Stifyn Parri- Cau Dy Geg

Diddanwr / Entertainer Stifyn Parri: Y Daith ‘Cau Dy Geg!’ / The ‘Shout Your Mouth!’ tour

Mae Stifyn wedi cael gyrfa eclectig- actor, cyflwynydd, cynhyrchydd creadigol a lot mwy. Nawr, mae’n ar daith ar draws Gymru a Phrydain i adlonni ni gyda straeon o sefyllfaoedd unigryw a boncers! Yma, mae’n esbonio mwy…

Stifyn has had an eclectic career- actor, presenter, creative producer and much more. Now, he is on a tour across Wales and Britain to entertain us with stories of unique and crazy situations! Here, he explains more…

Stifyn, rwyt ti wedi dechrau fel actor, ond yn ychwanegol rwyt ti'n cyflwynydd, rwyt ti'n rhedeg cwmni i helpu pobl datblygu hyder yn eu perfformiadau a thechnegau cyfweld, ac rwyt ti'n ddyfarnwr a diddanwr hefyd- dweud wrthon ni tipyn bach o dy hanes.Stifyn, you started off as an actor, but in addition you are a presenter, you run a company helping people to develop confidence in their performances and interview techniques and you are also an adjudicator and entertainer- tell us a little of your story.
Well, mi wnes i gychwyn fel plentyn tair oed yn cynhyrchu sioeau i weddill yr ysgol a datblygu o hynny. Cymryd y brif ran (wrth gwrs!) sgwennu y sgriptio, llwyfannu, cynhyrchu a marchnata! Cychwynnais yn broffesiynnol fel actor mewn Opera Sebon newydd ar noson gyntaf S4C, ac yna actio mewn dramau yng Nghymru a Lloegr cyn mynd i actio yn Brookside ar Channel 4. Wedi hynny mi es i chwarae Marius yn Les Miserables yn y West End, tra’n cyflwyno sawl digwyddiad a chyfres, yna cychwyn fy Nghwmni Cynhyrchiadau Creadigol MR PRODUCER sydd newydd droi yn 18 oed! Mae’r cwmni wedi cynhyrchu rhai o ddigwyddiadau mwya Cymru fel Agoriad Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru, Cyngerdd Agoriadol Ryder Cup yn y stadiwm, agoriad Stadiwm Liberty, John Lewis, Ikea, Hugo Boss a llawer mwy.Well, I started out as a child of three putting on shows for the rest of the school and went on from there. I took the main part (of course!), wrote the scripts, did the staging, the production and the marketing! I started my professional career acting in a soap opera on the opening night of S4C, and then acting in dramas in Wales and England before going on to act in Brookside on Channel 4. After that I went on to play Marius in Les Miserables in the West End, while presenting many events and series, then started my MR PRODUCER Creative Productions company, which has just had its eighteenth birthday! The company has produced many of the biggest Welsh events, such as the opening of the Welsh Millennium Centre, the Ryder Cup Opening Concert in the Millennium Stadium, the opening of the Liberty Stadium, John Lewis, Ikea, Hugo Boss and many more.
Beth ydy pobl yn gallu disgwyl o dy sioe sefyll lan, Cau Dy Geg?What can people expect from your stand-up show, Shut Your Mouth?
Mae’nt yn gallu disgwyl y disgwyliedig a’r annisgwyl!!! Mae gen i sawl stori na all neb arall eu hadrodd gan fy mod i wedi bod mewn rhai sefyllfaoedd unigryw, difyr a boncyrs! Mae gen i hefyd storiau am y diva’s mwya yng Nghymru a manylion falle na ddylwn i rannu!They can expect the expected and the unexpected!!! I have many stories that no one else could tell, given that I have been in some unique situations, both interesting and a bit crazy! I have stories about the some of the biggest divas in Wales, and details that I perhaps ought not to share!
Rwyt ti'n perfformio comedi yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Rwyt ti’n defnyddio materion tebyg yn y ddwy iaith, neu ydyn nhw eithaf gwahanol?You perform comedy in Welsh and English. Do you use similar material in both languages, or are they somewhat different?
Mae’r sioe yn ddisgript ond gyda strwythur cadarn, ac mae’r ddwy sioe i mi yr un sioe, just mewn iaith gwahanol. Er dweud hynny mae’r gynulleidfa yn hollol wahanol a’r chwerthin mewn llefydd gwahanol.The show is unscripted but with a strong structure, and to me the two shows are the same show, just in different languages. But saying that, the audience is completely different and you get the laughs in different places.
Ydy e'n bosib dweud yr un jôc yn y ddwy iaith?Is it possible to tell the same joke in the two languages?
Yn fy marn i yndi, ond fod yr ymateb yn wahanol. Mae pob noson yn wahanol yn dibynnu ar y iaith, y lleoliad, y gynulleidfa, eu maint ac yn y blaen; mae popeth yn gallu dylanwadu ar gynulleidfa, ac mae hynny yn ddifyr iawn i mi.In my opinion it is, but the answer can vary. Every night is different, depending on the language, the locality, the audience, the size of the audience and so on; everything can have an influence on the audience, and that gives me great pleasure.
Beth rwyt ti’n mwynhau am berfformio yn y Gymraeg, gan gymharu i Saesneg?What do you enjoy about performing in Welsh, in comparison with English?
Does dim gwahaniaeth pa iaith dwi’n perfformio, mae safon y ddwy iaith cyneweithed a’u gilydd, neu cystal a’u gilydd. Mae fy mywyd yn hollol ddwyieithog, fy magwraeth, addysg, ffrindiau, gyrfa a bywyd.What language I am performing in makes no difference, I work to a comparable standard in both languages, as well in the one as in the other. My life is wholly bilingual: my upbringing, education, friends, career and life generally.
Beth rwyt ti’n meddwl am y scin comedi Cymraeg, a beth mae'r pobl yn gallu gwneud i gefnogi a thyfu hi?What do you think of the Welsh comedy scene, and what can people do to support and help it to grow?
Mae’r tyfiant comedi yng Nghymru yn mynd o nerth i nerth, ac mae’n rai i ni gyd helpu hynny wrth greu comedi, prynnu tocynau a ehangu’r gair.The growth of comedy in Wales is going from strength to strength, and we can all help this by creating comedy, buying tickets and spreading the word.
Oes unrhyw cyngor gyda ti i bobl sydd yn meddwl o, neu ddechrau gwneud, sefyll lan yn y Gymraeg?Do you have any advice for people who are thinking of doing, or actually starting to do, stand-up comedy in Welsh?
Dim o gwbl! Tydw i ddim yn cysidro fy hun fel Stand Up, storiwr ydw i sydd a chasgliad o storiau doniol, ac mi rydw i yn mwynhau adlonni ac yn mwynhau gweithio hefo cynulleidfaoedd byw. Er hynny, os oes unrhyw un yn ffansi trio, beth sydd yn eich stopio? Dim ond chi! Go go go!None at all! I don’t think of myself as a Stand Up, what I am is a story-teller with a collection of humorous stories, and I enjoy entertaining and working with live audiences. That said, if anyone fancies trying, what’s stopping them? Nothing but themselves! Go for it!

Mae’r tyfiant comedi yng Nghymru yn mynd o nerth i nerth, ac mae’n rai i ni gyd helpu hynny wrth greu comedi, prynnu tocynau a ehangu’r gair. / Stifyn1 / mrproducerltd


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