Gallwch goginio’r rysáit yma mewn un badell ac mae’n ffordd hynod o dda i ddefnyddio llysiau hafol. Defnyddiwch pa bynnag lysiau sydd gennych chi – bydd corbwmpenni yn gweithio hefyd.
This one-pot pasta recipe is a great way to cook seasonal summer veg. Use whatever vegetables you have to hand though – courgettes would work pretty well with this, too.

Rhowch y pasta mewn padell fawr ac arllwyswch 500ml o ddŵr drosodd, yna ychwanegwch y sudd lemwn a’r halen a phupur. Rhowch gaead ar y badell a berwch, wedyn tynwch y caead a choginiwch ar wres uchel am 5 munud. Ychwanegwch y ffa ddringo ac ar ôl 2 funud, ychwanegwch y pys a choginiwch am 3 munud.
Place the pasta into a large pan and pour over 500ml boiling water, then add the lemon juice and season. Cover with a lid and bring to the boil. Remove the lid and cook on a high heat for 5 minutes, then add the runner beans and after 2 minutes, add the peas and cook for another 3 minutes.
Tynnwch y badell o’r gwres a draeniwch unrhyw ddŵr i ffwrdd a rhowch popeth yn ôl yn y badell.
Remove the pan from the heat and drain any away any residual water from the pasta and return to the pan.
Yn y cyfamser, gwnewch y pesto trwy rhoi’r holl gynhwysion mewn prosesydd bwyd a’u cymysgu am funud neu ddau.
Meanwhile, quickly make the pesto by placing all the ingredients in a food processor and pulsing on a high setting for a minute or two.
Ychwanegwch y ffa cannellini i’r badell a chymysgwch gyda’r pesto.
Add the cannellini beans to the pan and stir through with the pesto.
Taenwch unrhyw mint a basil sydd ar ôl drosodd a gweinwch.
Scatter over the leftover mint and basil leaves and serve.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston
Rhowch y pasta mewn padell fawr ac arllwyswch 500ml o ddŵr drosodd, yna ychwanegwch y sudd lemwn a’r halen a phupur. Rhowch gaead ar y badell a berwch, wedyn tynwch y caead a choginiwch ar wres uchel am 5 munud. Ychwanegwch y ffa ddringo ac ar ôl 2 funud, ychwanegwch y pys a choginiwch am 3 munud.
Place the pasta into a large pan and pour over 500ml boiling water, then add the lemon juice and season. Cover with a lid and bring to the boil. Remove the lid and cook on a high heat for 5 minutes, then add the runner beans and after 2 minutes, add the peas and cook for another 3 minutes.
Tynnwch y badell o’r gwres a draeniwch unrhyw ddŵr i ffwrdd a rhowch popeth yn ôl yn y badell.
Remove the pan from the heat and drain any away any residual water from the pasta and return to the pan.
Yn y cyfamser, gwnewch y pesto trwy rhoi’r holl gynhwysion mewn prosesydd bwyd a’u cymysgu am funud neu ddau.
Meanwhile, quickly make the pesto by placing all the ingredients in a food processor and pulsing on a high setting for a minute or two.
Ychwanegwch y ffa cannellini i’r badell a chymysgwch gyda’r pesto.
Add the cannellini beans to the pan and stir through with the pesto.
Taenwch unrhyw mint a basil sydd ar ôl drosodd a gweinwch.
Scatter over the leftover mint and basil leaves and serve.
Lluniau gan / Photography by Manon Houston: & manonhouston