Mae’r clasur Groegaidd yn apelio ar hafnos neu ar noswaith wyntog a gwlyb. Gyda chymysgedd ffacbys blasus a saws béchamel llyfn, coeliwch chi ddim ei fod yn figan.
This Greek classic goes down well on a balmy summer’s evening or on a wet and windy night. With a rich lentil base and creamy béchamel sauce, you’d never guess that it’s vegan.

Mewn padell fawr, cynheswch 1 llwy fwrdd o olew dros wres isel i ganolig, yna ffriwch yr winwns a’r garlleg am 5 munud. Ychwanegwch y ffacbys a’r puprynau, tomatos, piwri tomato, parsli a’r sinamon gyda 300ml o ddŵr, a throwch ambell waith.
In a large pan, heat 1 tbsp oil over a low to medium heat, then add the onions and garlic and fry for 5 minutes. Now add the lentils, peppers, tomatoes, tomato puree, parsley and cinnamon, plus 300ml water. Season generously with salt and pepper. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Tra fod y saws yn coginio, gwnewch y saws béchamel. Rhowch y cynhwysion i gyd, heblaw am yr olew a’r blawd, mewn i sosban a chymysgwch. Berwch, yna tynnwch o’r stôf a gadewch i oeri. Tynnwch yr winwnsyn a’r dail bae gyda llwy rhychog.
While the lentil sauce is cooking, make your béchamel sauce. Place all the ingredients, except for the oil and flour into a saucepan and mix together. Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat and set aside and allow to cool. Remove the onion and bay leaves using a slotted spoon.
Mewn sosban arall, cymysgwch y blawd a’r olew gyda thipyn o laeth er mwyn creu pâst llyfn. Yn araf, ychwanegwch y cymysgedd llaeth.
In a separate saucepan, mix together the flour and oil with a dash of milk until you have a smooth paste. Gradually, pour in the milk mixture, whisking or stirring constantly.
Gwnewch yn siwr i wisgio neu troi trwy’r amser, tan fod y cymysgedd yn dewychu ac yn droi’n saws llyfn. Er mwyn gwneud y saws yn fwy drwchus, ychwanegwch rhagor o flawd – neu ar gyfer saws mwy tenau, ychwanegwch rhagor o laeth. Rhowch flas gyda halen a phupur a tynnwch y ffon sinamon o’r saws.
Place the pan on a high heat and bring to the boil, whisking or stirring all the time, until the mixture thickens to a smooth sauce. Make it as thick as you like by adding extra flour – or you want a thinner sauce, add more milk. Season with salt and pepper and remove from the heat. Remove the cinnamon stick and discard.
Cynheswch y ffwrn i 220C. Mewn powlen fawr, cymysgwch y darnau planhigyn wy gyda 2 llwy fwrdd o olew, yn sicrhau bod pob ddarn yn cael eu gorchuddio. Blaswch gyda halen a phupur. Cynheswch padell fawr dros wres canolig a ffriwch y planhigyn wy ar y ddau ochr am 2-3 munud, neu tan ei fod yn frown.
Preheat the oven to 200C. In a large bowl, mix the aubergine slices with 2 tbsp of oil, making sure to coat each slice. Season with salt and pepper. Heat a large pan over a medium heat and fry the aubergine on both sides for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown.
Rhowch y saws ffacbys ar waelod dysgl sy’n addasi i’r ffwrn, yna gosodwch y darnau planhigyn wy yn haenau gyda’r mint. Arllwyswch y saws béchamel drosodd a lledaenwch yn wastad.
Take an ovenproof dish and layer the lentil sauce at the base, then layer over the aubergine slices and the chopped mint. Now pour over the béchamel sauce and spread evenly.
Rhowch ar silff uchaf y ffwrn a phobwch am 20-25 munud.
Place on the top shelf of the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston
Mewn padell fawr, cynheswch 1 llwy fwrdd o olew dros wres isel i ganolig, yna ffriwch yr winwns a’r garlleg am 5 munud. Ychwanegwch y ffacbys a’r puprynau, tomatos, piwri tomato, parsli a’r sinamon gyda 300ml o ddŵr, a throwch ambell waith.
In a large pan, heat 1 tbsp oil over a low to medium heat, then add the onions and garlic and fry for 5 minutes. Now add the lentils, peppers, tomatoes, tomato puree, parsley and cinnamon, plus 300ml water. Season generously with salt and pepper. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Tra fod y saws yn coginio, gwnewch y saws béchamel. Rhowch y cynhwysion i gyd, heblaw am yr olew a’r blawd, mewn i sosban a chymysgwch. Berwch, yna tynnwch o’r stôf a gadewch i oeri. Tynnwch yr winwnsyn a’r dail bae gyda llwy rhychog.
While the lentil sauce is cooking, make your béchamel sauce. Place all the ingredients, except for the oil and flour into a saucepan and mix together. Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat and set aside and allow to cool. Remove the onion and bay leaves using a slotted spoon.
Mewn sosban arall, cymysgwch y blawd a’r olew gyda thipyn o laeth er mwyn creu pâst llyfn. Yn araf, ychwanegwch y cymysgedd llaeth.
In a separate saucepan, mix together the flour and oil with a dash of milk until you have a smooth paste. Gradually, pour in the milk mixture, whisking or stirring constantly.
Gwnewch yn siwr i wisgio neu troi trwy’r amser, tan fod y cymysgedd yn dewychu ac yn droi’n saws llyfn. Er mwyn gwneud y saws yn fwy drwchus, ychwanegwch rhagor o flawd – neu ar gyfer saws mwy tenau, ychwanegwch rhagor o laeth. Rhowch flas gyda halen a phupur a tynnwch y ffon sinamon o’r saws.
Place the pan on a high heat and bring to the boil, whisking or stirring all the time, until the mixture thickens to a smooth sauce. Make it as thick as you like by adding extra flour – or you want a thinner sauce, add more milk. Season with salt and pepper and remove from the heat. Remove the cinnamon stick and discard.
Cynheswch y ffwrn i 220C. Mewn powlen fawr, cymysgwch y darnau planhigyn wy gyda 2 llwy fwrdd o olew, yn sicrhau bod pob ddarn yn cael eu gorchuddio. Blaswch gyda halen a phupur. Cynheswch padell fawr dros wres canolig a ffriwch y planhigyn wy ar y ddau ochr am 2-3 munud, neu tan ei fod yn frown.
Preheat the oven to 200C. In a large bowl, mix the aubergine slices with 2 tbsp of oil, making sure to coat each slice. Season with salt and pepper. Heat a large pan over a medium heat and fry the aubergine on both sides for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown.
Rhowch y saws ffacbys ar waelod dysgl sy’n addasi i’r ffwrn, yna gosodwch y darnau planhigyn wy yn haenau gyda’r mint. Arllwyswch y saws béchamel drosodd a lledaenwch yn wastad.
Take an ovenproof dish and layer the lentil sauce at the base, then layer over the aubergine slices and the chopped mint. Now pour over the béchamel sauce and spread evenly.
Rhowch ar silff uchaf y ffwrn a phobwch am 20-25 munud.
Place on the top shelf of the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston