Narrator Huw Rowlands: Yn rhy gyflym, neu na? / Too Fast Or Not Fast Enough?

Mae’n amser i gyflwyno cyfranwr rheolaidd i Huw Rowlands (dim perthynas). Dyma’i duniau melodaidd mod dych chi’n clywed ar fersiynau sain yr erthyglau. Yma, mae e’n rhannu ei daith iaith ac mae’n rhoi cyngor ar ddefnyddio adnoddau sŵn yma…

It’s time to introduce a regular contributor to Huw Rowlands (no relation). It is his melodious tones that you hear on the audio versions of the articles. Here, he shares his learner’s journey and offers advice on using the sound resources here…

Fi yw'r un sy'n recordio'r sain ar ac efallai fe fyddai dipyn o wybodaeth amdanaf i yn werth chweil i chi. Fe ges i’m geni ar aelwyd hollol ddi-gymraeg ym Merthyr ag yn nawr dw i'n byw yn y Fenni. Felly mae’r acen iawn ‘da fi ond pan ‘ro’n i’n grwt, ro’n i’n casáu'r Gymraeg- a doedd yr athro ddim yn hoff ohono i chwaith. Yn ddiweddar ‘dwi wedi dod i ddeall bod yr iaith yn iaith i’m cyndadau- yr ach i gyd- ac mae r iaith yn hud a lledrith a swyn- yr anrheg fwyaf byth.
I'm the one who records the audio on and perhaps a little information about myself would be useful to you. I was brought up in a home totally without Welsh. When I was in school I hated the language- and the teacher wasn't too fond of me either. Lately I've come to understand that the language is the language of my forefathers and is magical and fascinating- the best present ever.
Er enghraifft (ee):
Ystifflog = cuttlefish ac octopus- oes unrhyw beth llai debyg i ‘a stiff log’ na ‘octopus?
Gwynt traed y meirw (wind of the feet of the dead) = the east wind
Bys yr uwd (the porridge finger) = forefinger.
Siŵr, pethau fel ‘na yn wych i fi!
For example:
Ystifflog = cuttlefish and octopus- is there anything less like a stiff log?
Gwynt traed y meirw (wind of the feet of the dead) = the east wind
Bys yr uwd (the porridge finger) = forefinger.
Things like this are fantastic to me!
Dwi’n gwybod bod dysgu iaith arall yn anodd- i ddechrau deall nid y geiriau a gramadeg newydd yn unig, ond hefyd i werthfawrogi sut mae'r iaith yn llifo - a'i atgynhyrchu. Mae gwrando, siarad a darllen yn hollbwysig ac i bobl sy ddim yn byw mewn bro Cymraeg ei hiaith, (e.e. Unol Daleithiau America) mae gwrando yn bwysicaf.I know that learning another language is difficult- to start understanding not just new words or grammar, but also to appreciate how the language flows- and to reproduce it.
Listening, speaking and reading are all vital and for people who don't live in a Welsh speaking environment, (e.g. USA) listening seems to be the most important.
Mae Neil yn darparu rhywbeth unigryw a gwerthfawr yma felly fe gynigiais recordio pethau- achos mod i eisoes yn recordio pethau ar gyfer ambell i bobl- erthyglau o Golwg i'r rhai sy'n derbyn y cylchgrawn, a hefyd cyfieithiad Cymraeg o Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ar gyfer y rhai sy’n piau'r llyfr.It is because Neil is providing something unique and valuable here that I offered to record stuff- simply because I already record things for a few people- articles from Golwg for those who get the magazine, and also the Welsh translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for those that have the book.
Dwi'n gwneud fy ngorau i addasu'r cyflymdra darllen i’r gwahanol lefelau, ond mae’n bosib bod gwneud felly yn ystumio'r iaith.
Os byddai'n well cael sain yn arafach- neu'n gyflymach- ddadlwytho'r ffeiliau sain a defnyddio rhaglen-am-ddim fel Potplayer, sy'n newid cyflymder heb newid sŵn y llais. Dwi wedi ei defnyddio ac mae'n hawdd gwneud.
I do my best to adjust my reading speed to different levels, but there comes a point when altering the speed of reading distorts the language. People who would prefer the audio slower- or faster- can download the sound files and use a free programme such as Potplayer, which changes the speed of playback without changing the pitch of the voice. I have used it and it is useful and easy.

How to listen to sound: screenshot

Defnyddio Potplayer / Using Potplayer

Dwi ddim am roi cyngor – y peth ‘ma sy dim ond rhywbeth defnyddiol i fi. Efallai fe fyddai n yr un peth i chi, a siŵr bod ‘rhaglenni’ tebyg sy ar gael.I’m not one for dishing out advice – this is only something that is useful for me. Perhaps it would be for you too, and certainly there are other similar programmes available.
1. Lawrlwythwch ‘potplayer’ (am ddim) a’i osod. potplayer.daum.net1. Download potplayer (for free) and install.
2. Clicianwch ar lun ffeil sain.Click on a soundfile icon.
3. Dewiswch ‘potplayer’ a’i agor.Choose Potplayer and open it.
4. Fe fydd hwn yn ymddangos:4. This will appear:

Screengrab of Potplayer- now playing

5. Cliciwch ‘cocsen/olwyn/blodyn’ yn y gornel dde waelod.5. Click on ‘cog/wheel/flower’ in bottom right hand corner.
6. Fe fydd hwn yn ymddangos:6. This will appear:

Screengrab of Potplayer- control panel

7. Cliciwch ‘arafach’ neu ‘gyflymach’ i addasu’r cyflymder.7. Click on ‘slower’ or faster’ to alter the speed of playback as you like.
8. Mwynhewch!8. Enjoy!

Screengrab of Potplayer- playlist

Mae Huw ar gael ar [email protected] os oes unrhyw gwestiynau gyda chi ar yfer y sŵn.
Huw is available on [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the sound.


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