Mae gair 'sy' neu 'sydd' yn ffurf ar amser presennol y ferf 'bod' ('to be'). Mae'n golygu 'who is / who are'. Byddwn ni'n defnyddio 'sydd / sy' i bwysleisio goddrych brawddeg ('the subject of a sentence'), hynny yw, pyw, neu beth sy'n gwneud rhywbeth. Cofiwch y bydd y goddrych yn dod ar ôl y ferf fel rheol, e.e:
‘Sy’ (or ‘sydd’ in full) is a form of the present tense - ‘to be’. It means ‘who is/are’ or ‘which is/are’ and can be used when emphasising the subject of a sentence i.e. who or what is doing something. The subject normally comes after the verb:
Dw i’n mynd > I am going.
Fi sy’n mynd > (It’s) me who is going.
Yn yr enghraifft hon, byddwn ni'n symud y gair 'i' i ddechrau'r frawddeg, ac yn newid 'dw' i 'sy' ar yr un pryd.
Byddwn ni'n gallu defnyddio 'sy' i uno dwy ran brawddeg â'i gilydd, heb eisiau pwysleisio dim byd, e.e:
In this example the ‘i’ (I) is moved to the beginning of the sentence and the ‘dw’ is changed to ‘sy’.
‘Sy’ can also be used to join parts of a sentence together with no emphasis.
Dw i'n nabod rhywun + Mae hi'n gweithio mewn banc
I know someone + She works (is working) in a bank
Dw i’n nabod rhywun sy’n gweithio mewn banc
I know someone who works (is working) in a bank
Hawdd yw ffurfio cwestiynau gyda brawddegau pwysleisiol. Dim ond defnyddio tôn llais ofynnol sydd ei angen. Dim byd arall sy'n newid, e.e:
Forming questions is easy with emphatic sentences. A question tone is used in the voice. Nothing else is changed.
Fe sy’n talu. (It’s) he who is paying. / He is paying.
Fe sy’n talu? (Is it) him who is paying? / He is paying.
Byddwn ni'n defnyddio Ie / Nage i ateb pob cwestiwn pwysleisiol.
Hawdd yw ffurfio gosodiadau negyddol hefyd. Dim ond rhoi 'dim' neu 'ddim' o flaen y frawddeg cadarnhaol sydd ei angen, e.e.
The answer to all emphatic questions is Ie or Nage.
Forming negatives is easy as well. Just put dim or ddim in front, eg:
Dim / Ddim fe sy’n talu
(It’s) not him who is paying.
Efallai, o bryd i'w gilydd, y byddwch chi'n gweld y ffurf ysgrifenedig nid sy hefyd yn golygu not. Ymhellach, rywbryd y byddwch chi'n glywed y ffurf lafar nace neu nage mewn rhai ardaloedd yn lle dim / ddim / nid.
You may see a written form nid for not and hear a colloquial form nace or nage in some areas instead of the above.
* Rhagor o Enghreifftiau / More Examples
1. Dw i’n bwtya'r cyri malwod - I am eating the snail curry
Fi sy’n mynd - It’s me who's eating the snail curry
2. Rwyt ti'n mynd i'r cyngerdd - You're going to the concert
Ti sy'n mynd i'r cyngerdd - It's you who's going to the concert
3. Mae hi'n dod â'r gwin coch - She's bringing the red wine
Hi sy'n dod â'r gwin coch -- It's her who's bringing the red wine
4. Mae e'n mynd â'r ci am dro - He's taking the dog for a walk
Fe sy'n mynd â'r ci am dro - It's him who's taking the dog for a walk
5. Dyn ni'n ymweld â mam-gu drwy'r amser - We visit grandma all the time
Ni sy'n ymweld â mam-gu drwy'r amser - It's us who visit grandma all the time
6. Dych chi'n cwyno am y plant bob dydd - You complain about the children every day
Chi sy'n cwyno am y plant bob dydd - It's you who complain about the children every day
7. Mae nhw'n gofyn i'r athro am help - They ask the teacher for help
Nhw sy'n gofyn i'r athro am help - It's them who ask the teacher for help
8. Mae hi'n clywed dyn + Mae e'n canu yn y gawod
Mae hi'n clywed dyn sy'n canu yn y gawod
She hears a man + He is singing in the shower
She hears a man who's singing in the shower
9. Dyn ni'n gweld y ferch + Mae hi'n gweiddi ar yr athro
Dyn ni'n gweld y ferch sy'n gweiddi ar yr athro
We see the girl + She is shouting at the teacher
We see the girl who's shouting at the teacher
10. Rwyt ti'n edrych ar y bobl + Maen nhw'n gweithio yn yr ardd
Rwyt ti'n edrych ar y bobl sy'n gweithio yn yr ardd
You are looking at the people + They are working in the garden
You are looking at the people who are working in the garden
11. Dyn ni’n lico plant sy’n helpu i olchi'r llestri
We like children who help to wash the dishes
12. Fi sy’n cwyno / Fi sy’n cwyno? / Ddim fi sy'n cwyno
It's me who's complaining / It's me who's complaining? / It's not me who's complaining
13. Ti sy’n talu / Ti sy’n talu? / Ddim ti sy'n talu
It's you who's paying / It's you who's paying? / It's not you who's paying
14. Fe sy’n mynd / Fe sy’n mynd? / Ddim fe sy'n mynd
It's him who's going / It's him who's going? / It's not him who's going
15. Hi sy’n dod / Hi sy’n dod? / Ddim hi sy'n dod
It's her who's coming / It's her who's coming? / It's not her who's coming
16. Ni sy’n ennill / Ni sy’n ennill? / Ddim ni sy'n ennill
It's us who's winning / It's us who's winning? / It's not us who's winning
17. Chi sy’n colli / Chi sy’n colli? / Ddim chi sy'n colli
It's you who's losing / It's you who's losing? / It's not you who's losing
18. Nhw sy’n bwyta / Nhw sy’n bwyta? / Ddim nhw sy'n bywta
It's them who's eating / It's them who's eating? / It's not them who's eating