsp Teim ffres, wedi eu torri / Fresh thyme, chopped
 400 g (2 tun / 2 cans) Tomatos chopped or plum
 2 tsp Piwrî tomato / Tomato puree
 2 tsp Marmite
 2 Llond llaw cêl, gyda’r coesynnau wedi eu tynnu / Handfuls of kale, stalks removed
Ar gyfer y topin / For the topping
 2 Taten melys, heb groen ac wedi ei dorri yn ddeisiau / Medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into small chunks
 2 tsp Sinamon / Ground cinnamon
 1 Ysgeintiad o nytmeg / A sprinkling of nutmeg
 1 tsp Sudd masarn / Maple syrup
 1 pinch Halen y môr a phupur / Sea salt and pepper
 1 tbsp Olew cnau coco neu olew olewydd, wedi ei doddi / Coconut oil, melted (use olive oil if you prefer)
 2 Llond llaw o gnau pecan / Handfuls of pecans



Rhowch badell fawr dros wres canolig ac choginiwch yr winwnsyn yn yr olew am 2 funud. Ychwanegwch y moron, seleri a garlleg a choginiwch am 2 funud arall tan fod y llysiau yn dechrau meddalu.
In a pan, heat the olive oil and onion over a medium heat and cook for 2 minutes. Add the carrot, celery and garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes until the vegetables are starting to soften.


Ychwanegwch y cnau castan, tomatos heulsych, afalau, rhosmari a theim ac yna’r tomatos, y piwrî tomatos a’r Marmite a chymysgwch. Rhowch gaead ar y badell, trowch y gwres i lawr a choginiwch am 20 munud, yn troi gyda llwy bren bob hyn a hyn.
Add the chestnuts, sundried tomato, apple, rosemary and thyme then pour in the chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree. Spoon in the Marmite and stir thoroughly. Place a lid on the pan, reduce the heat to low-medium and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.


Yn y cyfamser, berwch y tatws melys am 15-20 munud, yna ychwanegwch y sudd masarn, yr olew a’r sinamon a’r nytmeg a gwnewch yn stwnsh.
Meanwhile, peel and slice the sweet potato and boil for 15-20 minutes. Add the maple syrup, cinnamon, coconut oil and nutmeg and mash, then set aside.


Cynheswch y ffwrn i 200C. Ychwanegwch y cêl at y caserol a chymysgwch ac yna coginiwch am 10 munud ychwanegol tan fod y cêl wedi ei wywo. Rhowch flas gyda’r halen a phupur. Os nad yw’r badell yn gallu mynd yn y ffwrn, rhowch y cymysgedd caserol mewn dysgl caserol neu dysgl ffwrn a rhowch y stwnsh tatws ar ei ben. Gratiwch y nytmeg drosodd ac ychwanegwch y cnau pecan a rhagor o sinamon.
Heat the oven to 200C. Add the kale to the casserole mixture, stir through and cook for a further 10 minutes until the kale has wilted. Season with sea salt and pepper to taste. If your pan isn’t oven proof, transfer the mixture to a casserole or oven dish and top with a layer of mashed potato. Grate over the nutmeg, add the chopped pecans and another liberal sprinkling of cinnamon.


Rhowch gaead ar y caserol (neu os yn defnyddio dysgl, gorchuddiwch gyda ffoil) a choginiwch am 10-15 munud tan fod y cnau pecan wedi eu tostio ychydig.
Place a lid on the casserole (or if using a dish wrap loosely in foil) and cook for 10-15 minutes until the pecans are slightly toasted.

Sarah ar y We / Sarah on the Web

Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston

Caserol gnau gastan a tomato heulsych / Chestnut and sundried tomato casserole