Dyma ffordd dda i ddefnyddio pa bynnag llysiau gwyrdd tymhorol. Mae’r grawnwin pinc yn ychwanegu lliw a surni melys sydd yn gwrthgyferbynnu’r dresin hufennog.
This is a great way to use whatever green vegetables are in season. The pink grapefruit adds a splash of colour and some sweet sharpness which sets off the creamy dressing.
Stemiwch neu ferwch y llysiau gwyrdd (heblaw am y spigoglys) am 5-6 mund, yna draeniwch a rhowch i un ochr.
Steam or boil the green vegetables (apart from the spinach) for 5-6 minutes, then drain and set aside to cool.
Mewn powlen fawr, rhowch flas gyda’r halen a phupur ac ychwanegwch y llysiau gwyrdd sydd wedi eu coginio.
In a large bowl, season the lentils with salt and pepper and add the spinach and the cooked green vegetables.
Ychwanegwch y grawnffrwyth pinc, yna gwnewch y dresin trwy cymysgu’r cynhwysion i gyd mewn gwydr neu jar.
Add the pink grapefruit, then make the dressing by combining all the ingredients in a glass or jar and stirring thoroughly.
Rhannwch y salad ar ddau blât a llifeiriwch y dresin drosodd.
Divide the salad onto two plates and drizzle over the dressing.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: manonhouston.com & manonhouston
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Stemiwch neu ferwch y llysiau gwyrdd (heblaw am y spigoglys) am 5-6 mund, yna draeniwch a rhowch i un ochr.
Steam or boil the green vegetables (apart from the spinach) for 5-6 minutes, then drain and set aside to cool.
Mewn powlen fawr, rhowch flas gyda’r halen a phupur ac ychwanegwch y llysiau gwyrdd sydd wedi eu coginio.
In a large bowl, season the lentils with salt and pepper and add the spinach and the cooked green vegetables.
Ychwanegwch y grawnffrwyth pinc, yna gwnewch y dresin trwy cymysgu’r cynhwysion i gyd mewn gwydr neu jar.
Add the pink grapefruit, then make the dressing by combining all the ingredients in a glass or jar and stirring thoroughly.
Rhannwch y salad ar ddau blât a llifeiriwch y dresin drosodd.
Divide the salad onto two plates and drizzle over the dressing.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: manonhouston.com & manonhouston