Y caserol cysurlon yma yn ffordd dda i ddefnyddio unrhyw gnau gastan sydd ar ôl o’r Dolig, neu gallwch ddefnyddio dau dun o wygbys yn lle.
This comforting casserole is a great way to use up chestnuts left over from Christmas. If you can’t find chestnuts (or don’t like nuts), use two cans of chickpeas instead.
Rhowch badell fawr dros wres canolig ac choginiwch yr winwnsyn yn yr olew am 2 funud. Ychwanegwch y moron, seleri a garlleg a choginiwch am 2 funud arall tan fod y llysiau yn dechrau meddalu.
In a pan, heat the olive oil and onion over a medium heat and cook for 2 minutes. Add the carrot, celery and garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes until the vegetables are starting to soften.
Ychwanegwch y cnau castan, tomatos heulsych, afalau, rhosmari a theim ac yna’r tomatos, y piwrî tomatos a’r Marmite a chymysgwch. Rhowch gaead ar y badell, trowch y gwres i lawr a choginiwch am 20 munud, yn troi gyda llwy bren bob hyn a hyn.
Add the chestnuts, sundried tomato, apple, rosemary and thyme then pour in the chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree. Spoon in the Marmite and stir thoroughly. Place a lid on the pan, reduce the heat to low-medium and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Yn y cyfamser, berwch y tatws melys am 15-20 munud, yna ychwanegwch y sudd masarn, yr olew a’r sinamon a’r nytmeg a gwnewch yn stwnsh.
Meanwhile, peel and slice the sweet potato and boil for 15-20 minutes. Add the maple syrup, cinnamon, coconut oil and nutmeg and mash, then set aside.
Cynheswch y ffwrn i 200C. Ychwanegwch y cêl at y caserol a chymysgwch ac yna coginiwch am 10 munud ychwanegol tan fod y cêl wedi ei wywo. Rhowch flas gyda’r halen a phupur. Os nad yw’r badell yn gallu mynd yn y ffwrn, rhowch y cymysgedd caserol mewn dysgl caserol neu dysgl ffwrn a rhowch y stwnsh tatws ar ei ben. Gratiwch y nytmeg drosodd ac ychwanegwch y cnau pecan a rhagor o sinamon.
Heat the oven to 200C. Add the kale to the casserole mixture, stir through and cook for a further 10 minutes until the kale has wilted. Season with sea salt and pepper to taste. If your pan isn’t oven proof, transfer the mixture to a casserole or oven dish and top with a layer of mashed potato. Grate over the nutmeg, add the chopped pecans and another liberal sprinkling of cinnamon.
Rhowch gaead ar y caserol (neu os yn defnyddio dysgl, gorchuddiwch gyda ffoil) a choginiwch am 10-15 munud tan fod y cnau pecan wedi eu tostio ychydig.
Place a lid on the casserole (or if using a dish wrap loosely in foil) and cook for 10-15 minutes until the pecans are slightly toasted.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: manonhouston.com & manonhouston
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Rhowch badell fawr dros wres canolig ac choginiwch yr winwnsyn yn yr olew am 2 funud. Ychwanegwch y moron, seleri a garlleg a choginiwch am 2 funud arall tan fod y llysiau yn dechrau meddalu.
In a pan, heat the olive oil and onion over a medium heat and cook for 2 minutes. Add the carrot, celery and garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes until the vegetables are starting to soften.
Ychwanegwch y cnau castan, tomatos heulsych, afalau, rhosmari a theim ac yna’r tomatos, y piwrî tomatos a’r Marmite a chymysgwch. Rhowch gaead ar y badell, trowch y gwres i lawr a choginiwch am 20 munud, yn troi gyda llwy bren bob hyn a hyn.
Add the chestnuts, sundried tomato, apple, rosemary and thyme then pour in the chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree. Spoon in the Marmite and stir thoroughly. Place a lid on the pan, reduce the heat to low-medium and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Yn y cyfamser, berwch y tatws melys am 15-20 munud, yna ychwanegwch y sudd masarn, yr olew a’r sinamon a’r nytmeg a gwnewch yn stwnsh.
Meanwhile, peel and slice the sweet potato and boil for 15-20 minutes. Add the maple syrup, cinnamon, coconut oil and nutmeg and mash, then set aside.
Cynheswch y ffwrn i 200C. Ychwanegwch y cêl at y caserol a chymysgwch ac yna coginiwch am 10 munud ychwanegol tan fod y cêl wedi ei wywo. Rhowch flas gyda’r halen a phupur. Os nad yw’r badell yn gallu mynd yn y ffwrn, rhowch y cymysgedd caserol mewn dysgl caserol neu dysgl ffwrn a rhowch y stwnsh tatws ar ei ben. Gratiwch y nytmeg drosodd ac ychwanegwch y cnau pecan a rhagor o sinamon.
Heat the oven to 200C. Add the kale to the casserole mixture, stir through and cook for a further 10 minutes until the kale has wilted. Season with sea salt and pepper to taste. If your pan isn’t oven proof, transfer the mixture to a casserole or oven dish and top with a layer of mashed potato. Grate over the nutmeg, add the chopped pecans and another liberal sprinkling of cinnamon.
Rhowch gaead ar y caserol (neu os yn defnyddio dysgl, gorchuddiwch gyda ffoil) a choginiwch am 10-15 munud tan fod y cnau pecan wedi eu tostio ychydig.
Place a lid on the casserole (or if using a dish wrap loosely in foil) and cook for 10-15 minutes until the pecans are slightly toasted.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: manonhouston.com & manonhouston