Mae’r rysáit traddodiadol ar gyfer muhammara yn defnyddio pupur Aleppo, ond mae naddion neu powdr tsili hefyd yn gweithio – ac os na ddewch chi o hyd i driagl pomgranad yn y siopau, gallwch ddefnyddio surop masarn a finegr balsamaidd yn lle. Gallwch fwynhau’r muhammara gyda sawl fath o fwyd: ar basta, bara, tatws pobi a salad, ac mae’n hyfryd i fwyta gyda brecinio.
The traditional recipe for muhammara uses Aleppo pepper, but chilli flakes (or powder) is just fine – and if you can’t find pomegranate molasses, you can substitute it with maple syrup and balsamic vinegar. This stuff is pretty versatile: you can spoon it onto pasta, bread, baked potatoes and salads, and it’s a great addition to brunch.

Cynheswch y ffwrn i 200C a rhostiwch y puprynau gyda bach o olew olewydd a halen a phupur am 35-40 munud. Tynnwch o’r ffwrn a gadewch i oeri.
Preheat the oven to 200C and roast the peppers with a drizzle of olive oil and some salt and pepper for 35-40 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
Tra bod y puprynau yn coginio, rhostiwch y cnau Ffrengig mewn padell sych – byddwch yn ofalus bod nhw ddim yn llosgi.
While the peppers are cooking, take a dry pan and gently roast the walnuts for a few minutes, being careful not to let them burn.
Ar ôl iddynt oeri, chwalwch mewn prosesydd bwyd, wedyn ychwanegwch y puprynau a’r cynhywysion eraill a chymysgwch mewn i bâst llyfn.
Once they’re cool, blitz in a food processor until they have a coarse consistency and then add the peppers and all the other ingredients and whizz until you have a fairly smooth paste.
Blaswch ac ychwanegwch rhagor o driagl neu olew os fydd angen.
Taste and add more oil and/or molasses if needed.
Gweinwch gyda rhagor o olew olewydd a thriagl pomgranad.
Serve with an extra drizzle of olive oil and pomegranate molasses, if you like.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston
Cynheswch y ffwrn i 200C a rhostiwch y puprynau gyda bach o olew olewydd a halen a phupur am 35-40 munud. Tynnwch o’r ffwrn a gadewch i oeri.
Preheat the oven to 200C and roast the peppers with a drizzle of olive oil and some salt and pepper for 35-40 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
Tra bod y puprynau yn coginio, rhostiwch y cnau Ffrengig mewn padell sych – byddwch yn ofalus bod nhw ddim yn llosgi.
While the peppers are cooking, take a dry pan and gently roast the walnuts for a few minutes, being careful not to let them burn.
Ar ôl iddynt oeri, chwalwch mewn prosesydd bwyd, wedyn ychwanegwch y puprynau a’r cynhywysion eraill a chymysgwch mewn i bâst llyfn.
Once they’re cool, blitz in a food processor until they have a coarse consistency and then add the peppers and all the other ingredients and whizz until you have a fairly smooth paste.
Blaswch ac ychwanegwch rhagor o driagl neu olew os fydd angen.
Taste and add more oil and/or molasses if needed.
Gweinwch gyda rhagor o olew olewydd a thriagl pomgranad.
Serve with an extra drizzle of olive oil and pomegranate molasses, if you like.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston