Mousse siocled

Mousse siocled / Chocolate mousse

Cogydd / CookSarah PhilpottCategoryFegan?Anhawster / DifficultyCanolradd / Intermediate

Melysfwyd syml sydd yn gallu cael ei wneud yn gyflym a’i adael i setio yn yr oergell tra bod chi’n bwyta swper. Mae’r dŵr gwygbys, neu aquafaba, yn actio mewn ffordd tebyg i wyn ŵy ac yn creu mousse ysgafn a llyfn.
This simple sweet treat can be made quickly and left to set in the fridge while you’re eating dinner. The surprise ingredient here is chickpea water, also known as aquafaba, which acts in the same way as egg whites and gives you a light and fluffy mousse.

Cynyrchu / Yields2 Servings
Amser paratoi / Prep time5 minsAmser coginio / Cook time30 mins
 150 g Siocled du / Dark chocolate
 1 dash Llaeth planhigion / Plant milk
 120 ml Dŵr gwygbys / Chickpea water
 1 tsp Dyfyniad fanila / Vanilla extract
 Pinsiad halen môr (opsyinol) / A pinch of sea salt (optional)

Yn ofalus, rhowch powlen wrthwres dros padell o ddŵr berwedig, ychwanegwch y siocled a’r llaeth a throwch yn ysgafn tan iddo doddi.
Carefully place a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water and add the chocolate and plant milk and stir gently until melted. Remove the bowl from the pan and set aside to cool slightly.

Symudwch y bowlen oddi wrth y padell a gadewch i oeri. Os oes gennych chi meicradon, cynheswch y bowlen ar dymheredd canolig tan iddo doddi.
If you have a microwave, heat the bowl on a medium power at 60-second intervals until melted.

Arllwyswch y dŵr gwygbys (bydd un can yn rhoi tua 120ml o ddŵr a gallwch arbed y gwygbys ar gyfer rhywbeth arall) mewn i bowlen fawr a chwisgiwch yn gryf am 15 munud tan fod yna ‘stiff peaks’.
Pour the chickpea water (one can should give you about 120ml water and you save the chickpeas for cooking something else) into a large bowl and whisk vigorously for 15 minutes, or until you have stiff peaks.

Er mwyn seicio bod y cymysgedd yn gadarn, trowch y bowlen ychydig – os mae’r dŵr yn rhedeg i lawr yr ymyl, mae angen i chi chwisgio’n hirach.
To check if you have said stiff peaks, tilt the bowl slightly – if the water runs down the edge, you need to whisk more.

Pan mae’n galed, plygwch i fewn i’r cymysgedd siocled ac ychwanegwch y dyfyniad fanila a’r halen a throwch yn dda.
When stiff, fold into the chocolate mixture then add the vanilla extract and the salt and stir well.

Sarah ar y We / Sarah on the Web

Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston

Yn ôl i'r brif dudalen / Back to the main page


 150 g Siocled du / Dark chocolate
 1 dash Llaeth planhigion / Plant milk
 120 ml Dŵr gwygbys / Chickpea water
 1 tsp Dyfyniad fanila / Vanilla extract
 Pinsiad halen môr (opsyinol) / A pinch of sea salt (optional)



Yn ofalus, rhowch powlen wrthwres dros padell o ddŵr berwedig, ychwanegwch y siocled a’r llaeth a throwch yn ysgafn tan iddo doddi.
Carefully place a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water and add the chocolate and plant milk and stir gently until melted. Remove the bowl from the pan and set aside to cool slightly.


Symudwch y bowlen oddi wrth y padell a gadewch i oeri. Os oes gennych chi meicradon, cynheswch y bowlen ar dymheredd canolig tan iddo doddi.
If you have a microwave, heat the bowl on a medium power at 60-second intervals until melted.


Arllwyswch y dŵr gwygbys (bydd un can yn rhoi tua 120ml o ddŵr a gallwch arbed y gwygbys ar gyfer rhywbeth arall) mewn i bowlen fawr a chwisgiwch yn gryf am 15 munud tan fod yna ‘stiff peaks’.
Pour the chickpea water (one can should give you about 120ml water and you save the chickpeas for cooking something else) into a large bowl and whisk vigorously for 15 minutes, or until you have stiff peaks.


Er mwyn seicio bod y cymysgedd yn gadarn, trowch y bowlen ychydig – os mae’r dŵr yn rhedeg i lawr yr ymyl, mae angen i chi chwisgio’n hirach.
To check if you have said stiff peaks, tilt the bowl slightly – if the water runs down the edge, you need to whisk more.


Pan mae’n galed, plygwch i fewn i’r cymysgedd siocled ac ychwanegwch y dyfyniad fanila a’r halen a throwch yn dda.
When stiff, fold into the chocolate mixture then add the vanilla extract and the salt and stir well.

Sarah ar y We / Sarah on the Web

Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston

Mousse siocled / Chocolate mousse