Ask Dr Gramadeg: Arddodiaid / Prepositions

Yn aml bydd rhaid i ni ddefnyddio arddodiad neilltuol (i, ar, o, am' / 'to, on, of, from, about' ac yn y blaen) gyda berf neilltuol. Fyddwn ni ddim yn gallu cyfieithu'r arddodiad yn uniongyrchol bob amser. Felly, syniad da yw dysgu'r arddodiad priodol gyda'r berf gyfatebol. e.e:

To look at > edrych ar (un llythrennol, to look on)

Words like - to, on, of, from, about etc. are often linked to particular verbs. So it is a good idea to learn the accompanying preposition with the verb, as they don’t always translate directly e.g:

To look at > edrych ar (literally, to look on).


dod o                          to come from
gweithio i                    to work for
gofyn i                         to ask
diolch i                        to thank
mynd i                         to go to (a place)

dweud wrth                to tell
clywed wrth                to hear from

siarad â                       to talk to
cwrdd â                       to meet
mynd â                        to take
dod â                           to bring

chwilio am                   to look for
meddwl am                 to think about
breuddwydio am         to dream about
becso/poeni am          to worry about

edrych ar                      to look at
gwrando ar                   to listen to
gweiddi ar                    to shout at

cofio at                        to remember to (a person)
mynd at                       to go to (a person)
ysgrifennu at               to write to (a person)


dod o                          to come from
gweithio i                    to work for
gofyn i                         to ask
diolch i                        to thank
mynd i                         to go to (a place)

dweud wrth                to tell
clywed wrth                to hear from

siarad â                       to talk to
cwrdd â                       to meet
mynd â                        to take
dod â                           to bring

chwilio am                   to look for
meddwl am                 to think about
breuddwydio am         to dream about
becso/poeni am          to worry about

edrych ar                      to look at
gwrando ar                   to listen to
gweiddi ar                    to shout at

cofio at                        to remember to (a person)
mynd at                       to go to (a person)
ysgrifennu at               to write to (a person)

Mae arddodiaid yn rhedeg yn Gymraeg, hynny yw, bydd rhaid i chi ychwanegu terfyniadau at fôn yr arddodiad i ddangos pa 'berson' sydd o dan sylw, e.e:

Dw i’n breuddwydio am Sandra         I’m dreaming about Sandra
Dw i’n breuddwydio amdani hi          I’m dreaming about her

Bôn yr arddodiad am (about) yw amdan-. Y terfyniad sy'n cyfateb â hi (her) yw i. Er mwyn dweud 'about her' yn Gymraeg, bydd rhaid i chi roi'r ddwy ran at ei gilydd i ffurfio amdani hi. Yn anffodus, fyddwch chi ddim yn dweud 'am hi'. Dyma rai arddodiaid gyda bonion a therfyniadau. Dylech chi sylwi ar y ffaith mai'r un peth bydd y terfyniadau ni waeth pa un fydd yr arddodiad.

Prepositions conjugate in Welsh, i.e. a particular ending is added to a root to go with a particular person, e.g.

Dw i’n breuddwydio am Sandra         I’m dreaming about Sandra
Dw i’n breuddwydio amdani hi          I’m dreaming about her

The root of am is amdan-. The ending that always goes with hi is ‘i’. This is added to the root to get amdani hi. Unfortunately you can’t just say ‘am hi’.  Here are some of the prepositions with roots and endings. The endings are almost always the same for all the prepositions.

o (ohon-)



ohona i i fi wrtha i
ohonat ti i ti wrthot ti
ohono fe iddo fe wrtho fe
ohoni hi iddi hi wrthi hi
ohonon ni i ni wrthon ni
ohonoch chi i chi wrthoch chi
ohonyn nhw iddyn nhw wrthyn nhw

am (amdan-)

ar (arn-)


amdana i arna i ata i
amdanat ti arnat ti atat ti
amdano fe arno fe ato fe
amdani hi arni hi ati hi
amdanon ni arnon ni aton ni
amdanoch chi arnoch chi atoch chi
amdanyn nhw arnyn nhw atyn nhw

Dyw  ddim yn rhedeg:

Siarad â fe – 'talk to him'
Cwrdd â nhw - 'meet (with) them'

 does not conjugate - siarad â fe:

Talk to him
Cwrdd â nhw, etc.

Wedi'u trefnu yn ôl yr arddodiad:

Organised by preposition:

according toyn ôl
acrossar draws
afterar ôl
againstyn erbyn
aroundo gwmpas
as far ascyn belled ag y
as well asyn ogystal â
because ofoherwydd
behindy tu ôl i
beyondy tu hwnt i
close toyn agos at
despiteer gwaethaf
downi lawr
due tooherwydd
duringyn ystod
exceptac eithrio
except forac eithrio ar gyfer
far fromymhell o fod yn
forar gyfer
in addition toyn ogystal â
in front ofo flaen
in spite ofer gwaethaf
insidetu mewn
inside oftu mewn
instead ofyn hytrach na
intoi mewn i
near toyn agos i
next tonesaf i
on behalf ofar ran y
on top ofar ben
outsidey tu allan i
outside ofy tu allan i
prior tocyn
towardtuag at
undero dan
unlikeyn wahanol i
untilhyd nes y
upi fyny
withino fewn



* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples

1. Dw i'n dod o Abertawe'n wreiddiol
I come from Swansea originally

2. Ro't ti'n arfer gweithio i'r heddlu
You used to work for the police

3. Bydd rhaid i ni gofyn iddo fe ddod i'r cyngerdd
We'll have to ask him to come to the concert

4. Byddwn ni'n hoffi diolch iddi hi am ei gwaith caled
We'd like to thank her for her hard work

5. Ydych chi'n mynd i'r siopau heno?
Are you going to the shops tonight?

6. Dywedon nhw wrthon ni am y sioe
They told us about the show

7. Ro'n i wedi clywed wrthoch chi cyn penderfynu
I'd heard from you before deciding

8. Rwyt ti'n mwynhau siarad â nhw
You enjoy talking to them

9. Chwrddodd e ddim â ni yng Nghaerdydd
He didn't meet us in Cardiff

10. Aethon ni â nhw i'r parti
We took them to the party

11. Dewch chi â fe yn ôl maes o law
You will bring it back in due course

12. Maen nhw wedi bod yn chwilio amdani hi drwy gydol y dydd
They've been looking for her all day long

13. Sa i'n gallu meddwl amdanat ti ar hyn o bryd
I can't think about you at the moment

14. Byddi di'n breuddwydio am ennill y wobr o hyn 'mlaen
You'll be dreaming about winning the prize from now on

15. Peidiwch â becso am y dyfodol, gallwn ni farw yfory!
Don't worry about the future, we could die tomorrow!

16. Byddwn ni'n edrych ar y teledu bob dydd i weld beth sy'n digwydd yn y byd
We watch the television every day to see what's happening in the world

17. Dyw hi ddim yn hoff iawn o wrando ar y radio o achos yr holl newyddion drwg
She isn't very fond of listening to the radio because of all the bad news

18. Byddai'n tad ni'n gweiddi arnon ni o bryd i'w gilydd ond ddim yn aml
Our father would shout at us from time to time but not often

19. Gewch chi'n cofio ni at eich mam?
Will you remember us to your mother?

20. Es i at y deintydd 'na unwaith ond a i ddim ati hi eto!
I went to that dentist once but I won't go to her again!

21. Roedd rhaid i ni ysgrifennu atoch chi i gwyno o'r blaen ond dyn ni'n hapus iawn gyda'r gwasanaeth bellach
We had to write to you to complain before but we're very happy with the service now

22. Roedd hi 'di bod yn breuddwydio am frechdanau twrci ers achau ond ar ôl eu bwyta nhw oll, fydd hi ddim yn breuddwydio amdanon nhw mwya'!
She'd been dreaming about turkey sandwiches for ages but after eating them all, she won't be dreaming about them any more!

Ask Dr Gramadeg Prepositions