Ask Dr Gramadeg: Bod yn yr Amodol: Byddwn, Byddai & Byddet / The conditional form of Bod

Dyma'r Amodol Cryno. sef, ffordd arall o fynegi'r Amodol Cwmpasog (hynny yw, 'Amodol Bod + yn traethiadol + berfenw'). Gadewch i ni adolygu'r Amodol Cwmpasog yn gyntaf.

Amodol cwmpasog ('Long-form of the Conditional') - Amodol 'bod' + yn traethiadol + berfenw (+ gweddill y frawddeg)

I would go                         Byddwn i’n mynd
It would do you good        Byddai fe’n gwneud lles i ti
She would come               Byddai hi’n dod
You would get a shock      Byddet ti’n cael sioc

Ar lafar yn ne Cymru o leiaf, gyda berfau arfreolaidd ('dod, mynd, cael, gwneud'), bydd pobl yn defnyddio'r Amodol Cryno yn hytrach na'r Amodol Cwmpasog. Byddan nhw's ychwanegu terfyniadau'r Amodol at fôn y ferf, hynny yw, bôn + '-wn i / -et ti / -ai fe/hi / -en ni / -ech chi / -en nhw'

Beth yw'r bôn i bob berf afreolaidd?

It is possible to express phrases such as the ones below, using the verb to be (in the conditional tense) + yn + verb:

Bod + yn + verb (+ the rest of the sentence)

I would go                               Byddwn i’n mynd.
It would do you good             Byddai fe’n gwneud lles i ti.
She would come                    Byddai hi’n dod.
You would get a shock          Byddet ti’n cael sioc. 

In south Wales it is more normal to use the short forms of the conditional tense with the irregular verbs  - mynd, dod, cael, gwneud - in everyday speech.

The conditional endings  -wn i, -et ti, -ai fe/hi, -en ni, -ech chi, -en nhw  are added to the roots:

Mynd (El-)
Gwneud (Gw)nel-)
Cael (Cel- Gel- in speech)
Dod (Del-)

Yn lle dweud             – Byddwn i’n mynd      - I would go
Yr Amodol Cryno     - Elwn i                           - I would go

Yn lle dweud             – Byddai fe’n gwneud lles i ti - It would do you good
Yr Amodol Cryno     – ’Nelai fe les i ti             - It would do you good

Yn lle dweud               – Byddai hi’n dod        - She would come
Yr Amodol Cryno        – Delai hi                    - She would come

Yn lle dweud                - Byddet ti’n cael sioc - You would have a shock
Yr Amodol Cryno        – Gelet ti sioc               - You would have a shock

Cofiwch mai'r sain allweddol ar lafar yw 'e' yn yr Amodol:

-wn i            wedi'i hynganu fel      -en i
-ai fe/hi      wedi'i hyngau fel       -e fe/hi

So instead of saying     -   Byddwn i’n mynd   I would go
The short way is used   -    Elwn i                     I would go

Instead of saying           -   Byddai fe’n gwneud lles i ti     It would do you good
The short way is used   -   ’Nelai fe les i ti                        It would do you good

Instead of saying            -   Byddai hi’n dod      She would come
The short way is used    -   Delai hi                    She would come

Instead of saying   -   Byddet ti’n cael sioc   You would have a shock
The short way is used     -    Gelet ti sioc      You would have a shock

 The same pronunciation rules apply as with all the conditional tenses.  The key sound is ‘e’:
-wn i                pronounced as            -en i
-ai fe/hi           pronounced as            -e fe/hi

Er mywn ffurfio gosodiadau negyddol, byddwn ni'n ychwanegu ‘Ddim’ (ac yn treiglo'n feddal lle y bydd yn bosibl), e.e.

Elen ni                 - We would go
Elen ni ddim       - We would not go

Delen ni                 - We would come
Ddelen ni ddim    - We would not come

Gelen ni                 - We would have (Sylwch ar y 'treiglad meddal sefydlog' yma!)
Gelen ni ddim     - We would not have (Mae'r ferf 'Gelen' eisoes wedi'i threiglo'n feddal!)

‘Ddim’ is added for negatives, e.g:

Elen ni                 - We would go
Elen ni ddim      -     We would not go

Delen ni                 - We would come
Ddelen ni ddim    - We would not come

Gelen ni                 - We would have
Gelen ni ddim     - We would not have

Er mywn ffurfio cwestiynau, ar lafar, byddwn ni'n defnyddio tôn llais (ac yn treiglo'n feddal os bydd yn bosibl), e.e.

Ddelet ti      - Would you come?
Elet ti?        - Would you go?
Gelet ti?      - Would you have? (Mae'r ferf 'Gelen' eisoes wedi'i threiglo'n feddal!)

Questions - in speech - tone of voice, e.g:

Elet ti?            -   Would you go?
Gelet ti?         -    Would you have? (Mae'r ferf 'Gelen' eisoes wedi'i threiglo'n feddal!)



* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples


1. Byddwn i’n cerdded i'r ysgol bob dydd pan o'n i'n blentyn
I would walk to school every day when I was a child

2. Byddet ti'n mwynhau dod i'r cyngerdd
You would enjoy coming to the concert

3. Byddai fe’n gwneud byd o les iddo fe
It would him a world of good

4. Byddai hi’n mynd i siopa yn yr archfachnad gyda'i gŵr
She would go shopping in the supermarket with her husband

5. Bydden ni'n cael cawod yn y bore cyn brecwast
We would have a shower in the morning before breakfast

6. Byddech chi'n cwrdd â'r plant ar ôl iddyn nhw gwpla'u gwaith cartre'
You would meet the children after they finished their homework

7. Bydden nhw'n prynu cyri malwod yn y bwyty bob tro
They would always buy snail curry in the restaurant

8. Elwn i i'r ysgol pe gallwn i
I would come to the school if I could

9. 'Nelet ti'r brecwast pe gelet ti'r cyfle
You would make the breakfast if you had the chance

10. Gelai fe gawod pe delai fe i'n tŷ ni
He would have a shower if he came to our house

11. Elai hi i gwyno pe byddai'r parti'n parhau
She would go to complain if the party continued

12. 'Nelen ni ymdrech pe delech chi i ymweld
We would make an effort if you came to visit

13. Gelech chi hwyl pe gallech chi ddod
You would have fun if you could come

14. Byddwn i’n dod i'r cyngerdd pe elet ti i'r sw
I would come to to the concert if you went to the zoo

15. Byddai fe’n gwneud lles i ni pe 'nelai hi frecwast
It would do us good if she were to make breakfast

16. Byddai hi’n mynd i'r ysgol pe delwn i i wylio
She would go to the school if I were to come to watch

17. Bydden ni'n cael sioc pe gelech chi hwyl
We would have a shock if you had fun

18. Byddech chi'n gweld y gwahaniaeth pe 'nelen ni'r gwaith
You would see the difference if we did the work

19. Bydden nhw'n cwpla mewn pryd pe elen nhw nawr
They would finish on time if they went now

20. Elwn i i'r ysgol ond elwn i ddim i'r sw
I would go to the school, but I wouldn't go to the school

21. Delet ti i'r cyngerdd ond ddelet ti ddim i'r swyddfa bost
You would come to the concert, but you wouldn't come to the post-office

22. 'Nelai fe frecwast ond 'nelai fe ddim brechdanau
He would make breakfast, but he wouldn't make sandwiches

23. Gelai hi frecwast ond gelai hi ddim cinio
She would have breakfast, but she wouldn't have dinner

24. Elen ni i'r cyfarfod ond elen ni ddim i'r gampfa
We would come to the meeting, but we wouldn't come to the gym

25. Delech chi i'r parc ond ddelech chi ddim i'r pwll nofio
You would come to the park, but you wouldn't come to the swimming pool

26. 'Nelen nhw ddiod boeth ond 'nelen nhw ddim cyri malwod
They would make a hot drink, but they wouldn't make snail curry

27. Ddelwn i i'r dafarn? Delwn / Na ddelwn.
Would I come to the pub? Yes (I would come) / No (I wouldn't come).

28. Elet ti i'r cyngerdd? Elwn / Nac elwn.
Would you go to the concert? Yes (I would go) / No (I wouldn't go).

29. Gelai hi frechdan i frecwast? Gelai / Na chelai.
Would she have a sandwich for breakfast? Yes (she would have) / No (she wouldn't have).

30. 'Nelai fe'r cinio? 'Nelai / Na 'nelai.
Would he make the dinner? Yes (he would do) / No (he wouldn't do).

31. Ddelen ni i ymweld â chi? Delen / Na ddelen.
Would we come to visit you? Yes (we could come) / No (we would not come).

32. Elech chi i weld y sioe? Elen / Nac elen.
Would we go to see the show? Yes (we would go) / No (we would not go).

33. 'Nelen nhw lanastr? 'Nelen / Na 'nelen
Would they make a mess? Yes (they would do) / No (they would no do).